Mega Step Blast


I just did Mega Step Blast for the first time and loved it. I've been using Firm videos for about six months now. I did Cathe's S&H series with cardio for 3 weeks then did her PS series for about 2 weeks with cardio. Currently, I'm doing Lablovers Fat Burning Rotation from the EZ Board Firm Beliver site. I didn't have Cardio Step Mix from the Firm (one of the few I don't own) so I bought Mega Step Blast and used it instead. It's a very easy workout to follow. I have two left feet, so seeing those "flying angels" are a little intimidating. I own IMAX and Body Max but the steps are a little too intracate for me right now. For cardio I usually run or do SuperCardio from the Firm but this was a nice change. I figure I'll try Mega Step Blast for some of my cardio days and after that I'll move on to Bodymax and IMAX. By the way I LOVE Cathe's weight tapes. They're awesome. Keep up the good work :)

By the way is Mega Step Blast considered an intermediate or advanced tape?
Compared to some of Cathe's other step tapes, I'd consider Mega Step Blast to be intermediate. Other step tapes in the intermediate category that are also easy to learn would be Step Heat, Step Max and her Wedding video. Intensity-wise I consider Rhythmic step intermediate, but choreography-wise, advanced. More intense step tapes would be Step Jam, Step Works and Power Max.

Thanks so much for your input Stacy. Cardio wise I think I could make it through the more advanced tapes, but I'm a little uncoordinated. Maybe if I build up to the more complex choreography I'll be ok. I hope the cardio in her new intense series is easier to follow. You don't need to be flying around to get into your target heart-rate I think it's doable.

Thanks for the info. :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-02 AT 07:52AM (Est)[/font][p]I think you could handle the choreography of Step Jam (my favorite) and Power Max without a problem. I also forgot to mention Step Fit (great music)which is also an intermediate tape with fairly easy to learn choreography. I think Cathe's toughest choreography is in Step Works, Rhythmic Step and from her CTX series, All Step.

I love the soundtrack on MSB. And even though I havn't done it yet I think StepNMotion1 is also a good one with a great soundtrack. I just did a post in the Ask Cathe forum, where I asked her if she was planning on releasing SNM1, Maga Step Blast and the Wedding work-out on preferably 1 DVD.

All her tapes are on DVD except these three. So maybe ya can pop into the Ask CATHE forum and look up ? For Cathe and Others Re: Wedding etc. and give ya opinion. She just put Step Jam, Step Heat, & Step Max on DVD. It's call Classics Vol. 1, there was a pre-order date of 7/29/02. Hopefully there will be a Classics Vol. 2 with the remaining three videos that are not on DVD.

Stacy, Step Jam is my favorite too! The third section where she throws everything together is just the best! For me Step Works is hard choreogrpahically but also intensity wise. That one makes me sweat more than any other step tape (IMAX being in a class by itself). I have 2 left feet and would have to say that All Step from CTX threw me for a loop for awhile until I made my husband watch it and explain to me what I was doing wrong (hopping with my left instead of right, etc). Now I love it! Your recommendations were great!

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