For Catheites

I'm 31. I got my first Cathe tape in 1997. Had to take a break because of some mysterious health problems, but now I'm back with a vengeance!
I'm 48 and am a much better weight and shape than I was in my teens, 20's and 30's.

A few people in my family laugh at me with my exercise "obsession" and are very quick to point out that I failed gym in highschool. I, in turn, laugh back at them and say "Well, you guys failed too many diets!"

Oops! In all my bragging, I forgot to mention I'd been doing Cathe for about 4 or 5 years.

Other than Gin Miller's Intense Moves, I only do Cathe for my home workouts.

Hi, I'm new, this is my first post, but I've been lurking:)

I'm 28, and have been doing Cathe since, I think, 1995. I mostly just use her for cardio and lift on my own, but nothing whips my lower half into shape faster than her weight tapes. Gotta LOVE her!

My first tape was StepMax, which I just about wore out!:7

I'm 39 and looking forward to turning 40 being in the best shape of my life! I've been doing Cathe's videos on and off for years. The last year I have really focused in on her workouts and I love the results!

>Hi, I'm new, this is my first post, but I've been lurking:)
>I'm 28, and have been doing Cathe since, I think, 1995. I
>mostly just use her for cardio and lift on my own, but nothing
>whips my lower half into shape faster than her weight tapes.
>Gotta LOVE her!
>My first tape was StepMax, which I just about wore out!:7

Welcome to the forum!
I'm 36 and have been "doing Cathe" for 9-10 years. I found my first tape, Mega Step Blast through Collage. I got my first Collage catalog from the back pages of Shape magazine. I've tried lots of other instructors, but Cathe is the best! Which is probably why I almost always work out with her!
I'm 44 and discovered Cathe 4 years ago. The wedding video was my introduction to her and boy was it tough for me. (sometimes it still is!)

OOOOHHHH yet another Annette, that makes 3 on this board, and to think I grew up as the only one. LOL:D

Nice to meet you!!:)
Hi my name is Michelle, I am 30 years old, and I am a Cathaholic!!!! I just love her. She is so awesome. I started out with IMAX my first workout, then MIC, then Circuit Max. I heard about her on the Fitprime forum.

I try to love other workouts, but I can't (except FIRM led by Nancy, and the new one by Emily). I still use my others occassionally, but I truly enjoy my CATHE workouts :)
I'm 42 and have been exercising with Miss Cathe since September 2002! It hasn't even been a year, and I feel like I've "known" her forever! LOL!
I live in NJ, but about 2 hours from there. Im 37 as of May 6th. I have been doing Cathe for 5 monthes now. I wish I found her sooner!
Great Thread!!

I've been doing Cathe for 8 years now! I'm definitely obsessed. Can't bring myself to do other tapes. I've tried, make it about 4 or 5 minutes, then pull it out and put in a Cathe tape or DVD(don't have all DVD's yet).

I'll be 38 this summer. My husband makes fun of me because this is about the only site I log on to. I just broke the news to him that I'd be spending money on another round of Cathe tapes. His comment....didn't you just get some recently?? Isn't that awesome!! I still feel like the IS series is new and here comes another round of tapes. Cathe is Awesome!!

I'm 44, seen quite a few 44er's too. Been a Catheite since 2000 but knew about her b4 then just wasn't ready fitness wise.

I'm 33 and have been doing Cathe for about 7 years. My first tape was Step Heat and I was hooked! I mixed in the Firm off and on, but am doing Cathe exclusively now. She is simply the best!

I live about 30 minutes from the Four Seasons and have never visited Cathe's studio. I'd love to take a class some day!

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