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    FIT TV wants your input

    At present I am not working out due to a history of preterm labor. But I watch Fit TV alot, but when I do start (8/04)God willing it will be something like this. 1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific Between 8-10 am. 2) How many days a week do you typically...
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    Tell us about the new work-outs you created by chaptering.

    RE: Those Are Some Great Chaptering Ideas... If I did the Slow & Heavy in 2 days, I'll take the rest of the week off.:9 I bought the Cathe's 23 Pack back in August and now is when I'm using them especially the step work-outs which I'm giving myself a month to learn each. I'm alternating...
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    Tell us about the new work-outs you created by chaptering.

    I for example took the Slow & Heavy and made three totalbody work-outs by taking sections from each of the three work-outs and chaptering them because I didn't want to work only my legs & biceps all in one tape. At first I didn't appreciate this work-out but making them into totalbody work-outs...
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    Beginning Step Aerobics Videos

    RE: Start from the beginning... Cathe's StepNMotion1 and Mega Step Blast. I started doing Cathe's with these two last month giving myself a month to learn them alternating it with a Cathe or Firm strength work-out. The music is awesome on these and it's pretty intense once you learn them...
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    beginners video

    RE: A Yay for........ Cathe's StepNMotion1, Mega Step Blast & Wedding Video. Why not check them out on the video clip? Nice music too. Also, you might want to try if you own a DVD player The Classics 1 dvd, it features some of her earliest work-out, Step Jam, Step Heat, & I think Step...
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    DVD Request.....

    RE: No! No! No! Only after she puts her Classics 2 DVD featuring "Wedding Video, Mega Step Blast, and as a bonus Step & Motion1". We been requesting this for quite a long time. Sorry, this would just have to wait. Hehehe!!!!! (Couldn't get the Emotion icons to work to give you the...
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    The wedding video

    I'm hoping after the Intensity Series come out, &/or when she sees how well Classics Vol. 1 DVD does. Cathe? Aleyda
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    choreography of the new 4 DVDs

    RE: Yeah, but......... that's after she puts The Wedding Video, Mega Step Blast, and as a bonus Step N Motion 1, on DVD. Those are the only three videos that are not on DVD. Wishful thinking of course. LOL
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    First Cathe video

    Heck, I ordered the 23-Pak DVD. I kept reading how eventually I would want to get them all. So at under $15 a DVD I figure why not? Mind you I havn't done one yet, I'm feeling a little intimidated.
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    Would you consider??

    RE: I'd love a Cathe low/hi workout myself I have not tried it yet, but Cathe's very own SNM1 one of her first videos '89, may be what you're looking for nice musica and the step are fairly easy and it also has a nice little weight segment and abs. I absolutely love the music on this one...
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    Aerobic Steps to buy

    RE: Super Step Bench Just got mine from Palos Sports for $87 includes shipping & handling now that's the cheapest I seen it. It also came with the ABLASTER. I got it in less than a week . It's has the Bollinger name on the side. I also ordered The Original Step for me. My old man (dh)...
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    rhythmic step

    Hi, just wondering how your foot is, now that its been a little after 8 weeks. Hope you recovered fully. And of course to the rest of the ladies that couldn't work-out due to their broken or twisted ankle/foot. Hope you're all aok. Aleyda
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    Thank you for that info Kathy. I hope the DVD sells good. My old man (dh) gave me a DVD player about a year ago. I have not use it because everything is on VHS, including all my FIRM tapes. I was going to get Cathe tapes, but my old man really talked me into buying the Cathe DVDs. The rest...
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    Thank you for that info Kathy. I hope the DVD sells good. My old man (dh) gave me a DVD player about a year ago. I have not use it because everything is on VHS, including all my FIRM tapes. I was going to get Cathe tapes, but my old man really talked me into buying the Cathe DVDs. The rest...
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    Mega Step Blast

    I love the soundtrack on MSB. And even though I havn't done it yet I think StepNMotion1 is also a good one with a great soundtrack. I just did a post in the Ask Cathe forum, where I asked her if she was planning on releasing SNM1, Maga Step Blast and the Wedding work-out on preferably 1 DVD...
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    LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-02 AT 10:59PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-02 AT 08:40 PM (Est) Hi, Cathe, I notice that all your videos are now on DVD. Any chance that you will put the only three that are not on DVD on one DVD? I know that STEPNMOTION and MEGA STEP BLAST may be a little out dated not...
  17. A customer service staff...

    I had placed an order last Wednesday night and realized immediately that I put my home zip code instead of the zip code at work. I sent and e-mail and I had a response on Thursday morning that they will fix it. I got my order on Friday at 8:30 a.m. of course it helps my man works for UPS and I...
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    I notice that they had a pre-order on Classics Vol 1, which includes Step Max, Step Jam, and Step Heat I believe $32.99 b4 7/29/02 and $39.00 after, not bad for three work-outs. Now, that makes ALL her tapes in DVD except StepNMotion, Mega Step Blast, and The Wedding Tape. I can see it...