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  1. N

    Another freebie aqua class!

    Hey Aquajock- I'm so disappointed...I had to miss your last offering (in August) 'cuz I was out of town and now I have to miss this one, too. I normally never have much of anything going on in the evenings...except for the times you've offered us this great opportunity. Sorry I can't make it...
  2. N

    Help! Problem with ears during/after workout

    I don't have much in the way of an explanation to offer you, but I can say I experience the same thing. I thought it was just me! Mine is predominantly my left ear that is affected...the right seems to be okay. It'll be interesting to see if anyone has any ideas why this happens.
  3. N

    Calling All Minnesotans!

    RE: Hey Denise "NitWit"! Annette- That sounds great. The next couple of weeks (actually the whole month) are crazy for me, but I'll check in with you via e-mail when things calm down...Maybe we can get something set up then. Denise
  4. N

    Calling All Minnesotans!

    I hit the "post" button before I was done typing...I'm just so darn excited about all of the Minnesota connections! Anyway, Aquajock, I've got a question for you. Can we take one of your classes on a "drop-in" basis, or do we have to join the club? You've got me thinking I may have to give...
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    Calling All Minnesotans!

    Hey Joanne- I'm in White Bear Lake, too! Who knows, I may have run in to you once or twice at MarketFest (or anywhere else around town!)
  6. N

    Calling All Minnesotans!

    Count me in for the Minnesota roll call! I'm located in the Twin Cities. It'll be interesting to see who else out there is a Minnesotan. Denise
  7. N

    Powerstrike: Not My Cuppa Tea

    RE: Me Too!! Me Too!! Hi Annette, I sent you an e-mail about these, too. Let me know if you need someone to take them off your hands! Thanks, NitWit
  8. N

    So how is life with two?

    I don't have much to contribute on how life is with two children (heck, I don't even have one child yet...not even close to being pregnant for that matter). But everyone's suggestions that the new baby "give" the older child a gift reminded me of a cute story. My friend and her husband had...
  9. N

    How'd you meet your husband?

    Oh lis1, I can totally relate. All of my friends had significant others and I was always the "odd (wo)man out". They were all married and having kids, and I still was looking for someone remotely "date-able". And last single friend got engaged. I was in despair that I would soon...
  10. N

    Capri pants for "pears"?

    Wow!! I never expected to get so much helpful feedback. Thanks everyone for sharing all of your information. I can't wait to start checking out some of these leads. Thanks so much!!
  11. N

    Capri pants for "pears"?

    I am so glad to know I am not alone on this. That at least makes me feel better. As far as sewing...I wish I could. I have tried in the past, but that ended up being another exercise in frustration (much like finding pants that fit.) I do have a Talbot's near me. I will definitely check...
  12. N

    Capri pants for "pears"?

    I usually am just a "lurker", but I have a question/problem that's about to send me over the edge that I'm hoping you can all help me with. I am a "pear". Always have been, always will be. And I hate it, but I'm trying to learn to deal. Some days are better than others...And a bad day is...