Opinions on Joyce Vedral's workouts


I am fairly new to strength training. I have Cathe's PowerHour, MIS & PS series. I have 2 of the Insensity DVDs on order. I really like her style. I have been reading on another forum about Joyce Vedral's workouts - in particular - Definition & Fat Burning. I went to Collage and viewed a couple of her videos. I really do not see much to be excited about. However, as I said on another forum Joyce is getting glowing reviews. Any opinions from you all here on Joyce's workouts. Thanks in advance.
Her tapes stink, to be quite frank, but her books are wonderful. She needs to work on her video production, IMO.

Just Do It! :)
Thanks for the honesty honeybunch1. I kinda thought this but sometimes I get caught up in the "hype". I just need to stick with Cathe. Actually, I just snagged Slow & Heavy for $35.00 s/h included. I'm pumped!!!!!!
I bought two of her dvds and hated them. One I didn't even do I just previewed. The other, WTME, I did a couple of times but just couldn't stand to watch her form. I know what you mean about all the recent glowing reviews about JOyce. It made me wonder if I was doing the right thing by selling the dvds. I do plan to attempt JOyce again but by way of her books(I have 2 of them). I'm hoping Cathe's pyramid dvds deliver what Joyce's couldn't. I don't doubt that you'll get results with JOyce but I prefer to workout to a video as opposed to a book so I can't wait to see how this new series challenges me.
I too am curious about her videos. I've been reading such glowing reviews about results people have received. They seem too good to be true!


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