My Visit With the Nutrition Consultant

Thanks everyone for all your good wishes!

About the diet soda. You're not gonna believe what she said. Aspartame can cause an increase in hunger and sugar cravings and lowered serotonin, which can cause depression. She said, although it's hard to believe, that the body is fooled and actually releases insulin in proportion to the sweetness of the soda, thereby overproducing insulin which causes fat cells to grow faster and generally wreaks havoc in the body. She also said that aspartame increases thirst because it tends to dehydrate the body and that it can impair sleep. She also said that any aritificial sweetener tends to change your perception of what is sweet and alter the amounts of sweetness it takes to satisfy you. Studies have shown that people who use artifical sweeteners consume more sugar, and tend to be more overweight, than people who don't. Whew!

Regarding sodium, however, most diet sodas, like diet Coke and diet Pepsi, do not contain much salt at all, so that's not usually the issue.

I hate to tell you how much diet soda I've been drinking and for how long (it essentially replaced water for me), but today I couldn't even look at the stuff!! She recommends mint tea for me because she says it helps your energy level, and I need all the help I can get. I have no idea why mint tea gives you energy, but, hey, I was drinking water and mint tea all day instead of diet Coke! Okay, it's only one day, but so far so good.

Another interesting thing was the Carbohydrate Glycemic Index she gave me. Every food gets a rating from 0-100 with water having an index of 0 and table sugar having an index of 100. Foods that rate 55 or less are "good carbs" and foods over 55 are "bad" because they spike your blood sugar level. On the chart, whole-wheat bread is just as offensive as white bread, and they are both offensive. Instead of bread and rice, I need to eat more legumes. Peas, soybeans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, lentils are all great. Pasta is better than bread, rice or potatoes and whole-wheat pasta is actually healthy.


I always wondered what it was too.

I will try to explain it in my own simplistic way of thinking about it: Mother Nature knows best. We keep thinking we can come up with stuff that is better than nature, but we can't. My nutritionist consultant said: "A Luna bar is not food". An orange IS food. Steamed broccoli is food. Stovetop Stuffing is not food. Hamburger Helper is not food. You get the idea. Stick with foods in their natural states. Goya beans are okay because the ingredients are beans and water. Canned tuna is okay because the ingredients are tuna and water. The more processed a food is, the less nutritious it is.

"Clean eating" is just a general concept that does not necessarily have to be macrobiotic. However, macrobiotic is clean eating too. Macrobiotic eating is great in my opinion, but too difficult to keep up with.

Having said that, clean eating is not enough for me to reach my goals of being leaner and healthier and more energetic. It's just one aspect of it. Potatoes may be "clean" but they're too high in simple sugar to be good for me. Certain meats may be "clean" but too high in fat to work for me.

I think you are doing a great thing by planning to go for yourself! Hey, September is not that far off! I'm so happy to have inspired you!!!! I must admit, this was one of my better ideas <coy expression>.

Nancy: You mentioned sweet potatoes, which I love. Thought you might like to try one of my favorites. For lunch, or even a dinner side dish, I like to top a baked sweet potato with non-fat pineapple cottage cheese. Would this qualify? It's so good!
She said I could keep drinking my coffee if I want to, but that eventually I won't want it anymore. She said to cut back my coffee and diet soda by about half so that I'm only having those that are essential to me. For me, the essential cups of coffee seem to be the ones with breakfast.
I got the recommendation from my doctor. My doctor believes strongly in preventive health care and specializes in women's issues. Believe me, finding a good doctor was a lot harder than finding a good nutritionist! Ask around for recommendations.
More about carbs:

According to my nutrionist, when you eat a high-GI (glycemic index) diet, your blood sugar soars and so does your insulin. When insulin levels are spiking repeatedly throughout the day, it triggers diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity and may even be linked to cancer. She says people are hungrier after eating bagels, mashed potatoes or the organic english muffins I was eating for breakfast everyday.

This rang true for me because I couldn't understand why I was eating a big breakfast at 8:30 and feeling famished by 11:30. Today when I ate oatmeal and skim milk for breakfast at 8:30, I didn't get hungry again until almost 2:30 in the afternoon! The difference was astonishing. She says the low GI breakfast fuels your brain with a slow, steady supply of glucose which staves off hunger and causes you to eat less without even trying. The goal is to keep the level of glucose steady throughout the day.

One more thing I know will be of interest to you all, although not surprising: she says the low GI eating gives you more energy for working out! She thinks that strength training is the best kind of exercise to aid healthy weight loss, and thought my Cathe routine was great because it hits all the muscle groups.

More later!

Thank you for this terrific post! I really have to get my eating under control-- I've cut out sweets and fast food, but I'm still eating way too much processed food. Now I have the dreaded school reunion coming up in five months and would like to lose 35 pounds (which would put me at the high end of a healthy BMI and within ten pounds of my highest high school weight.)

I'm going to try to incorporate some of your nutritionist's advice.

Is there a clean-eating check-in?
Thanks so much for sharing all this info, Nancy! This has been really helpful. :) I was wondering if you could just elaborate on why specifically sweet potatoes are so good.

While white potatoes have a GI index of 70, sweet potatoes have a GI index of only 48, but I can't remember why. It might been the fiber that made it low GI. They also contain beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, which, I'm told, are good because they have many anti-cancer functions, strenghthen the immune system and are rich in vitamin C, and other vitamins, minerals and fiber. She kept extolling the virtues of fiber. I don't remember if there was anything else, but I do remember that she made a point of recommending sweet potatoes. Sorry I can't remember more.
Thanks Nancy! That sounds great - I guess I have to add more sweet potatoes to my diet.

If you remember any more, please share. I love hearing about nutrition, and it's not a topic most people I know are interested in. ;-)

Me too Jen! Hey, can you believe how much I got out of one hour with a woman who charges $150/hr.? I would hate to tell you how much people pay to spend an hour with me to plan for taxes AFTER DEATH. Oops, putting myself down again.
Hi Nancy,
It sounds like you have received some very sound advice. It definitely is worth the money.
WOW, Nancy, that's some great info!!!! Thank you so much. Let us know if you find anything else. :)

I was wondering if you guys know of a website where I can look up which foods are low in GI and get some recipes low in GI also?

Your $150.00 really did get you alot of useful info!! None of it was really a suprise to me, since I went to school for three years towards a degree in Dietetics (really want to finish!:), but I guess I am suprised that she had nothing but bad things to say about high glycemic carbs. I think they have their value. If I do a really hard leg workout, I make sure I get high glycemic carbs within 30 minutes (a banana), then I go on to eat my foods that are lower on the GI scale. I keep trying to choke down sweet potatoes, but I just don't care for the sweetness. Funny how they can be so much sweeter than regular potatoes yet still be lower on the scale.

I don't drink diet soda, but I do drink coffee with Equal and I must say that I was somewhat suprised to hear her take on aspartame. However, I really do believe what she says when she stated that aspartame changes what you think is sweet. I notice I have steadily increased the Equal in my coffees, was thinking the other day I really gotta force myself to cut down. I don't know if I buy the part about eating more sugar. I don't seem to have a major problem with eating excessive sugar or weight, but I guess that does not apply to everybody. Also I eat a lot of fruit, so maybe that is what she means by sugar..
It sounds like you are making a complete overhaul!! Good Luck to you! Do you think you were eating more sweets when you were taking in alot of diet soda? I think I am pretty good with pairing when you said you used to eat a bagel every morning and then be hungry again..well, I wouldn't EVER eat a carb source like a bagel or english muffin without either a protein source or fat source, such as peanut butter. That helps to in not getting hungry again. Although you said you got hungry by 11:30 and I had to think, You should be hungry by then!!! But I guess I just eat quite a few times throughout the day...:):)

Keep us updated on your progress!!

First of all, Happy Birthday and congratulations on your positive new outlook. Thank you so much for sharing this information with us.

I was surprised to hear that the GI of whole wheat bread is just as bad as white bread...I eat a lot of WW Bread and had no idea the GI was so high! On a similar note, I used to eat oatmeal for breakfast every morning but switched to a mix of Kashi Go Lean and Go Lean Crunch (with skim milk and fruit) because of the high protein and fiber content. But with respect to "clean" eating, I am wondering if eating a processed cereal instead of the "cleaner" oatmeal is actually worse for potential blood sugar spikes, despite the protein and fiber. Are there any packaged cereals that are not on the high end of the GI? I still love oatmeal and don't mind going back to it if it is even better for me than my beloved Kashi!

Mikie: I was wondering the same thing about processed cereals. I absolutely love Kashi, but can't eat it unless I know I'm going to be alone for a few hours. LOL!
I eat oatmeal every day

I have been eating two servings of Old-fashioned oatmeal with a couple of teaspoons of sugar and 1% milk for years, every day. I am usually hungry about 2-1/2 hours later, and eat again. Then again, and again. I usually eat something 6 times a day. I try to make it a mix of protein and low glycemic carb, or a piece of fruit. I average 2000-2200 calories a day.

I WISH I could go from 830 to 230 without being hungry. I'm hungry right now!


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