My Visit With the Nutrition Consultant

RE: Sweet potatoes more nutritious than broccoli

Sweet potatoes are supposedly even nutritionally better than broccoli!
RE: Cooking oatmeal in milk

I make my oatmeal with skim milk and eat the cottage cheese separately. I don't think I would want to try adding the cottage cheese TO the oatmeal. That doesn't sound too good!!
RE: Another reason to give up soda/pop & coffee

Thanks so much Juliee!! Yes, it does seem to have a ripple effect! And I haven't even completed my first week of eating healthy and I'm starting to feel a bit better already. Hope everyone else is feeling healthier too!
RE: Sweet potatoes most nutritious vegetable

Sunny Acres Farm (573-442-9324) published a flier with recipes that tells about the nutritional value of sweet potatoes: "Did you know that the Center for Science in the Public Interest rated the sweet potato as the most nutritional vegetable, having significantly more nutrients than even spinach or broccoli? Indeed, sweet potatoes boast a geneerous amount of vitamin A, B6, C, E, iron, potassium, fiber, folate, and anti-oxidant beta-carotene."

It also says to store them unwashed at room temperature or slightly cooler (55-60 degrees F.), but not to refigerate them, as that will damage their flavor, texture & storability. Keep them in a closed paper bag so they can breathe while still maintaining some of their own humidity around them to avoid dehydration.

I've HEARD that the quionine (sp?) in Tonic Water aids muscle recovery. Ask your nutritionist or doctor. Maybe that'll be another option, if you like the flavor.
That link that was posted earlier on GI index had a link to that mentions glycemic load. It also mentions a book that sounds like cutting edge nutrition on glycemic topics (sorry I don't remember the title).
Or you could put all your waxed paper packets in a Ziploc freezer bag. You'd get a tight seal & no extra unwrapping (foil).
What a great topic. I have PMS REAL bad about every 3 months. This past month was a breeze. I think it was because of what I gave up for Lent -- ALL animal products and all sugars. I rarely eat red meat anymore and mostly eat chicken breast and fish. I do not eat white sugar but eat Sucanat, honey, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, etc. I decided I needed to stop eating so many sweets.

It has really helped me with the PMS and my complexion looks great. I have been the tofu queen the last few weeks! :7

If you want a great treat with Ezekiel bread products, toast them first. It really helps with the flavor. One of my favorite sandwiches is toasted Ezekiel bread with smashed avocado on it with a small dash (less than 1/8 teaspoon) of sea salt. YUM!
Nancy, I was wondering if your nutritionist mentioned anything about fruits and veggies? My question is, are frozen fruits and veggies just as good as fresh?? I eat alot, and I mean alot of frozen fruits and veggies. I do this because sometimes the fresh goes bad to quick. Plus, I just think it is more convenient to just pull them right out the freezer and eat. I would really like to think that I am getting some benefits out of all of the fuits and veggies I eat. If anyone has any info on this, please let me know. Thanks, Aimee
Hi Aimee!

I remember from college that in some cases, frozen produce is even better than fresh. When produce is removed from the plant its cells begin to breakdown (ie it's dying like when you pick a flower).

Frozen produce is usually frozen within hours of harvesting and therefore the breakdown of the cells is stopped.

On the other hand, fresh produce continues to breakdown after harvesting and through sorting, shipping and stocking etc.

The analogy my professor used was that fresh picked corn is always sweeter than corn that had been picked several days earlier because the more time the corn has been off the plant, the more time the sugars have been breaking down to starch.

Now, that is just what I remember; someone please correct me if I'm wrong because I'd hate to be spreading rumors!!!! ;)

I love this thread!!!!!
I mentioned to the nutritionist that I sometimes eat frozen vegetables and she said "That's fine". Have you tried frozen blueberries? They seem to choose only the best ones and they can be sweeter than fresh!
Hey Nancy..
I am thinking that your nutritionist did not mention "food combining" as a way to bring down the GI of a food simply because the general trend seems to be the higher the glycemic index of a particular food, the worse it is for you. Maybe she doesn't want you combining potato chips and dip simply because they really are not the best choices anyway, see what I mean?? But yeah, I guess if you had to have white bread, better to eat peanut butter with it.....
That is my guess. If we go by the GI, then I guess all of a sudden ice cream is good for us. Obviously, we have to be able to see the whole picture! Good Luck and I am reading this post with interest as apparantly are many others....

Hi Nancy, yes I eat frozen blueberries about 2x a day. Along with other frozen fruits, and veggies. I really do eat them alot!!! I actualy heard that sometimes the frozen can be best. That's good news for me. I was also wondering if anyone uses Udo's Choice Oil?? I started using it about 1 month ago. So far I have noticed a difference in my skin and nails, oh and my PMS, which I suffer from in a major way!! It has prim rose oil in it, which is supposed to help with PMS. Anyways, thanks for everyones input. Hope to hear some more on this's sooo exciting!! I could talk about nutrition all day!! Aimee.
This thread is just what I needed. My eating has been in a rut lately and I'm getting ideas from you, Nancy (and everyone!)

Maybe I'll try that cutting up raw chicken and fish for the freezer. Although I don't want to handle the raw cold meat. It gives my fingers a frostbitey feeling.

But I do other unpleasant stuff, to get to a goal, like weeding and gardening (there are worms and bugs) and I had a baby (there were diapers. Didn't repeat that one)!
RE: Fresh or frozen

I've heard & read the same thing about frozen sometimes being better than fresh produce. Here's my strategy: I think produce from my garden is best. Then produce in season from the farmers' market (if they haven't picked it many days ahead) or from the grocery store if they frequently get re-supplied by local farmers. Then frozen. Last is always fresh produce that's out-of-season where I live & that's shipped from the opposite coast or abroad.

Thanks for sharing your nutrition education, Mikie. I bet you were a top-notch student. Hang onto your goal of finishing your studies!

This IS an interesting thread!


what a lot of response you have received and generated!!!

I'd like to ask you, what specifically did your nutritionist say you had to eat, drink, give up, ingest, invest in, overhaul, whatever, to NEVER SUFFER PMS AGAIN?!?!?!

A large part of me is so incredulous that what I put in my mouth would make any difference to how my body and brain react to the chemicals my own body generates each month, not taking into account lifestyle, stress levels, major upheavals in international politics, etc., but I ADMIT TO CURIOSITY!!!!!

If you have a mo', I'd appreciate your comments.

In PMS-hating solidarity,

Clare ;-)
Hi Nancy! My sister Mikie told me I have to check out this thread and she was right, it is great! I am a horrible eater who is trying (with baby steps) to follow Mikie's good examples for cleaner eating. As an insulin dependent diabetic, I just had to post and let you know that what you have heard about diabetic patients/doctors is true, they actually recommend staying away from aspartame because of all of the reasons that you mentioned previously (more sugar cravings, dehydration, etc.) Of course, I will not tell you how much Equal I consume in a day becaue it is gross, but hey, I'm working on it!

All of your info is right along with what my endocrinologist and nutritionists tell me, and they advocate clean eating (including good old fashioned sugar, in moderation) rather than overly processed "sugar-free" food. A good book to check out if you are interested in the glycemic index is Dr. Bernstein's Diabetic Solution, he has some ideas that are very forward thinking, and they are along the lines of what your nutritionist outlined for you. Thanks for sharing your info with us, you continue to confirm to me that my eating habits are holding me back and I just need to translate my knowledge into actions, one meal at a time!
RE: Fresh or frozen

Hi Juliee!

I'm so glad you've heard the same thing and I wasn't just spreading rumors! ;)

I actually got my BS in Food Science and Technology a few years ago (can't believe it's already been almost 4 years!) and it's amazing how useful it's been. It's funny you mention my finishing my education because I've been looking into a program to get a second BS in nutrition and pursuing a career in that field after I get married (May of 2004, yeah!).

I had been researching the program for a month or so before this thread began and my intense interest in the discussion has really validated my personal career goals.

Just more kudos for this great thread Nancy!!

Keep it coming!
If you can tell us the PMS stuff, would it be too much to ask to start a new topic since this one is getting so lengthy?


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