Would you consider??


Cathe, I just started a few weeks ago with your PS DVD and I absolutely love it and I'm making great progress. Could you consider doing a step workout that is all low impact with simple steps for the choreographically challenged? I like to let my mind relax and just concentrate on the music when I am doing aerobics, rather than pay a lot of attention to what my feet are doing. But the elliptical trainer and the treadmill (power walking) are getting a little TOO boring. I can't stand the feeling of having my flesh jiggling up and down and jumping and jacks and even hopping is too jarring to my aging joints. Could you at least think about it?? Thanks so much.
I remember reading a similiar post once and there were lots of responses, with the major opinion being, 'People look to Cathe for intense, high impact workouts with exciting, challenging choreography.' I don't know if Cathe ever responded. I am not sure if Cathe will make the type of video you are aksing for, since that isn't her 'corner' of the market. However, have you ever tried Keli Robert's Ultimate Step? It is really fun, has great music, and is low impact. Go to www.videofitness.com to read some reviews. I highly recommend it. Also, Body Max and IMax have easier choregraphed step sections. Of course they are high/mixed impact, but you can always modify. Just trying to help... Have fun!
I'll second what jillybean said. I remember posts like this and the consensus has been that Cathe's tapes are designed for advanced exercisers and that there are a lot of people already making easier less dancy tapes. I remember starting with the Firm and Charlene Prickett years ago.
I'd love a Cathe low/hi workout myself

Yes, that's very true, but never say never! When I first discovered Cathe I could do anything! In the intervening years, my arch collapsed and I have been plagued by plantar facitis. I too would love a low-impact high-intensity workout. Cathe could definitely make a market there since I have never found a low impact workout that had high intensity!Ever. I am an advanced exerciser but my body can't do what it used to due to injury. Who better than Cathe to look to for such a workout! And it never hurts to ask! It may not be possible as part of the Intensity Series but who can say she will never agree?

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
RE: I'd love a Cathe low/hi workout myself

I have not tried it yet, but Cathe's very own SNM1 one of her first videos '89, may be what you're looking for nice musica and the step are fairly easy and it also has a nice little weight segment and abs. I absolutely love the music on this one. This is something that you might try if you don't already have it.

RE: I'd love a Cathe low/hi workout myself

I do the Cathe wedding tape aerobic section when I feel like Cathe aerobics. I don't like complicated step routines either but I can do this one and it really does get my heart rate up there. Also, I find Circuit Max doabable because there are only a couple of step sections and they are only 5 minutes long.
Hi Nancy,

I like the complicated step routines because they're challenging and I get bored easily, but I would like a lower impact workout for those days when my feet hurt and I feel like a workout, but don't want to push myself to the limit. I have developed painful corns on my little toes from doing step--I probably need to look for different cross trainers, but a low impact type aerobic routine would be nice for a change. I don't like to deviate from Cathe tapes, so it will be interesting to hear if she would consider this in the future. We ARE all getting older after all! LOL!!

-Donna M
Jillybean makes a good point about market niche. In my defense, however, I just want to mention that I do consider myself to be an advanced exerciser because I've been exercising for about 20 years and I am aerobically fit. It was my understanding, and I could be wrong, that low impact is kinder and gentler on the joints of us -- how shall I say?-- aging folks? Thank you all for your responses, and, yes, Jillybean, I have read that review for Kelli Robert's Ultimate Step and it does sound very good!
As others have said, there are SO MANY other videos on the market by other instructors that provide lower impact workouts. Kathy Smith, Karen Voight, Keli Roberts, etc. I have found that kickbox videos (Cathe's and others) are a lower impact option that are also intense. Other than that, I really do not see how a step workout could be as intense as the workouts Cathe provides without having some high impact and power moves. On days when I don't feel like I can give 110%, I just modify my Cathe workouts. The step portion of Maximum Intensity Cardio is not complex choreographically, and I think its easy enough to take the "power" moves out of most of her videos.
Well, Cathe once said she wasn't interested in doing a kickboxing video, and she came out with a great one!

While there are probably a lot of "lower impact/intermediate-level" step videos out there, there is a positive dearth of "lower impact, HIGH INTENSITY" step videos out there.

Count me in as one of the "aging and wanting to spare my knees" crowd who would like to see Cathe do a lower impact video or two (or at least, keep the choreography to moves that allow for easy variation in impact. Ie: power scissors are hard to sub for something intense but lower impact, but power knees up around the world can easily be replaced with non-power knees up around the world.)
I've heard over and over from people here that the Powerstrikes videos are both low-impact and high intensity.
I agree - I don't think the level of intensity Cathe is famous for would be possible in an all-low-impact workout.
You may really want to consider getting the Cardio Classics DVD. I think that you can put together a routine from the various segments that would be fairly low impact. In addition, Step Max and Step Heat have choreography that is simpler and slower than later releases.
You know the more I think about it, it can only be a matter of time before Cathe gives us a low impact high, intensity workout. (I hope!) Look at how she has progressed over the years!

I have never ever found a work out that was low impact and hi intensity video that I could love in the manner I love Cathe's workouts! I modify Cathe's workouts as best I can since I am in the throes of plantar facititis but it is a real uphill battle these days.

My resting heart rate is 50 even when I am not working out much and I love the high intensity and need it to get my heart rate up there but as I approach 40 (12/18) I just can't do all the jumping I used to be able to do. So, please, Cathe, this aging "baby boomer" needs some low impact, high intensity, Cathe style!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!

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