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    Cathe, why is CTX laid out the way it is?

    I just wondered why the strength portion wasn't ahead of the cardio portion. Is there a strategy you had in mind? I only ask because most people I've talked to prefer to do their strength training first, to retain good form and go heavier. It's hard to do that after getting winded from the...
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    Cathe, fess up, what planet are you really from????

    LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-02 AT 07:41PM (Est)[p]Cathe must be from Planet Low End. That explains it all.
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    Essental Oils?

    Since I've been taking 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil per day, along with 1500 mg of evening primrose oil, my PMS literally stopped. And I had it pretty bad! And it's good for the brain, too. - Kath
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    Which Barbell

    I just got my first barbell last week. It is an Ivanko aerobics bar, padded, and I got it from (ordered it on the phone, 1-800-266-4967). I researched everything and that was the best I could find. I also second the Bollinger slip locks - questioned everyone and found them...
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    Upright Rows!?! Someone talk to me!

    The move that is bad for the rotator cuff is where you are holding the weights down at your sides, arms straight, and then bringing them straight out to the sides, not bending the elbows. Lifting them any higher than, say, your chest area, causes rotator cuff problems. Sorry, I don't know the...
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    Recovering from foot surgery and frustrated

    I broke my foot once and couldn't work out either, although I only did about three days per week, mostly cardio. I also had to stop selling fragrance at the mall because I couldn't stand on the concrete floors. I have a computer job, so I could still earn income, but the trouble is, I got...
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    Slip lock vs. spring clips (Bollinger)

    Thank you so much, Marlene. I'm going to get the slip locks, just as you recommended. I appreciate your help - Kath
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    Slip lock vs. spring clips (Bollinger)

    Okay, I'm taking the plunge and purchasing a barbell. My question is, I've been over and over the barbell posts and I'm confused about the clips. There is one called a slip lock, that looks like a big fat black ring. There is another one called a spring clip, that looks kinda like tongs, with...
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    suggestions for advanced hi-lo videos

    Karen Voight Power Packed Workout I tried Karen Voight Power Packed Workout for the first time today. I loved the warm-up, cool down stretching and abs. However, the hi-low was hard to follow; her cueing is poor - she was already into the move and the move was almost over before she gave a...
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    body bar

    Thanks! I was looking for something like this, too. My only question is, how soon are we going to outgrow the 24 pound maximum weight? Since I haven't been exercising with a bar at all I have no idea how much weight I'm gonna need soon. Anyone? - Kath
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    Anybody know about........

    You could try the "Master Cleanser" or "Lemonade Diet." I just finished the Master Cleanser, by Stanley Burroughs. I did it for eight days and felt great (well, okay, the first day or two I had some head pains and some lower back/kidney type pain). It's a food fast where you drink water with...
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    water retention

    "LOL" stands for laughing out loud. The best way to get rid of water retention is to drink a lot of water. You can also get some dandelion root at the "hippie store" or another herbal diuretic of some sort. The important thing is the water - if you take an herbal diuretic it only works if...
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    Airline Snacks

    Don't forget the string cheese! Yummmmmmmm... - Kath
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    Could you send me a copy at [email protected]? I think it would be easier for you to just post it here, though. Thanks! - Kath