

I've been reading a couple of posts that say that 2 hours a day of exercise is too much. I have been working out since April of this year. I have gradually build up to the following routine. I feel fine doing 2 hours or so of exercise. I see a BIG difference in clothes size and body shape. Yes, I have not lost as much weight as I originally wanted (I started at 164 and am now at 135 - I wanted to be at 130) but I am trying to ignore the scale issue and focus on bodily results.

I am interested in others comments on my schedule. I am not at heavy weights yet - I basically use a 15lb barbell, 5, 8 & 10lb dumbells.

Sunday - Upper & Lower Body Weights & Abs (usually PS or Leaner Legs & CTX Upper Body) (1 1/2 hours to 2 hours)

Monday Morning - Pilates & Cardio & Abs (1 hour)
Monday Evening - Same as the morning (1 hour)

Tuesday Morning - Upper Body Weights & Abs (Upper Body from Body Max or PS or CTX Upper Body) - (1 hour - will sometimes throw in some cardio)
Tuesday Evening - Firm (1 hour)

Wednesday Morning & Evening - repeat of Monday

Thursday Morning - Upper &/or Lower Body Toning & Abs (Gilad's Toning, Firm Lower Body Toning or Margaret Richard's Lower Body Sculpting, etc.)(1 hour)
Thursday Evening - Upper & Lower Body Weights (PowerHour, MIS, K.Voight's Great Weighted Workout) (1 hour)

Friday - REST - We bowl Friday nights in a league so I must admit I do a little bit of stretching before hand (about 20 mins)

Saturday - Cardio & Abs - Karen Voight's Energy Sprint, CIA Kickboxing or the step portion of Body Max, other cardio (2 hours)

I'm very good about sticking to my schedule, however, there days like this morning when my system said "NO". I will work out a little longer tonight in order to make up for it though.

As I said I just want comments from you guys - how much is too much??? I feel good - I look better than I have in years - my back doesn't hurt anymore - I'm more confident. BUT AM I DOING TOO MUCH?????

Thanks for your input.
My feel is that if YOU FEEL GOOD and you can handle it, it is ok. I would do what you do if I had the time. To me, exercise is fun! :)

Take a break, "slurp" ;-) the coffee, be nice to yourself and
others and enjoy your life...Runathon[/img]
I agree with Runathon. If YOU feel good doing 2 hours/day, go for it! :)

I do anywhere from 1.5-2hrs most days, a short day for me is 1hr of exercise, but then, I also do not work outside my home so time isn't an issue, nor is being tired or stressed from my workday/work week. So working out is totally fun for me and the most exertion I get all week.

You really are the best judge of how much you can take. Your body will let you know when enough is enough, so just listen close and obey! :)


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
No-one can tell you what is too much for you. Only you can know that. But do you really want to take it to the point of having to decide this? If you always work out intensely, I'd be concerned about burn out and over-use injuries to start kicking in any time now....

I mean, one hour's exercise is enough to keep you heart and muscle happy, endorphins kicking in, and if it's intense enough while you are doing it, your body will become a fat burning machine.

But: do you do this much because you feel you ought to? Or because you truly want to and during that time there's nothing else on the planet you would rather be doing?

Personally, if I worked out at least one hour per day, seven days per week, at my most intense level, I'd give myself a break to develop other aspects of my life that are lagging behind.

You know, you could be studying for a degree in the extra time if you "only" worked out once per day, or contributing to the community, helping out with kids at a local school where they need volunteers, whatever. I'm jealous of the time you have....

There's more to life than a six pack.... and health includes the soul, spirit, emotions, mind as well as the body.

Amen Clare. I agree. I was doing a lot more cardio a few months ago, but it was only because I felt I had to. There were others on this forum who smoked me in total cardio minutes and I felt lazy in comparison. But when I upped my minutes, I wasn't having fun. Now that I have downed my cardio I am able to give it my all - more focus, more intensity, because I want to be there. Your words rang so true, thank you!
I say if you feel good, then go for it. Watch for signs of overtraining and if you don't see them you should be just fine.

I like to do plenty of cardio and really enjoy step, so I've come down from a six inch to a four inch step for most of my step workouts and that's really made it so I can do step more days a weeks with zippo problems. Like four days instead of two.

I need to do better on weights and am as of this week. I did MIS complete Monday which is a big improvement for me. I also need to improve on ab work and did better last week and this week so far.

I don't have any problems doing cardio or yoga, none at all. I do take a day off almost every week to do absolutely nothing.

I always think back to days when people walked a good couple of hours a day just for transportation purposes when someone ask if 1.5 to 2 hours a day is too much. Course stepping, hi/lo and hoisting barbells is harder work than walking 17 minute miles as someone once pointed out to me.

RE: Confused????? - Thanks!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-02 AT 06:57PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks for your answers. I will quit worrying and just continue to do what feels right to me.

I don't need another degree - I already have an MBA. I don't feel the need to volunteer at a local school - I have raised 3 children already. I truly enjoy my workout time. It is a great stress reliever.

Once again - thank you all for taking the time to read my post and response.

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