Beginning Step Aerobics Videos


New Member
Hi all:

I just recently purchased a step set from a local sports store. It came with Cathe's "All Step" video. So I set up my lil step thingie and I am all pumped to begin the workout. I swear I hung in with her for a bout the first few minutes then :: sigh :: I blink once and I look up and I am just like "wow" becasue Mrs. Cathe is damn near dancing a jig on her step set. :D :D

I shall remind you all that I am a beginner at this.

So my question to you is " Does anyone know of any BEGINNER step videos?" I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out and send me a few titles. I LOVE CathE and her energy is amazing. I sat down and watched the rest of the video, and I hope to someday work up to that. However, for the time being, I really, really, would like to find a beginner video by CathE or by any other step aerobics person.

ANY help is appreciated.

Hi Brina,

I had the same problem. And I still can't do All Step. Try Kathy Smith, Gilad, or Gin Miller. They're good workouts, but their choreography is basic and easy to follow. Once your body learns the moves (even these instructors took me a while), you will be able to do almost any tape you like after only a few times through.

Good luck!
Hi Brina and welcome. I had the same problem where I got the All Step with my step and was very confused. I can't find my thread that I wrote back in Feb. but everyone told me about step jam, step heat, mega step blast, & Step Max, so I went and brought the Classic Volume 1 on Dvd which is step jam, step heat & step max. It was alot better. But let me remind you, once you start doing it more often you will get better. It takes practice. I think now that I have been doing this for awhile Im going to take out my "All Step" and see if I can do it now. I know that I will be alittle off guard but now that I know some of Cathe's move it should be alot better.;-)
Hey, I can give you a few suggestions of some beginner video's
Karen Voight has some good ones, just don't get Energy is hard Karen has a website...just look her up.
Also, Gin Miller...has some great stuff Most of her stuff is through Reebok.
Also get a magazine from they have a large selection of video's...Karen and Gin are in there also. And they can help you choose the video right for you.
God Bless America!:D
Thank you guys so much for all of the recommendations. I am going to go and look up some of those up right now.

Thanks Again,


I never understand why they put "All Step" out with that step set because it is not a beginner video at all! It is avanced in choreography and intensity.

I reccomend Cathe's Step Heat. You can't go wrong with it. it is very straight forward, builds in intensity nice and slowly, and only adds a little complexity near the end. It's the one I used to start out with and it works just great. For variety, I would cross train with Gin Miller's Cardio Circuit which is adaptable to different levels of intensity . After that, introduce some intervals with Gin's Intense Moves. You will reach a point when Step heat no longer challenges you, then move up to Cathe's Step Fit. When you are comfortable with this video, you can conquer anything Cathe puts out, you will be ready for the multiple challenges her collection has to offer.

Just remember to take it at your own pace, build endurance nice and easy and you'll have it ffor life.

RE: Start from the beginning...

Cathe's StepNMotion1 and Mega Step Blast. I started doing Cathe's with these two last month giving myself a month to learn them alternating it with a Cathe or Firm strength work-out. The music is awesome on these and it's pretty intense once you learn them. I have tried to start Cathe with PowerMax and got lost immediately so I pulled out SNM1 and MSB, and am happy to say that this month I graduated to Step Heat and Step Max, I'm still in the learning stages but I'll give myself a month to learn these also. I bought the Cathe 23-Pak DVD so I'm learning the step tapes cronologically from 1989 to present of course giving myself a month to learn them. Can't wait till I reach I-Max and Rythmic Step, God willing they're schedule for December 2003. Can't wait.

Good luck.

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