*WD* ( a doubting Thomas)

Wow--A grandma? You are awesome, woman! I'll be 40 in February and I hope that maybe I'll blossom soon. You were probably a babe when you were younger, though.
Francine--Love that pooch of yours (the puppy dog, of course, because you have no "pooch"). Once I wrote that, I realized you could take it the wrong way. You, too, are awesome looking!
Both you and the other over 45s around here give us all hope that menopause doesn't mean the end of potential "hot mama"-ness.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-02 AT 05:47PM (Est)[/font][p]Miz WD -

Where in OK do you live? I noticed the Cowboy Hall of Fame which is in Tulsa, right? I was in OK to see the Will Rogers Memorial. What a cool place!

Just Do It! :)
We live in the Oklahoma City area. Actually the Cowboy Hall of Fame is in Oklahoma City. I haven't been to the Will Rogers Memorial. I guess we will have to check it out.
RE: See there!!!

Thanks for beleiving it is me. I always thought it was me:D
As far as my face being lighter, when I tan I use sunblock on my face and yes I have put a towel on it LOL.
RE: See there!!!

WOW, you look fantastic. I'd have said 35 in a minute are you sure your 50? Guess so HA HA.

I'm very impressed and will be copying the workout rotations for when I'm at the point in my fitness plan I can incorporate such a rigours plan.


Yikes Sue! What happened while I was at work? I never meant to bring any negativity or controversy to this post! I'm a very positive person who sees the good in everyone--I would never judge anyone ever! I'm truly impressed with your physique and had to brag about it! I just had to brag to the wrong person first! Oh Boy! my husband is gonna get it tonight--or shall I say NOT gonna get it!(hehe)(hope your smiling because you are beautiful inside and out) I'm gonna privately email you some info to get you some exposure! This will put more than foots in peoples mouths! PS I'm so so sorry Sue that you had to read all this and if your feelings were hurt in any way "I'm truly sorry, I never meant for this to get ugly!" I wanted this to be taken as a "compliment" because if someone said that about me I'd be tickled pink and of course chuckling--yeah right I'm airbrushed too! Talk to ya soon !Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Oh my my Sue! You are absolutely Gorgeous!!!
The only thing about me that remotely resembles you is... my hair... it is the same length and color as yours. :D
My hubby came home and found me depressed. I showed him your pix and said I said, I don't look like this and I've been working out since 1989. Trouble in the pooch area....grrr
He was so kind to say, "Well, you've only been doing the Cathe tapes for 2 years." Somehow that helped. LOL
I saw your two rotations. I do two classes sometimes, but not in the way you've put them together. I need to tweak my program up and few notches...and alot my ab work.
(if you have time for a question, I'll understand if you don't: (does adding more and longer ab work make you have flatter ab's?)

You are truly an inspiration.

RE: See there!!!

Count me in as one more admirer. Last year I clumsily posted a request on this site (or was it VF?) for a long-term exerciser who I could look up to... I admire Cathe of course, and she has been working out for many years. But she is younger than I am. Thank you for showing me so much hope in a single (2 single) picture(s).

I have been working out to Cathe for a year and I look forward to continuing, and making strides with her, but even more now that I have seen you and heard what you have to say.

Also your husband is handsome and the things you value are worthy.

Thanks again.

P.S. I hope no one will recruit you for any guerilla special forces action, but it's nice to know that if they did, you'd be ready! (I'm in favor of truth, justice, and the American way)
Don't be silly. No one is going to say anything negative about you. I do not think that these comments here have been negative about Sue, more incredulousness and amazement. And why shouldn't we be disbelieving about Sue? Haven't we all been condition to believe that with old age comes saddle bags and wrinkles? That we should all be sitting by the fire and darning socks in our rocking chair?

Well, I for one have never thought that I should step aside for the younger generation. There are so many things that I have always wanted to explore and discover and I can only begin to do them now because I have the money and confidence in myself. I certainly am not going to think myself old before I have fulfilled my ambitions.

RE: See there!!!

* WD *I owe you the biggest apology ever(and my coworkers too) What can I do to make it up to you and the forum?Please tell me so I can get back in your good graces!(Francine, thanks for replying to my email-I never been told off in a polite way-LOL I'm sorry I turned your post and happiness for someone's achievements into a big controversy-I was very skeptical of the first picture! It was not natural and had been cut around the edges which raised suspicion, also she never posted regularly and just popped up(as a bodybuilder) also I checked her profile alot and her email addresses and data has been changed, then I see another pic of her with the bangs looking unnatural and her grandchildren's heads in these cartoons--(-thinking I knew for sure that she or someone else knew how to alter pics---) what a dope I am going on a rabbit hunt thinking she can't be trusted and I'm the one looking like the bad guy(for good reason--I'm sorry that this alarmed me and for all the commotion--please forgive me!) WD and Francine please let's put this behind us--you won't be hearing a peep out of me anymore!
RE: You look great!

What a nice picture of you and your husband. You are an inspiration. You're so lucky to be able to watch your grandkids, I have to settle for weekends only. Thanks for posting your rotations, as well.

I have a couple of questions, though:

1. Were you ever overweight (other than pregnancy weight) and if so by how much and what did you do to lose it. (I'm 5'7" 150 lbs and would love to lose 25 lbs)
2. What are some of your beauty tips. Aside from being in awesome shape physically your skin looks great too.

Any advice you can give will be appreciated. I'm 44 and I'm not ashamed to ask for tips from anyone but especially from someone who looks like 30 at 50!!!

RE: You look great!

Thank you so much. I have never had a real weight problem other than when I was 19 and worked in a donut shop for 3 months. I am 5'4" and bloomed from around 105 to 135. Quitting took care of that LOL. I mentioned some skincare products on the skincare recommendation thread that I use, although I am sure that there are many good ones that work. Really I just try and keep out of the sun without sunscreen. Although I do tan if I am going on vacation, just not my face.
RE: See there!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-02 AT 09:27PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Yen,
Ok, i'm confused!! i can't see WD. I see Francine (with the dogs, right?). I have seen Francines pics before & remember wanting the mirror, but wondering how I'd ever even get it to my basement!!

Ok, wouldn't mind having Francine's body either, I'll confess :)

I just wondered why the other pic didn't appear?

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