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  1. R

    Anyone see the Super Bowl halftime show? I find other things happening right now much more offensive and important to the future welfare of children than a split second of boobies.
  2. R

    Cons of losing weight?

    >Well, since then I've gained back about 5-8 lbs, depending on >the TOTM, and my boobies are back. So are a bit of my hips >and tummy, but really, is losing so much weight such a great >thing if it means you deflate? I can only imagine I would be >a walking sack of bones if I could ever...
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    Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?

    Hmmm...I've always been like this. I think about sex...I dream about sex and I've been like this since puberty hit. I'm now 29. I started exercising when I was 18 and noticed I felt even sexier. Then, I few years later when I really started lifting heavy I really noticed a surge in my sex...
  4. R

    Anyone Else Taking New Years Day Off?

    Hi I was up till about 3am so no exercise for me today. I only managed to get a few hours sleep. My body is so used to getting up at 5:30 it refuses to sleep in. So, I cleaned the house up, then crashed around 10am, slept till 3:30pm. I still don't feel normal.
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    Happy New Year to Cathe, her family, and the crew at SNM!!!!!!

    RE: Happy New Year to Cathe, her family, and the crew a... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
  6. R

    If you had to pick just one

    Having to pick just one Cathe is my worst nightmare! I guess it would be Bodymax. I love all 3 segments. The step is really intense(I know aren't all Cathe step routines), and I really love the step/leg circuit work. Plus, the upperbody work so u get a cardio workout and a full body weight...
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    Simply Endurance

    Cool! Thanx for the review Ann. I was looking at the Collage catalog and this tape was one of the ones I was considering. I'm getting back to weights after some "life trama" and need something a bit easier than Cathe. Take Care!
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    Cathe~fun thread

    Those Dang figure 8s had me for the longest time too! I felt like a complete idiot. I was turning the wrong way on the floor.Duh! That simple,and it took me forever.
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    DIET COKE I've quit for months but always go back. Trying to limit myself to just a few glasses a day. Ok, so the "glass" could be the size of keg!;-)
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    First Cathe video?

    >My first Cathe was StepMax and then PowerMax and then I was >hooked. The same here. I probably had StepMax for about 6 months, almost wore it out. Then, I got PowerMax and I said to myself, I gotta get more, and more, and more. I still can't enough of her!}( PEACE!
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    For Catheites

    Kathryn, Hey, Thanks for the "Welcome"!:)
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    For Catheites

    Hi, I'm new, this is my first post, but I've been lurking:-) I'm 28, and have been doing Cathe since, I think, 1995. I mostly just use her for cardio and lift on my own, but nothing whips my lower half into shape faster than her weight tapes. Gotta LOVE her! My first tape was StepMax...
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    My Visit With the Nutrition Consultant

    I'm a little confused....If aspartame fools your body into thinking it ate something sweet, then wouldn't it be a no-no for diabetics?