Recovering from foot surgery and frustrated


Caroline Knorr

Hi everyone, I really need some encouragement. I had a bunionectomy 2 1/2 weeks ago and while I'm still in a surgical boot, I just got the go-ahead from my doctor to do non-impact exercises like stationary biking and upper-body weights. Trouble is, I am just too tired. I can barely make it through the morning before I need a nap. Before my surgery, I was working out with cathe tapes and running 5-6 days a week. I was in beautiful shape and just getting stronger and more energetic. I was really looking forward to getting the word from my doctor that I could begin gentle exercise but I don't feel like I can begin right now, and the more days that pass without exercise, the worse I feel. Plus, I can tell I'm putting on some weight - especially in my trouble zone, my butt.

My doctor said my fatigue would go away as soon as I start healing more and that my body was working hard to heal my foot - hence, the tiredness. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has had this experience or who's had to take a few mandatory weeks off from exercise and how they got back on track. Thanks!
I broke my foot once and couldn't work out either, although I only did about three days per week, mostly cardio. I also had to stop selling fragrance at the mall because I couldn't stand on the concrete floors. I have a computer job, so I could still earn income, but the trouble is, I got depressed. Not greatly depressed, where you'd really notice it - it was subtle and I didn't even realize it until I had gained, get this, about TWENTY pounds! This was over a year's time, though, and although I occasionally went back to the gym I didn't get into working out regularly for awhile. It took another year to lose the weight, and now I'm five pounds below what I was before I broke my foot and in better shape because the quality of my work outs has improved. I say, wait until you have some energy and go slowly, but steadily, doing SOMETHING. Don't let it get bad, like I did. I hated the exercise bike so I didn't do it even when I got the okay, and wasn't doing upper body weights anyways so that wasn't one of my options. I can empathize with you, and I'll pray that you recover quickly and totally. By the way, my bone healed so well that I never feel it anymore - not even when it rains! - Kath
Hi Caroline!

I had a bunionectomy last fall in October. At 3 weeks, I was allowed to swim, and do seated upper body, but didn't lift because I couldn't really do anything else to warm up. I was not allowed to cycle until 5 weeks. I could run at 6, and do aerobics at 8 or 9 weeks. That meant no toe push-ups until 9 weeks, also.

I know exactly how you feel. I was very active, running a lot, lifting, doing lots of stuff, before the surgery. I did lose alot of cardio and strength capacity. The strength came back much quicker than the cardio. I was used to working out 6 days/week, and was surprised at how long it took me to work back up to that. I think it was late Jan/early Feb before I was able to do 6 days/week again. My butt is still giving me problems, but that may be a function of the rotation I was following along with some poor eating habits, and the fact that I am turning 35 this year and am noticing a lot of changes for the worse. It also took a while to build back my running base, but once I got into a routine, it came back better.

However, it does get better! So, please don't be too discouraged. It is kind of big surgery for the foot. My biggest problem is that my foot is still swollen for some unknown reason. So, I have had to shelve my dreams of being able to wear any shoe I want, and have settled for whatever shoe I can cram my foot.

Good luck with your recovery!

Hi, Caroline! Glad to hear from you again!

You mentioned your foot is still in a surgical boot. Has your doctor prohibited you from immersing the foot? If not, and if she gives the go-ahead, maybe you could do some aquajogging, long-lever kicking and upper body range of motion stuff in the deep end of a pool. I think I recall our having a cyber-dialog about this a few weeks ago, but maybe that was someone else.

Anyway, let us know how you get on!

Caroline Knorr

Hi Annette and everyone else who replied to my desperate plea for help! Yes, AquaJock, that was me you sent the water-jogging info. to.

I want to thank you all for telling me your experiences with your feet. It really helps to hear from people who've been there. I really feel that I am not too tired today and that I can attempt some upper-body work. I am going to really force myself (well, not "force" so much as "gently prod.")

Anyway, Annette, I am so scared to get in a pool. I know that sounds crazy, but I am not sure I can do it. I am able to get my foot wet -- doc said I can take a shower, which I have. But getting in a pool seems very intimidating. Plus, all my bathing suits are hideous and I can't imagine shopping for a new one now. I know I am putting silly obstacles in my way.

Today, I'm going to try the standing leg work from Karen Voight Smooth Moves, and possibly the floor work from PS legs. I am also going to try some yoga stretches and some PS upper body tapes.

Thanks for the encouraging words!
I had this on Jan 23

oh, and in your same boat!! I'd lived with this huge bunion as long as I could--and I had to fix it. I, too, am a 6 day work-out person. This just killed me. This is what I turned to:
Pure Strength Upper Body; Slow & Heavy Upper Body; Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout; Pilates, Callanetics; Charlene Prickett's Low impact routines: Cruising Altitude and Start Your Engines (I had to modify the lunges in these, of course); and some stationary bike. Someone should have taken my picture doing Charlene in my surgical boot!! :)

But, I can tell you that now about 12 weeks later--I still can't do static lunges carrying 50 lbs like I did before--but, the foot looks good--still a little swollen, too, but I can do calf raises again--and I think it will improve from here.
So, this was a good thing you did for yourself; keep telling yourself: this was my Choice for the better long-term!!
(I screwed up knee in the meantime on the other leg--so, now I'm reduced to upper body weights ---oi vey!! :eek: what a year!!)
Hang in there!! Murph
Question for Murph

Caroline Knorr
Murph - were you actually doing low-impact with your boot? I am three weeks post-op and I finally didn't feel totally exhausted today, so I did PS floor work, plus some other leg exercises, and PS CST. But I'm not sure I could do anything with impact -- is that even possible?

I have the PS series and S&H. I'm wondering if I should get Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout. Thanks for your encouragement and good luck with your own recovery! Bunions - funny name, but not very funny if you have 'em.
RE: Question for Murph/eek!

I have to say that I went to a charity dinner-dance last night and shook a bootie in a flat shoe--and the bootie is very swollen today!! :-rollen
What a pain!!
It all depends on what you call "impact." I did PS upper body faithfully, plus Slow & Heavy upper bodies too. I just made an exciting discovery today--I can Nordic Track!! But, the first 3 weeks in the boot, I did very modified Charlene Prickett--(All she does is high knee lifts) and some lunges, which I did not do, of course. I could also do most of Aaron Lankford's PowerKicks with the use of a chair for balance. And all of this in the surgical boot.
Voight's Great Weighted Saved Me--and with my screwed up knee--it continues to save me. I can do most of it. Good Luck!!

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