Airline Snacks


I'm going on a 6 hour flight and they don't serve meals, only snacks. I am sure they are things like oreo's and such which I can't really eat. What type of snacks do you sugest. I have a few idea's but was wondering if I could get some more. And as far as protein, I am afraid to leave anything out that may spoil like turkey, or chicken or even HB eggs or yogurt.
I don't want to get off the plane and be so hungry I'll over eat.
What things would you bring????? Thanks in advance...
Snacks I've brought on planes: raw veggies, fresh fruit, whole wheat bread & peanutbutter, low-fat granola bars, rice cakes, cereal, popcorn

Have a safe flight!

You're on vacation, eat an oreo! Seriously, I brought a lot of the things Marnie mentioned when I went to France. My favorite choice is Balance Bars. They are great! They even make uncoated kinds that won't melt if you put them in your pocket! Have a fun trip and don't stress too much!
How about some trail mix? You can start with peanuts and/or soy nuts, add some dried fruit and then get creative as you want with more additions if you desire! We sometimes add cereal and/or crackers.
Raw almonds, or any nuts, mix them with dried fruit if you like. Take a big bottle of filtered water. A sandwich is fine if you eat it first, leave the nuts for later. Rice cakes are good, spread a little nut butter on them, then put them back in a baggie. Fruit. Graham crackers, the 100% whole wheat kind, with nut butter are good.
I'll vote for PB&J! Make it on whole wheat bread and you can't go wrong.
You gotta watch packaged trail mix. I looked at the nutrition label at package in Cracker Barrel, and a package of chocolate candy was lower in calorie than a comparable package of trail mix...WAY lower.

Gotta read those labels.
You know, sometimes I think this whole "Food will spoil" thing is overemphasized. I have eaten cream cheese (on pita) which has sat in my desk, unrefrigerated for an entire day. My husband carries a lunchmeant sandwich at school for at least 4 hours before eating it. And he also insists on letting foods cool before putting them in the fridge. I start to defrost my meat on the counter top. I've even brought back previously, hot cooked food from Mexico on the plane (cheese chili rellenos) . I have never, ever experienced food poisoning.

I'd carry a sandwhich, a protein bar, and some fruit. I would make sure it was all cold right up until the time I packed it.

Thank you everyone for your input. I know I'm a little fanatical re: refrigeration. I grew up always getting sick from spoiled food so I am very far the other way with it now. I guess you could call me a germ-a-fobe.
I think I'll bring a Protein bar, fruit, celery/carrots, PB& J on my homemade whole grain bread, and maybe some homemade granola with nuts and dried fruit. That should hold me.

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