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  1. V

    Circuit Training vs Body Pump

    Thank-You both for your answers...made my day.. Vonnie:+
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    Circuit Training vs Body Pump

    Hello Cathe, I was wondering is Body Pump the same as Circuit training? Just called different titles? Thanks,Vonnie
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    My Visit With the Nutrition Consultant

    Did she happen to mention anything about coffee? Thanks for your information. Vonnie
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    Does Drinking coffee=FAT

    Just wondering if anyone has experienced this or even heard of it.But I have been drinking coffee for about 2 years now.I only drink one cup in the morning,Skim milk,alittle sugar. And have noticed that I am just plain chunky in the middle mostly and am not sure if the coffee contributes.How...
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    Does Drinking coffee=FAT?

    Just wondering if anyone has experienced this or even heard of it.But I have been drinking coffee for about 2 years now.I only drink one cup in the morning,Skim milk,alittle sugar. And have noticed that I am just plain chunky in the middle mostly and am not sure if the coffee contributes.How...
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    *WD* ( a doubting Thomas)

    I have looked and looked and can't find these rotations can someone point to them.Thanks,Vonnie :)
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    Mini Step

    RE: Hi Vonnie! Thanks Debbie for the answer to my question.I can't wait either!! Vonnie:-)
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    Mini Step

    Hello Cathe, I would love to own one of the mini steps that are in your video's.Do you know where I can purchase one. Thanks,Vonnie:)
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    Fad Diets and Factoids--Where They Come From

    Hi Maribeth, Thanks so much for your response. Sounds like you have a great variety in your workout. I guess that seems to be key.As well as the Resistance training. Looks like I need to revamp again. Thanks for your response and keep the good stuff coming. We all love it. Vonnie
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    Fad Diets and Factoids--Where They Come From

    Hello Maribeth, Thanks for all your wonderful information. I have a question about coffee.I have read that it causes insulin problems.Is this true? I generally have one cup in the morning with no-fat creamer. I just started drinking coffee this year and have kind of noticed that I am a little...
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    CTX/PS rotation for weight loss

    Here ya go I found it in the first ask thread for Cathe. Hope you like it.A killer for sure.Vonnie Oct-17-01, 11:48 PM (Est) "Ctx/ps rotation explained .. PLEASE CATHE..." Hi...
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    CTX/PS rotation for weight loss

    I just found this rotation from Oct 13 2001. I wanted to know what your results were if you did this rotation. I don't know who put this rotation together but it is a killer. I am really excited about starting it. And would be grateful to hear what your results were. Thanks, Vonnie
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    I'm following Cathe's Max weight loss rotation

    Thanks Jamminx3 for your help it is much apperciated. Vonnie
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    I'm following Cathe's Max weight loss rotation

    Can You Please Tell Me Where You Located This Rotation. It Would Be Great. Thanks, Vonnie
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    Fast Twitch Muscles

    Thanks Annette!!!!!!!! What a great website I bookmarked it and will order that for sure. Thanks Again, Vonnie
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    Fast Twitch Muscles

    Hi Cyndie, Thanks for your reply. It is very helpful.As far as goals I would like to increase my speed when I run.And from what I have read about muscles and fibers.Faster runners seem to have more fast twitch muscles. So I want to see what I can do to increase my speed. And another goal I have...
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    Fast Twitch Muscles

    >I am not Cathe but I >am a personal trainer and >can help you out. >Fast twitch fibers are developed >during anaerobic workouts. This >can be weight training or >all out sprint type activities. > It depends what your >goals are. Everyone is >genetically different when it comes >to...
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    Fast Twitch Muscles

    Hello Cathe, Can you tell me how to develop more Fast Twitch Muscles. Thanks!!!!!!!!! And have a wonderful day. Vonnie
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    Pic of the Day, 6-18-01

    RE: Thanks! Thanks for breaking the exercises out its great to know how many there are for each bodypart.
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    stubborn exercise problem

    RE: Proud Apples, wink! Cathe, Can you give us an example of what your cardio week might look like. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!