How'd you meet your husband?


This is totally off topic, but I was curious where/when you first met your husbands/boyfriends?

I just graduated college and am wondering if I'll ever meet someone. My friends all have serious boyfriends so I get jealous, although I definately don't want their relationships. A lot of people meet their "men" at work, but there's no one under 30 at my job!

Thanks for sharing!
Do you really wanna know?

When I was 18, I met my husband online. He was 21. We met IRL a month and a half after meeting online, and got married 2 months after that. We've been happily married for 5 years now. (I, however, DO NOT recommend meeting people {for romantic relationships} online!!! It works for a few people, but I'm sure a lot of times it turns out pretty bad!)

We were penpals online, because we shared similiar interests (I was not looking for romance online!), and my stepmom and I had to make a trip to Dallas (where he lived) for something, so I decided to go to the pharmacy he worked at and say hi, and it was sorta like love at first sight...
Hi! I worked at an ice cream bar. A guy who had a crush on my co-worker stopped in to flirt with her one day. He brought a friend as to not look like a loner. The friend got bored and we started talking. He asked me out on a date and I said yes. We kept dating. And dating. Nine years later he asked me to marry him and I said yes. See, ice cream isn't bad for you! Just kidding. Seriously, the key, (I think) was that I wasn't looking for anyone at the time, you know? I wasn't exuding desperation (not that you are!) or lonliness. I was confident and content in my singledom - then BAM! love came and smacked me upside the head. You will find someone and then you will post your own story! Don't despair - love is everywhere!
At a deposition (he's a lawyer). I've met all my boyfriends/SO's etc. from either work (I was at a law firm myself before I quit to trade the financial markets), the stock market, tennis, running, or rock climbing.

I'll tell you one place where there are 20 men for every one woman and that's the financial markets. If you get into an investment group or financial market chat or analysis, you'll meet more men than you can shake a stick at, and some of them are pretty decent.

I was married when I got into this but I've met literally dozens of men who I'd date from the financial markets.
I met mine through the personal ads. I saw his ad, thought he sounded cool, and contacted him. The minute we met, we knew it was something special....

We got married about 8 months later....

I met my husband at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. No kidding. And, I too was in a place where I could care less about finding a man, and primarily concerned about bettering myself. However, it was mutual love at first sight. I think we both knew shortly after meeting each other that we would get married. If you just graduated college, don't worry, you've got plenty of time! I didn't meet my husband until I was almost 26 and we got married a little over 2 years later (I'm still a newlywed).

I'm not suggesting you develop a drug or alcohol problem to meet a man, but it worked for me. :)
I met my husband in high school. We were high school sweethearts and got married right out of high school. Being from a little town in Iowa where everyone knows everyone, and being so young, alot of people said we'd never make it. But we proved them wrong and this year will celebrate 23 years of marriage. And I'm still crazy about him!!!
I met DH at a fraternity party eleven years ago! I was there with my girlfriends, I went to get a beer and his friend started hitting on me. I wasn't interested, and it must have shown on my face because DH stepped in to "save" me (he said something like "Just ignore my friend, he's an idiot") and I turned to see my very own knight in shining armour! He walked me back to my dorm that night, we married 6.5 years later, to the day, (yes, that friend stood up in the wedding) and it's been 5 incredible years of marriage! :7
As for meeting new guys, I've heard that even the produce dept of the grocery is a good place.
Short answer: Work (sorry). I was a hostess in a restaurant and my husband came into eat with his 'family' (really the family of one of his cousins).

Expanded: My last semester of college was spent living in Mexico doing a research project. I had been back for about 6 months when I had this hostess position. My husband and his family came in to eat and as soon as he walked thru the door I was immediately drawn to him. I just knew he was something special. A little later, I went into the bathroom and some of the women were there. They all looked Mexican (and where I live there are very very few Mexicans, almost none!, especially 10 years ago)and so I asked them if they were from Mexico. The mother explained that they all lived here for a very long time, but that her 'nephew' had only been here a year. I suggested that he could come talk to me as I hadn't spoken my spanish since i'd been back. After he ate, he did indeed come over and talk to me. Got my number, called later for a date.

The interesting part: is that I wasn't supposed to work that day. I had several jobs and Sun. was supposed to be my day off from them all. But it was Mothers Day and they thought we'd be busy. We weren't. Since my mom had died a few months prior to that... Yes, it was a very hard to decision to have gone to Mexico in the first place, but my mom InsisteD I go. She waited till I got back before dying... and I didn't have plans I went in to work. My husband on the other hand, didn't want to go out to eat. He had been out drinking the night before and wanted to sleep. But his 'aunt' insisted he get up and go with them. It was, after all, Mothers Day and she was sort-of mother-like to him at that time. Neither of us planned or even wanted to be there.

I like to think that somehow my mom arranged the whole thing. Sappy and perhaps not true, but I think of him as my last gift from my mom. Jeanne
Oh lis1, I can totally relate. All of my friends had significant others and I was always the "odd (wo)man out". They were all married and having kids, and I still was looking for someone remotely "date-able".

And last single friend got engaged. I was in despair that I would soon be the only single one. Well, to make a long story longer, it's a good thing for me that she did get married because it was at her wedding that I met my now-husband. He came up and asked me to dance during a polka (no, we're not golden oldies...we're thirty-somethings. What can I say, the man marches to a different drum.) He was so nervous all he could say was "Come on, let's go." Pretty smooth, huh? Well, I didn't think he was really my type, but we danced a few more times that night anyway and then he started e-mailing me. And kept e-mailing me and kept e-mailing me and kept...well, you get the idea. So, I finally gave in and went out on a date with him. Now we're married. Just goes to prove that you never can tell!
Now about you...

Now, about you... You will meet someone. You are young. There is plenty of time. In fact, I think there are many benefits to meeting someone after you are just a little bit older and know yourself better. I think that you become more established in who you are and that you don't then somehow change or mature quickly and find the other person less desirable or vice versa. I am sure it works out for some to meet young, but I would advise a young friend of mine to keep dating and look around. FInd out just what kind of fish are in the post-college sea. Enjoy the time you have to yourself. Some day you won't have it. Of course it is natural to feel a bit envious, but your time will come. Think of all the first kisses left!!! Don't worry. It'll happen. Jeanne
I have a fun story that I like to share. I met my husband in college.

I saw him on campus. His job was stocking the ice cream vending machines. I would frequently pass by him while he was filling the machines and get weak in the knees - he was so cute. Pretty soon all of my housemates (5 of them) saw him frequently on campus (he has Buddy Holly glasses and is very noticeable) and we were all calling him the vending machine boy. They would report all vending machine boy sightings to me when they got home at night. It was love at first sight. I was too scared to say anything to him, however.

Finally, my cousin (one of my housemates) took action. She was napping on her textbooks in a vending room on campus and woke up to see him in there filling the ice cream. She seized the moment and said 'hey what's your name', then 'are you single', finally 'my cousin thinks you're cute'. He thought she was a weirdo and was embarrassing him because it was a small room with other people in it. He told her to tell her cousin to say hi next time she sees him. Of course I didn't.

Then a month or two went by. My cousin runs into him again. She corners him (and he is said to have thought - oh no, it's her again). She asks if she can get his phone number so her cousin can call him. He says (typical!) - Can I see her picture first? She shows him my picture and he agrees. I can't believe he agreed because it was a funny picture of us with her grabbing my butt! Anyway, she gets his phone number, and also gives him ours. To get to the point - He calls me (I was so freaked out I wasn't going to call him), we meet, immediately start dating, and now we are married. Our joke is he stocked the vending machines and I stalked him.

I can't believe no one has mentioned church yet. That's where I met my husband. He saw me from the balcony and decided to make a move. It worked, I guess - we have been married for almost three wonderful years.
I met my husband where my mother told me I would never meet any nice guys, at a local bar. It was in the middle of tax season when I work very long hours. A coworker and I went to grab a couple of beers. He came up to me and introduced himself. When he left he shook my hand! I usually did not give out my phone number but I did. He called later that week. I wasn't expecting it. He was going to pick me up at my place for a date. A guy I worked with got upset because I didn't know too much about the guy and he was coming to my place where I lived alone. As soon as he came through the door I knew it was alright. He just gave out this sense. It is now ten years later. We have been married for 7 years. My mother now says that you usually will not meet a nice guy in a bar.

At the time I had had it with men. I wasn't looking. And I was 26. Most of my friends were married and started to have children so I know how that feels.
Hi Lis1!

I felt compelled to share this with you:

I have been best friends with a group of 7 other young women since college (we are the All Stars). During college, only one All Star had a serious boyfriend. The rest of us always joked about how we had to be single b/c any guy that dated one of us had to put up with all of us (and believe me, the one that did put up with a lot!) Certainly, we all always wanted a boyfriend and longed to find "the one", but looking back, we would have missed out on SO much if we didn't have our time together as girlfriends.

That said, we are now all 2-3 years out of college. The first All Star wedding is in one week. There are two more scheduled within the next year. The rest of us all have found perfect men and coudn't be happier!

I met Matthew when I worked for a beer company out of college and he worked in a bar in Dallas. We're moving in together in July.

Among the other 7: one has been with the same guy since high school. 3 others "rediscovered" guys they had known for years and years. One was set up (by Matthew), one met him at my sister's wedding, one met him at a bar.

I firmly believe that "the one" is out there looking for you too...and when you know, you know!

And finally, the best words of advice I have ever gotten on relationships were given to me by my best friend's mother when I was tired of dating all the wrong guys: "It's only supposed to work out once".

Take care,
What great stories so far! I'm enjoying reading them

My husband & I went to high school together. He is 2 years older than me. I was dating his best friend :) but we were attracted to each other... when I went to college, he would come visit me every weekend. We fell in love and got married when I finished grad school 2 years ago

You will meet someone, don't worry too much about it! I always thought dating people at work was kind of awkward anyway :)

I met my husband (almost of 1 year :)) at a playground right before we started our 10th grade year. I was sitting up on these big rocks with my friend, and I noticed him playing tennis. I talked to him that night, and the rest was history. We dated all through high school and college (went to separate colleges) and were married last June.
On the internet. I had just gotten back from being an exchange student in Sweden and found a site where people who are interested in Scandinavian things hung out. I sent out a message, asking if there was anyone who wanted to help me keep the Swedish I learned fresh. He was the only one who answered. At the time, I didn't think much because he is 23 years older and an "old fart" but as time wore on, something was changing and after 2.5 years, he invited me to Sweden to check him out if he was marriage material. He was and we've been married fro 7 years now and still going strong!!

Marcia, freezing in northern Sweden
Here's a church story, although it is not mine, it's my brother in law's: there was a church function scheduled for an evening, but the date had been changed at the last minute. Everyone got the message except Mike and his future wife. They had never met before but were the only ones who showed up, and the rest is history.

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