For Catheites

Hi, I am Debbie and I have been doing Cathe since I placed my very first order on Dec.18, 1999. (Still have the paperwork as a souvenir!) I ordered PS-Legs, MIS, MIC & IMax as my "free" tape! I couldn't believe I was spending $56.00!!!! It was the BEST $'s I've ever spent. There was no turning back. I have every Cathe tape, other then one or two earlier ones that are no longer produced. I considered myself advanced until I gave IMax a whirl! Whew, it's been uphill since. Can't beat her quality, professionalism, up-to-date material and most of all, her FUN factor!!!:7

Ooops! Came back to say I am 50 and a 1/2 young!!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm terrible with remembering "how long ago" but I believe I bought my first Cathe VHS (Step Heat) about 5 or 6 years ago. When I work out at home (about 3 days per week) I work out to Cathe almost exclusively. Cathe is definately in a league of her own. I owe just about everything I've learned about fitness and challenging myself to Cathe. I am 36 by the way.
I am 32 years old...I will be 33 in August. I discovered Cathe a few months ago. I received my first Cathe tapes in February. I ordered MIS, RS, Imax, CMax, and BodyMax! I absolutely fell in love with them and immediately lost a few stubborn pounds. I now own Cardio Kicks, CTX series, Cardio Hits and the Intensity Series and have preordered the Body Blast series. I never would have thought a few months ago, that I would be investing so much into workout DVD's. But I really do think of it as an investment for a lifetime of health!:7
Two weeks huh? Isn't she fun?;)
Have a great rest of the week everyone!:D
I am about to turn 36 in a couple of weeks. I found Cathe almost exactly 3 years ago upon the advice of the girl giving me a pedicure at a salon. I never would have imagined how much my life could have changed from her advice to try Cathe! One of these days I will get up the nerve to go to Cathe's gym and try one of her classes. I am probably a little over an hour away!

I am 44 years old and have been doing Cathe since the early 1990's. My first video was Step Heat. No one can give you an intense workout like Cathe!:D

Hi smiley!! :) yes, I think it's cool. Most our age that I know couldn't care less about keeping in shape or being healthy, period. I'm quite proud that we're a step ahead!!! Even if my friends think I'm a nut :+

I am 43 but will turn 44 on May 18. I have been working out with Cathe for 2 years. I started with Pure Strength and Power Hour. Then I went to IMax, Rhythmic Step, CTX and everything else.

I started with The Firm, then found out about Cathe on their old board.
I am 27 years old and have been Catheizing for about a year and a half. I also do other outside stuff....

I am 33 and have been doing cathe for about 2 months now. I knew about her workouts 5 years ago. I have no idea why I never bought any before now...I could kick my self now.
I'm 36, and I've been doing Cathe for.........I don't know. LOL I suppose it's been about...umm....several years. But that was only one tape (IMAX). It's only been about a year and a half that I've had an all-consuming desire to do every single tape Cathe has made!! :7

Alright, I guess I'm the youngest...kinda embarrassing. I'm 18 and I luckily discovered Cathe about 5 months ago. I was one of the ones who bought the step company video with her tape All Step in it. I remember I thought it was going to be for beginers because when they sell a tape with a product (like my stability ball which came with an easy tape) they are usually beginer tapes. Whoa was I blown off my feet. I love All Step, it took me a few tries before I got it all because I had never tried her choreography. Now I have CTX, Pure Strength, MIS/BodyMax/Power Hour, Imax2, Rhythmic Step and Power Max/Step Fit/Step Works. Whew!
I'm 48 and have been doing Cathe for about 6 years now. I started with Max Intensity Strength and now have all her videos.

Donna M
I am 29 and have been using Cathe's videos for 2 years and 2 months!

I discovered Cathe when I did an Internet search for "advanced aerobics" when Taebo just wasn't cutting it anymore.

I started with Interval Max and Body Max and now have almost all of the videos!

Linda aka Cruncholi
Well, I'm 42 and have been using Cathe videos since 1996. She is the best. For now I am only using her strength workouts, because of knee problems. My cardio (temporarily) is limited to walking, biking & occaisional swimming.

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
Hey purplesky1120, your the youngest and I'm the oldest!! Do you think we should win a Cathe video, a Cathe coffee mug or a bottle of OPI polish or something? LOL :D:D:D:D
I'm 47, will be 48 this summer and have been a slave to our High Priestess of Intensity since 1996. Cathe was a newlywed and the Wedding Tape was brand-new and was part of my first order. The Cathe Forums were also new and I quickly became a Forums junkie!

I was a FIRMie before Cathe and then got into the VideoFitness boards, which is where I saw Cathe discussed (I should say RAVED about!) Like so many of you when I found Cathe's tapes there was no looking back. I NEVER use any other tapes now with the once-in-a-blue-moon exception of Powerstrike. My FIRMs are just gathering dust. I am constantly amazed at Cathe's energy and commitment -- not to mention the fact that the girl gets more beautiful and buff the older she gets!

Looking forward to meeting bunches of you on a Cathe road trip someday soon! Kathy S.
Hi there,
I'm 38 years old. My first Cathe tape was StepJam, and it's still one of my favorites. I think we always love that first Cathe tape!! I heard about Cathe on VideoFitness when I was looking for advanced exercise videos. There were wonderful reviews about her. I had done Denise Austin and the was getting really tired of the Firm. I bought StepJam thinking I could do any cardio, and woo-hoo Miss Cathe kicked my cardio-loving butt! It's been love, love, love ever since.

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