Turkey Day Workout Challenge

Hi Donna - Indeed it is a Thursday thing! It's my "push it Liz, tomorrow's Friday" workout. I just know I'll feel so deserving of that meal if I can crank out those 10 intervals beforehand. :)
Gettingfit - I envy you! I WISH my sisters would join me in a workout. I am pretty much the only one in my family who works out on a regular basis. My mom and older sister talk about working but never actually do anything. My younger sister and brother makes several attempts throughout the year.

I would love to join in but I no longer have BodyMax. I have POwer Hour scheduled before heading to my sisters' for dinner and either Rhythmic Step or the stairstepper for cardio when I get home. So a challenging day for me also, just slightly different.

Runathon - I feel the same way! I get really angry when my workouts are interrupted, especially when the person knows the rules and yet stands there talking to me anyway! And it does affect your concentration, especially when doing a tough workout. I feel as though I have to stop, rewind and repeat that portion of the workout. And I have done this on ocassion too!

Honeybunch - I love working out on the holidays too. I get in some of my best workouts then! It always feels great heading to a big family dinner knowing that you're already in attack mode for those calories. It also makes me more conscientious about what and how much I put on my plate. We tend to eat buffet style and I always seem to end up at the end of the line. Which is pretty good because I wind up having a big salad and a variety of veggies and always 'thankful' that I had a protein shake on the drive over! :)

Hey Guys!!

I promised my hubby I would do a 5mi. run with him Thursday morning. Then pop a bottle of champagne and cook something together...while listening to Diana Krall Live in Paris! Ahhhhhh, can't wait. However, I will try BodyMax on Friday morning before we head out of town to see the in-laws.

Please have a great Thanksgiving ladies. You give so much to this forum. It is an honor be a part of this cyber-community.

For those driving during the Thankgiving hiliday. Please be safe and God Bless you and YOurs.

Debbie Dailey
Repeat after me, Deb H, "It's my house, and I will work out on Thanksgiving if I want to, company or no company."

They will adjust, trust me. You are the hostess, and it would be in their best interest to keep you happy, right?

Just Do It! :)
RE: Thanksgiving Day Workout Challenge

(I can't stand it when anyone speaks to me while I work out..it just disrupts my "survival" concentration and actually makes me very angry !)

Yes - yes - yes. I'm always saying "DON'T TALK TO ME"! I hate to miss a step in the workout. I hate to get out of sync.

I was planning on doing Leaner Legs and CTX Upper Body on Thursday. Did the upper body part of Body Max this morning.

I'm cooking and having family over. What the heck - BodyMax for me too!
You rock!!


You are my kind of gal!! Thanks for the info. Looks like Friday I will be sick and torture myself as I have weights planned for tommorrow!!

Have a great T-day!!

Oh, and I forgot, I also have IMAX planned for Thursday1 Join the club!

I "went to the wall" last night wih my workout: CTX All Step, CTX Power Circuit, MIS Upper Body section.

When I got to the bath, I felt I could pass out from total lack of glycogen in my body!!!! Proceeded to eat my way through the fridge for the rest of the evening..... gotta get strength for today's CTX Kickbox and PS Legs!

Actually, like A-Jock, I'm taking advantage of the break to get in a "take it to the wall" week!!

Enjoy the break ladies!

Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I took the challenge! This morning, I got up at 4:30 a.m. and did BodyMax all the way through. During this time, I was thinking of all the guiltfree yummy food I would be eating in several hours and also wondering if anyone else was up at this un-Godly hour on Thanksgiving morning doing ...(gulp)....BodyMax!!!! It felt great!

Well, I didn't do BodyMax, but I did do cardio Kicks, and then added CTX Kickbox to it, so I got in 90 mins. of hard cardio. I rather liked it!!!!
Lori S.
Yay! I worked out with Cathe today too! This morning I did Power Hour, then put the turkey in the oven! I love working out at home with Cathe!!!
Hi gals!!!!!!!!!! I just have to say even though I couldn't log on because I was out of town on vacation..... I was with you in thought.

I went jogging on Thanksgiving morning and did some resistance bands. On my jog I thought "I bet my gals on Cathe Forum are all planning some challenge for today". I knew many of you were juggling grouchy hubbies, cold turkeys, and most importantly Cathe Videos and weights!!!!!!!

I get back home tonight and finally get to log on and look what I find - this challenge! I sure wish I could have done it with you!!!!!!!! Anyway, good work gals (and guys)! My thoughts were with ya'!!!

-Pammer http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport001.gif
Update on workout

On Thursday, I got up earlier and did BodyMax. However, I did CTX UB Split instead of the upper body in BodyMax. I worked hard and felt great! So much so that I couldn't exercise again until Sunday at which time I did CTX 10-10-10 cardio portion and again the CTX UB Split. Awesome! :) This morning I did CTX Power Circuit (cardio) and Planks/Abs. Tomorrow....CTX Kickbox!

Take a break, "slurp" ;-) the coffee, be nice to yourself and others and enjoy your life...Runathon http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/coffee.gif[/img]
RE: Turkey Day Workout Challenge Glow

Hey, ladies!

Wed. nite: taught my aqua class

Thurs. a.m.: My Cathe mish-mosh as listed earlier in this thread; CTX Kickbox abs; 1/2-hour full upper body routine

Fri.: MIC hi/lo + 10-10-10 hi/lo + StepIntervals interval segment; 10 minutes squats / lunges w/ barbell and weight vest; CTX Kickbox Power Circuit abs; 1/2 hour full upper body routine

Sat.: Taught my aqua class; put in another 90 mins. flutter kick, treadwater, ab and upper body drills

Sun.: I-Max; 10 minutes squats/lunges; 15 minutes ankle-weight leg work; abs/spine work; 1 hour full upper body routine


Happy Holiday Season Kickoff!

Hello all. I also did BodyMax (from 6 am - 7:30 am)
I gave it my all - so much so that I had to take Friday off!!!

I still say that is the toughest Cathe tape to date!

Can I take this opportunity to congratulate myself for running the Atlanta Half-Marathon on Thanksgiving morning (in 20 degree weather)? I can? Okay, thanks!

emily :)
Thanks, and congratulations to all of you who did your own serious calorie burning on Thanksgiving morning. Now to plan ahead to "pre-burn" off the Christmas and New Year feasts...


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