My Visit With the Nutrition Consultant

Thanks so much for your recent email, which I will answer as soon as I get to sit down and do personal stuff for more than 10 mins. at a time!

The nutritionist feels very strongly that changing my diet can eliminate all signs of PMS in about 2 months of eating clean and keeping my blood sugar at a consistent level. Although I don't think it's as black and white as that, it's certainly worth a concerted long term effort. Many of the details are scattered throughout this very, very long thread!

I'm surprised and dismayed that I am still having cravings. Every afternoon I crave a nasty Balance bar or Luna bar with a strong cup of black coffee, and I have given in a few times. Attack of the Killer Carbs. Oh dear.

I'll be writing back to you soon,

Hi Nancy its Kathy here again! I did read that the first time you ate oatmeal you were full for 6 hrs. That's too long of a period of time not to eat your next meal. I know that the 1st time I started eating every 2-3 hrs. I thought not only was I going to explode but also throw up from eating so much; not used to it. Try to force yourself to eat something small every 2-3 hrs. if you aren't already. You can pack up some low-fat plain yogurt w/fruit for your afternoon snack instead of the protein bar or some cottage cheese w/fruit or even a high fiber cereal will do it. This at least will hold you until dinner is served. I too can't seem to give up my coffee (flavored w/sugar & 1/2 & 1/2 no less!) but I don't give myself treats so I consider this to be ok. Hope I've been of some help. Kathy:*

Mikie, check into masters programs since you already have a bachelors. You probably already met most of the prequisites. In most cases, the number of courses you'll need for a masters degree are fewer (or that's what I've found). Of course the graduate courses will probably be more challenging. You can usually command a higher salary with a graduate degree.

Just something to consider.

I can tell you for sure that it raises your blood sugar level which, in my case, requires me to inject more insulin, and in the case of a non-diabetic, causes your body to pump out more insulin. Thinking in terms of packets of Equal, each packet affects my blood sugar in the same fashion as 1 gram of CHO. I have used Equal packets to counteract low blood sugar episodes and they raise my blood sugar in the same way candy, OJ, or coke do, depending on how many I eat of course. Please know that I don't recommend this, especially if there are other eating "issues" present, to me Equal is as addictive as any controlled substance, I have developed the need to CONSTANTLY be tasting something sweet and though I am trying, it is going to be a long process of weaning myself off of aspartame. (Plus, if someone happens to come by me while I am doing this, just picture me with white powder scattered all over the general area and a sprinkling on my lips, not a good look!) An interesting fact that I learned in the book I mentioned in my previous post is that the tablet forms of aspartame do not raise blood sugar in the same way as the powder does. I have not confirmed this but, but his ideas have always been right on in other situations.
RE: Bride-to-be


Congratulations on your engagement! Have you seen Oprah's shows on brides planning weddings & their let-down after the honeymoon? She recommended some interesting-sounding books about preparing for life together (as opposed to preparing for the wedding event). I copied a few titles down & can look for them, if you're interested. Just start a new thread.

I've not been married long myself. I can definitely say this about marriage: You get out of it what you put into it. It's well worth the effort. :)

May you be very happy together!
"A large part of me is so incredulous that what I put in my mouth would make any difference to how my body and brain react to the chemicals my own body generates each month, not taking into account lifestyle, stress levels, major upheavals in international politics, etc."

For more on how food affects you, see if your local library has "Food and Mood" by Elizabeth Sommer (sp?). I don't know if it's the latest & best out there, but it has some food for thought! It might be interesting for you to jot down notes about the food you eat & how you feel (even later), and then look for patterns.

RE: eating frequently and coffee

Kathy, your comment made me think of a strategy that may be of some use to someone who's just starting to try all this out: Don't think of it as eating MEALS every 3 hours, but as taking longer to eat the meal you used to eat all in one sitting. For example, I might split up "lunch," between my morning break (say, an apple), lunch break (maybe a bean burrito & milk) & afternoon break (some carrot sticks). It's the same amount of food that I've always eaten, but just spread out over more time. But this is probably preaching to the choir.

Have you ever wondered if you crave coffee because you're thirsty? Coffee dehydrates, and I notice I get thirsty when I drink it, making it easier to drink even more coffee. I made myself start drinking a glass of water with every cup of coffee. Then I started mixing decaf with my regular coffee in increasing amounts to wean myself off the caffeine. Then I eventually started substituting decaf green tea for the coffee. I still occasionally indulge in a coffee with turbinado sugar and half & half. I really notice the caffeine/sugar kick now! Hot chocolate made with milk is good, too. My favorite is Ghirardelli's sweetened cocoa mix (in the baking aisle of the grocery store). I suppose there's some nutritional benefit to the milk, and choco-endorphins are good for the soul, too.

On that note, it's tomorrow already, and I think I'll make myself some warm milk to put myself to sleep. Goodnight!

"I'm surprised and dismayed that I am still having cravings. Every afternoon I crave a nasty Balance bar or Luna bar with a strong cup of black coffee, and I have given in a few times. Attack of the Killer Carbs. Oh dear."

Don't get discouraged yet, Nancy!! Just keep reminding yourself that it takes six weeks to form a new habit. You'll get there with persistence. Give yourself time.

RE: eating frequently and coffee

Hi Juliee! Your strategy is correct. That is another way of looking at it. Eating the same amount of food but just splitting it up into 5-6 small meals a day. You'll be taking in the same amount of calories. For me though the protein & fiber gets cycled every 6 wks. My body gradually takes in extra amounts of protein & fiber every cycle. By the time I reach my fat burning stage I'm consuming 165g of protein & 60g of fiber; now that's a lot of food! I'm going to try what you did about the water & coffee; also going to buy that cocoa powder mix too. Thx a lot! Kathy:*
RE: Mikie

Not so sure about the need to head right to graduate school--it depends on your goals.
If you are looking to be an RD, you may be able to get there faster if you take the remaining required courses for an internship. To be an RD you will need to do an internship (9-12 months) before taking the exam. There are several master's programs that offer an internship as part of their programs.
The advanced degree will get you a bit more money (not much), but it may be worth it.
In some cases, you may be able to take necessary courses, complete the internship, sit for the RD exam and start practicing before finishng up your studies.

Juat an opinion--take it or leave it :)

RE: Mikie

Actually my point was that the masters route appears to be shorter route to an R.D. at the programs I've looked into if one already has an undergraduate degree. Apparently the programs you've looked into are different. R.D.'s I've spoken to in this area have indicated that the pay scale for those with graduate degrees is higher.

I didn't intend to offend you only to provide you with information.

Nancy Question

Thank you so much for posting this. I just now got to read it. Very interesting.

Question: You mention Beano alot. Is this just for the veggies and fruit you are eating or did she suggest eating beans too? I don't recall you mentioning them. I was just curious.

Too, this type of diet sounds pretty close to the Zone way of thinking. Are you familiar with that and is the diet she recommended close to that?

Thanks, Sharon

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