Circuit Training vs Body Pump


Hello Cathe,
I was wondering is Body Pump the same as Circuit training?
Just called different titles?
Hi Vonnie! Not cathe but wanted to give you a run down of the difference since she is superbusy;) Circuit training is an interval-training technique that minimizes rest between sets and exercises. It can consist of only weight training or alternating intervals of weight training and brief, high-intensity cardiovascular exercise.(Bowflex is an example of circuit training) It can also be further divided into whole-body, splits, and sports-specific. "Your" choice depends on "your "fitness level and goals. Bodypump is a set resistance training program(45 to 60 minute non-impact) for the whole body! Equipment used is barbells and adjustable weights! Each music track played , a muscle group is worked! So you have to adjust your weights accordingly -light to moderate due to bodypump's high repetitions (each muscle group is worked for about 5 minutes) The stretching takes place between tracks ( you do have a cool down section too). You use the barbell for a warmup doing a series of squats,lunges,presses and curls and then move on to the program that starts working the larger muscles of the legs,chest, back, then the smaller muscles of the arms, the biceps,triceps and shoulders. Then the legs are worked again before the abs and of course the cooldown! As you can see Bodypump can be very repetitive as far as the workout guidelines go but it has been deliberately choreographed with the simplest of moves so that it appeals to both men and woman! No excuses for weight training! Even the choreographically challenged can do this and self regulate their weights ! If you are interested in a bodypump style workout- Cathe has POWERHOUR ! ( a must have to get it all done in an hour or if you love Bodypump workouts) If you are interested in locating a club that teaches bodypump in your area go to click on clubs on the upper right hand corner and then put your city and state in! Viola, hopefully you have a list to choose from!HTH Take care
Hi Vonnie! No, actually Body Pump is a high rep, moderate weight, total body, muscle endurance workout. Body Pump takes one muscle group at a time and works the muscle for 4 to 6 minutes straight before moving on to another body part. Circuit training focuses more on the grouping of various exercises and doing selected exercises (based on goals) for a specific number of reps or time period. Take Care :)

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