For Catheites

Hi All,

I'm 35 and have been working out with Cathe since about 1993. She's the best and the workouts keep getting better and better!

Well I am not one of the "gals" but I guess I will chime in too.
I will be 37 in June and have had Cathe off and on as part of my workouts for ohhhhhh probably 3-4 yrs now. I am mostly a gym rat but love the outdoors too. Mountain biking and rollerblading are my fave outdoor activities.
I don't post as often as I used to but I still enjoy coming here daily and gaining new workout info from all of you buff babes. :)
>Well I am not one of the "gals" but I guess I will chime in
Trevor, you are an honorary "gal"!
I'll be 52 in August and have been doing Cathe workouts for about 8 months now and I'm toally hooked. Too bad I didn't discover Cathe long before this. Cathe is in a class all by herself!! Love my Cahte!!!!

Hi Michelle. I contacted intesitylisa through email and we are trying to set a date to meet for a class. She is coming from New York so it is a much longer trip for her. If you want to contact me to maybe meet for a class, email me at [email protected].
I'm 21 and have been doing Cathe for about 6 months. Ever since I found out about her, my other videos , except Powerstrike, have been untouched lol.:)
I'm 43 and have been doing Cathe for about three years, after years of Firming and doing gym workouts off and on, Thanks to Cathe (and the Firm) I was inspired to get my ACE personal training certification. But I still go to Cathe for inspriation!
I am 38 and I found Cathe a year ago and absolutely love her!!!
I did the firm for about 9 years, then discovered Cathe. I got rid of all my firm tapes, I feel they are just obsolete now! The Cathe DVD are terrific! I would highly reccomend all of them! The pre-mixes on the Intensity Series are wonderful!
I will be 51 this summer. I started working out with Cathe 6 years ago. I think it was when Power Max came out. At the time I was using Firm workouts and my own routines for strength training. Once I discovered MIS and all of the results, I was hooked and own all of Cathe's DVD's now.
Diane Sue

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