Powerstrike: Not My Cuppa Tea


I'm astonished about this, but I've done both of my new Powerstrikes and I've realized that they're just not my thing. In all honesty, they felt extremely easy, albeit fast-paced, and I've learned all over again I thrive on far more impact than these workouts give me. Not to say that they're not good workouts, just not mine.

I realize it's kind of an unofficial Cathe Don't to offer to sell vids here, but if anyone's interested in purchasing them, I'll sell them for $15.00 each plus shipping which I don't know how much that is.

Anyone who's interested, feel free to e-mail me at:

[email protected]

Cathe Forever!

Annette Q. Aquajock
The Cathe Monogamist
:'( Dang! I was hoping you would love these tapes as much as me. Sorry I helped you spend your money and you were disappointed! Of course, I am partial to kickboxing over all other forms of cardio. I'm also probably the only person on this forum who thinks IMAX isn't as intense as Rhythmic Step!

I'm sure someone will snap up your Powerstrikes then you can spend that money on some other tape!

Oh, Annette! That's really stinks that after all that hesitating to purchase them and finally deciding to get them that you don't like them! I love them, but tend to reach for Cardio Kicks first for the fun factor in her drills (plus, it's Cathe!).

If you don't get any interest here, I guarantee they will be scooped up immediately if you put them on the firm board--that's where I got mine (I paid $20 including priority shipping).

Take care,
Hi Annette, I ordered Powerstrike Millenium 1 and 2 all the way back in late June when they were out on vacation. Still am waiting to receive them. BOY am I patient! (This was before I read about CK sales.) Anyway, I live in the Minneapolis area and I'm thinking maybe I could buy yours and return my unopened ones to the Powerstrike, if I ever receive them. Hmmm . . . I'd better check their return policy. What do you think??

Also I've been meaning to have a little chat with you, I love your posts. You have a terrific sense of humor and it's like your're a flowing fountain of information.
Hi Aquajock,
I sent you an email about buying one of your Powerstrikes IF the other poster doesn't buy them and if they are still available.



I ordered last week & received my tapes yesterday (NY to CA). You might want to follow up.
RE: Me Too!! Me Too!!

Hi Annette,

I sent you an e-mail about these, too. Let me know if you need someone to take them off your hands!

I'm with Lorrie

I feel so guilty for shoving Powerstrike down your throat! I know you hesitated/debated for quite a while about purchasing them, and I was one of the "cheerleaders" egging you on. I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy them, I could have sworn they'd be right up your alley!?
At least you won't have trouble selling them. :)

RE: To Lorax and Getnfit@38

Please, please, PLEASE don't apologize for helping me spend my money on fitness gear! Sometimes something just doesn't fit a personal preference, but I very much value your opinions!

One of the beauties of being me - aside from my outstanding good looks - is the fact that the county authority for which I work has an awesome employee benefit: I can use the cash value of my accrued sick leave hours to be reimbursed for fitness-equipment and fitness-education related expenses. AND, as a paid aqua aerobics instructor, I get paid for working out in the pool, thus what my reimbursement doesn't cover my instructor stipend does. AND, Powerstrike was not at all difficult to find buyers for! All of that to say - PLEASE don't stop helping me spend my money for me - you are both very much on the ball!

Thanks again! Keep the comments and reviews comin'!

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Amadeus!

LOVE your screen name! So you're a Minneapolitan too, huh? How you likin' this bean-soup day we've got ahead of us?

It's not the heat . . .

It's the stupid sucky humidity. Is it my imagination, or is this the most humid summer on record? It is just down right Tallhassee here, folks :(. Where'd all my beloved Canadian air go? Okay, I'm done ranting, bp is back to normal.

Alas, it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to buy your Powerstrikes because I didn't follow directions. Duh! All it took was one little e-mail. Oh, well. I emailed PS yesterday and said if it's not in the mail, just cancel the order. PS is eluding me.

I wanted to ask you about aqua-aerobics. I've joined NW Athletic Club and I went to a class there. The brochure described this class as "advanced". I thought I was going to get a heavy-duty workout in the H2O. WRONG! Sorry if I sound mean but most of the ladies there were as weak as kittens. And gave me dirty looks the whole time just because I wanted to get my heart rate up over 125 bpm. When the instructor said "jog to the length of the pool 3 times" I kicked-butt there and back and sucked everyone along in my wake.

Question Webbed One:

What can I do to get a little more aerobic "buzz" in these types of workouts. Unfortunately, they seem be geared toward the less fit even if they are called advanced. I did use the paddle/dumbells, but when she pulled out the old rubber tubing I died.

Thanks, I all ready know you'll give me a great answer.

You are too funny! I visualized all those "weak kittens" being dragged along in your wake! They had their eyes pulled back in slits as the water was rushing along them!!! As a matter of fact, they ended right behind you because of your great pull! Tee-Hee! Keep up doing what you are doing. Sounds like it is working great for you. Also, yes, I think this Summer is the worst for humidity. This is coming from someone who just came in from a 4-mile jog and clocked in at a whole extra minute then I did with Monday's 4-mile jog!:-( All-in-all, I was thrilled to finish! (And....to live to tell you about it!:7)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

I want to add my name to the list of the "guilty" for encouraging you to spend $$ on these tapes and to say I'm sorry you weren't happy with them. I think they are great. I also felt that they weren't as intense (& they are NOT) as a Cathe tape, BUT, I wore my HR monitor and my HR was right up there in my zone. Oh well, to each his own on what we like, right? Glad you were able to give them good homes.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Annette! I'm also sorry to hear that you didn't care for the Powerstrikes! But, I'm happy that buying them wasn't a burden for you. How awesome that you get those benefits you mentioned! :) Well, I'm glad you tried them anyway! Never hurts to try. Take care!


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