How my gifts have changed since Cathe


Hi everyone!
I was just thinking how different I am since becoming a Cathe-ite. In the past, for Valentine's Day, I would always ask for Godiva chocolate, lingerie, Chanel make-up, you know, fluffy, girly-girl frou-frou. This year I asked for heavier dumbbells, weight lifting gloves, and new Ryka's. That cracked my husband up! He was dying! I know he'll get me what I asked for, and probably some horrible underwear that crawl up my butt too. I used to be such a wimp. I could not stand to sweat, and wouldn't go to 7-11 without full make-up and hair. Now I look forward to being soaked after a good workout! I love what Cathe has done for me.
Have a wonderful day!
I hear ya! I used to think that if I was sweating there was something wrong with me. Now I know--let me sweat & I'm happy.

I, too, have started asking for tapes, weights & workout stuff. I have a friend that got mad because her husband bought her this stuff. Now I get mad when he buys me chocolate! LOL!!!
I ask for fitness stuff now also. DH just looks at me with the doggie "head-cocked" look and doesn't seem to compute what I'm saying. He thinks he shouldn't give me "hobby" things for birthdays, etc. He would love it if I asked for the horrible, butt-crawling underwear! :p
Me too! For my birthday I asked for a barbell and heavier dumbbells. For Christmas I asked for Cathe dvds. For Valentine's day I have asked for a pad for my barbell and heavier dumbbells (yea - my birthday was in November and I now need heavier dumbbells)! My husband actually brags to his buddies that his wife is asking for "weird" stuff. He is very proud of my accomplishments. I can now do more pushups and situps than he can. I started working out with the Firm but now I almost use Cathe all the time.
Ha! What a great post! That is so true! Tomorrow marks 4-years married to my fabulous DH! He gave me my anniversary present early - a stability ball and an 8 lb. medicine ball! Last year it was dinner out and a picture frame. I ate like a pig that night, came home and purged and I filled the frame with a picture of my husband and his brother because I hated myself then. But not this year! This year I have the Intesity Series, a new clean eating lifestyle (very new 1 and a half weeks!) and just an overall better attitude. Thanks Cathe!
I'm with you! For Xmas my husband bought me a new coat which I promptly made him take back to get me my medicine ball, stability ball, more tapes, and more dumbbells! I said I hope you don't think I'm ungrateful, but I would rather you spend money on "fitness" things and I'll go another year with my ratty old coat!
This is a great post. I'm really glad that I am not the only who is going through this. My husband has been really supportive about me little by little building up my home gym. I keep telling him that we will need to buy a bigger house in at 2 years so I can accomodate my habit. He just smiles at me when I suggest getting more weights or another workout tape (I have at least 30 other workout tapes) and then tells me to buy whatever I want. He's a gem.
Boy can I relate. My husband is wonderful about my fitness longings. He ordered me my Bowflex. When I told him about the Cathe DVD's he handed me his credit card and said order them. My stability ball I got from one of my children was losing air and he said where can we go to get you another one. He is so sweet. It took me years to convince the rest of the family that I was truly happiest with my fitness things. They kept trying to buy me other stuff. Now I get workout clothes and tapes and the like.
Diane Sue
This is a great thread!!

For Christmas & my B-day combined, I got all fitness stuff too! My first ever Cathe tapes :7 :7 , new Ivanko barbell, gosh now I forget what else, but it was SOMETHING fitness.., oh, yeah, my new Ryka shoes. It's great!!

And since then I've proceeded to buy a new club step, about 8 more Cathe tapes... it's an addiction!! I can clearly see it, and it didn't take long! Had to go buy new 6# dumbbells the other night for Cathe tapes. I'm a weakling still and the 8's were just too much for some stuff & the 5's weren't quite enough.

Count me in too. I had the 8 pound medicine ball under the Christmas tree this year. After opening a bunch of gifts, even my 5 year old son, told me that if he opened any exercise stuff, he would be sure to give it to me....I have both my boys trained.:)
All fitness for me too! This year I got a treadmill for Christmas/birthday from DH, exercise tapes from in-laws, and I bought myself lots of Cathe tapes!I also used by bd money to buy med and stability ball!
I used to ask for all the typical women type gifts. Now it is all fitness related. Anything from weights to fitness shoes or clothes. DH just bought me a DVD player for Christmas for my new Cathe DVD's coming on Thursday. I just reminded him this morning to please hook up the player so I can preview them as soon as they arrive!
This is a good thread! Just like the other thread about buying bright yellow DBs...because it's so true! I ask for gloves and dbs and plates. My nephew just got that 100lb barbell from wal-mart and we've been playing with it and trying to see how much we could deadlift. This guy I've started dating couldn't figure out why I own a club sized step, a barbell,a swiss ball,ez curl bar and dbs. At first he thought I didn't really use them...being Asian and 5'4" apparently he thinks it's odd. He figured "yeah, aerobics sure...but weights?" Which is why I MUST have shoulders by summer! I'll show him.:9
Funny - I'm single so no gifts from hubbies or b-friend - but I tell you what I save up to buy for myself is the NEW cathe tapes! My kids have always gotten me something workout related for xmas - I dont do birthdays hmmm.. maybe i should this year ;)

Nice to see how all our lives have changed!
Right after the S&H series came out my husband got me a set of 25lb dumbbells tied with a big red ribbon for my birthday. And this past year he got me a DVD player so I could preorder the Intensity series in DVD instead of VHS. My DVDs will be here Thurs. - I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!

I can soooo relate. My DH told me today he got me a present. The first thing I thought was.... a heavier medicine ball, wt rack, new barbell set.... etc. It's so funny I would rather have those things than flowers.

I already told him not to waste the money on flowers for valentines day.... I would rather have a used wt rack from play it again sports. Right now my wts are lined up against the wall in our living room. I promised if he got me the wt rack I would carry them back and forth from the office to the family room!

My DH has finally accepted that this is my hobby. So, now he fully supports it:)
Hey Lorrie!

Where in the world have you been girl??? Boy, I've missed you around here! My sis's are keeping me up to date on your weather down there. Cold, but nothing like ours! GREAT to "see" you back! keep this thread on topic, my hubby USED to roll his eyes, but now that I have him hooked on Cathe too, he can't wait to use all our "stuff"! He even got on the Internet last night and ordered two stability balls like Cathe's and put in the comment box, "We prefer orange." Ha!!! Sadly, we got an E-mail from them today saying there are no orange! :-( Man, I wanted that orange ball bad! I am HOPING we ordered the right ones??? Anyways, all my Christmas and birthday gifts this past year were fitness gifts, including a fitness magazine form my sis! Great thread! (I hate those creepy, crawly undies too! YUCK!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: gitfs

I love this thread! For the past 9 years this is has been going on in my home. (My dear hubby bought me my first Step Co. step then!) Ever since, I have always received something fitness related. I still get other little things but he knows I'm most happy it's something that I can use.....and I think it makes him happy too when he comes into the basement and sees me using the equipment he's purchased over the years.

I always tease my family and tell them that if I ever "run away" from home they'll know - all my fitness gear will be gone! :) (If you have teens you know why I said this!)


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