If you had to pick just one

As a fairly new person to Cathe, I was told to start with PH/MIS. Power Hour is still one of my favorites. But very soon after I got Pure Strength. I just like a full body workout most often. HTH Alexis
If I could have one and only one Cathe...I would probably pick Body Max since it has a little bit of everything. Actually, no, now I would pick Step, Jump and Pump cause it has a little bit of everything! Actually, I can't pick!:7
Step, Jump & Pump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Followed VERY closely by Power Hour - LOL!! It's so difficult to pick just one favorite!!

The honeymoon with the Body Blast series isn't over, so this could change, but right now it's Supersets. Imax (thanks to Annette's urging) is the smartest Cathe purchase I've probably made (that said, I do not regret a single Cathe purchase - they've all been well worth it). Imax has done the most for my cardiovascular endurance. Sometimes I have to psyche myself up to do it, but I'm always glad I did.
Right now my favorites are ME and Power Hour. They are both such complete weight workouts and I love doing both of them! Of course, anything that you chose is a good investment and you'll never be sorry!
My favorite is IMAX2.

With the new Body Blasts though, I am loving Step Jump and Pump.

But you know what? I could not stop with just 1 or 2. I kept ordering more and more until I had them all!! I really treasure all of them!

It depends upon what you like to do, but for me it's Pure Strength. It was the first one I bought, and I've been using it regularly ever since!
PS Series. The whole enchilada. But then again, there are the Pyramids, Slow & Heavy, Power Hour, Imax 2, and now Step Blast, L&G, and KPC... Tough question.:)

Is that Interval Max or IMAX2 you are getting? They are both great!! IMAX2 has bit more of a fun factor to it IMHO. Have fun!!! ;)
I love Slow and Heavy. In fact, when I've been away from weights for a week or so, for one reason or another, I always find myself reaching for this series to get back into it. It's fun and the slow pace makes it easy to ease back into lifting (for me, anyway).

Having to pick just one Cathe is my worst nightmare!

I guess it would be Bodymax. I love all 3 segments. The step is really intense(I know aren't all Cathe step routines), and I really love the step/leg circuit work. Plus, the upperbody work so u get a cardio workout and a full body weight workout on one tape. I'm still using a VCR, so DVDs r not an option in my below middle class house. lol! My second fav is PC from CTX b/c of those step/leg circuits. I get such a high from those.


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