Cathe, fess up, what planet are you really from????


I've been doing your step and weight DVD's and I've concluded you can't be human. ;-)

Your ability to continue moving, jumping, lifting heavy weights, AND talking for 70 minutes, is clear proof that you must be an ET!!! :-wow

Oh, also your ability to do 3 sets of straight legged military pushups AFTER doing chest and arm exercises is also proof of your ETness.

Fess up, what planet are you from? What are the motives of your people - to take over our planet by exhausting all steppers? Personally, I'll probably die from pain and laughter. After I fall flat on my face, trying to do those exercises, I start laughing when I see you get up and keep right on going! :-tired

You can't be human - it's simply impossible!!

Your greatest fan, Laura :)
I have to agree! After having done Power Hour for the 1st time I was amazed how you just keep on going! I was grunting to push through some of those reps and you seemed at ease. I know it's your job and all but man, you are definetly someone to admire! :) I hope your ET friends don't come back for you! ;-) All the best,Susan
Laura, I had to laugh because EVERY time I do S&H chest-back I think the same thing when she says, "push-ups~oh no!" But after all that heavy chest work, knocks out the slow count push ups! I'm usually sitting on my bench sweating profusely and saying something like, "what planet are you from lady?!" :)
Cathe is awesome, and really gives me goals to aim for. :)
(like joining her one day during the slow push ups!)

HA, HA. Glad to see I'm not the only one making faces at Cathe! Just yesterday, I was doing a tape and after killing myself with chest exercises, Cathe started pushups where she'd pause in the middle for a few seconds, then proceed to do them.

I'd try one or two, get down to the floor, but then get stuck. I'm hit the floor with a thump and start laughing. I ended up by sitting on the floor watching her finish them. Very nice relaxation period for me!!!

My "Cathe's Not Of This World" moment came the first time I did Interval Max, especially when we all got to interval #10, The Doom Interval with all of those airborne jacks and high tuck jumps. I thought, "Those legs belong to another dimension to go that wide and that high!"

I thought that after the workout, of course - I was almost hallucinating during the interval itself!

Annette Q. Aquajock
My husband's always been amused by her line in one of the ab sections in the PS series. He watches me on the floor, huffin' and puffin' and killin' myself when Cathe says: "Just sixteen more!" He thought that was so funny. You expect "just four more" or "just two more," not SIXTEEN MORE. Now, I laugh everytime she says that.
Cathe is from Imax which is in the Plyo galaxy. Apparently her alien leaders forgot to tell her that although her human disguise is very cute and highly believable, her level of stamina and energy is of course, out of this world.

Seriously, my favorite moment is during MIS after the 2nd set of bench presses she says, "Take a break and suck up some more energy for those flies." Then, without letting even a second go by, she says (in an excited, energetic voice), "Now, I am going to drop to 15#s..." And I'm thinking, 'That was enough time to for your inner vacuum to suck up energy? I didn't even turn mine on yet!?!' Man is she inspiring and motivating!!!!
Laura, I really think you've hit on something here! LOL

When I heard that Cathe was coming out with a whole series of new workouts mere months after her second pregnancy, just as she did after her first--I was amazed. And then I heard about the "Intensity" theme and I was thinkin' well, geez, her other videos aren't intense enough?!?! Gotta love the woman. But you're right... she is other-worldly! :)
I thought the same thing about her upcoming videos and even counted back to April to see how many months have passed since the baby was born. Darn, I've never had ONE baby and I don't look at good at Cathe!

I also laugh when I hear Cathe say, "16 to go" or "34 more" or something like that. My body is begging for 1 more, and she's throwing 34 more at me. Forget it . . .

Does she take vitamins or WHAT?????

Another thing I was wondering last night was if Cathe has any bad habits. With abs like those, I don't think over-eating is a problem for her. Maybe she likes to shop, but it's definitely not food related!
Hi Everyone! It's me ET, hehehehe! You are all just too funny! Just came on to quickly answer some questions and the title of this one caught my eye. Thank you for your "alien" compliments. Made my day;-)!
I believe that Cathe is genetically engineered and contains feline DNA (like the lead character on "Dark Angel"). Baring alien genetics, how else to explain her high plyo jumps (which come close to, but don't quite rival, those of my cat Bobsie).
Thanks for a laugh everyone! This thread was hilarious! :D

Because my DH and I are Sci-Fi fans I've been thinking Cathe maybe runs on dilithium crystals, like what powers the starship Enterprise. Can't you tell I'm a nerd? ;-)
Hi Cathe, glad to see you didn't mind my teasing. You just can't even imagine how much I enjoy your workouts and how challenging they are.

Everytime I think I'm actually in good shape, I do one of your tapes, and I'm reminded I have a ways to go. But that's OK, because it gives me something to work for.

As others have said, when I grow up, I want to look like you!!

Laura (who actually survived interval max yesterday)
RE: Cathe's preferred snacks

Rocks sprinkled with protein powder

A glass of nitroglycerine with a dynamite stick for a swizzler

Two spoonfuls of cayenne pepper

8 oz. Mexican jumping beans

Flubber in a juice box

All may be found at your local organic food store . . .

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Cathe's preferred snacks

Aquajock, that's great. Maybe the glass of nitroglycerine with a dynamite stick for a swizzler is her pre-workout sports drink. That would explain a whole lot. I'm just drinking water!!!

By the way, how tall is Cathe?? I assume she's petite. Which means her legs are two very powerful locomotives!


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