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  1. M

    Need a new barbell - suggestions please

    >:7 HAPPY >BIRTHDAY soon!!! >Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH Debbie, thank you for the birthday wishes. DH has the webpage link in hand. Now I just wait!!!:-)
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    Need a new barbell - suggestions please

    Troy Lite - that is the one I was trying to remember. Thank you all so much! I'm off to print the web page and give to hubby tonight!
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    Need a new barbell - suggestions please

    I have a birthday coming up soon and I need (okay don't need just want) a new barbell. Does anyone remember the type that Cathe uses in the Intensity series? Or does anyone have any other suggestions. Thanks!
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    Full time work and working out?

    I also work full-time and work out 6 days a week. I usually try during the week to break it up - 45 mins to an hour in the mornings (I get up at 5:45) and then 45 mins to an hour after dinner (8 to 9pm). Sometimes I work out on Saturday night after my DH has gone to bed. I have been known to...
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    Help! How do I mix and match?

    My DVDs say that each of the workouts have been chaptered so you can easily "mix&match" all the section from the two different exercise programs. Learn how at I've looked but I don't see the answer. Could someone point me in the right direction. Thanks!
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    How my gifts have changed since Cathe

    Me too! For my birthday I asked for a barbell and heavier dumbbells. For Christmas I asked for Cathe dvds. For Valentine's day I have asked for a pad for my barbell and heavier dumbbells (yea - my birthday was in November and I now need heavier dumbbells)! My husband actually brags to his...
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    Opinions on Joyce Vedral's workouts

    Thanks for the honesty honeybunch1. I kinda thought this but sometimes I get caught up in the "hype". I just need to stick with Cathe. Actually, I just snagged Slow & Heavy for $35.00 s/h included. I'm pumped!!!!!!
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    Opinions on Joyce Vedral's workouts

    I am fairly new to strength training. I have Cathe's PowerHour, MIS & PS series. I have 2 of the Insensity DVDs on order. I really like her style. I have been reading on another forum about Joyce Vedral's workouts - in particular - Definition & Fat Burning. I went to Collage and viewed a couple...
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    McCann's Steel Cut oatmeal and Udo's Perfected Oil Blend

    RE: I'm also amazed FitnessRN - what is Optimum Whey Vanilla Ice Cream powder? Anything that has ice cream in the title interests me. Seriously, I've never heard of this and I like the idea of using regular Quaker Oats and adding this. Cheap is me.
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    O/T: Must Move & Ask Your Help!

    My parents actually live in Zephyrhills. It is pretty much a very small community - alot of retirement communities. Dade City is a little bit larger town about 20 minutes away. That is where both my parents work. Zephyrhills is about an hour away from Tampa (driving time due to traffic). If you...
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    RE: Confused????? - Thanks! LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-02 AT 06:57PM (Est)[p]Thanks for your answers. I will quit worrying and just continue to do what feels right to me. I don't need another degree - I already have an MBA. I don't feel the need to volunteer at a local school - I have raised 3...
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    I've been reading a couple of posts that say that 2 hours a day of exercise is too much. I have been working out since April of this year. I have gradually build up to the following routine. I feel fine doing 2 hours or so of exercise. I see a BIG difference in clothes size and body shape. Yes...
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    Turkey Day Workout Challenge

    RE: Thanksgiving Day Workout Challenge (I can't stand it when anyone speaks to me while I work just disrupts my "survival" concentration and actually makes me very angry !) Yes - yes - yes. I'm always saying "DON'T TALK TO ME"! I hate to miss a step in the workout. I hate to get out of...
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    17 year old son has to eat his words!!!

    RE: Forgot! Happy Late B-day to you Debbie. My SPECIAL day was the 18th. Isn't the barbell cool? Looks great sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace.
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    17 year old son has to eat his words!!!

    I was doing MIS last night using my brand new birthday gift - a barbell. I only had 15lbs on it since this was my first time to use it. My 17 year son walked through and made a couple of comments about what a wimp I was because of the light lbs. I just ignored him and continued my workout. When...
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    Just ordered a Barbell...

    I too am the proud owner of a barbell set. It's my birthday and my wonderful DH brought me a 110 lb barbell set, 2 8lb & 1 10lb dumbell, & weight lifting gloves. My kids brought me new 10 lb ankle weights and a new video. My one daughter gave me 25 gift card to buy new jeans (all mine are too...