Search results

  1. S

    How to fix smelly rubber dumbbells?

    I've had these dumbbells for months now and they still smell. I have washed them in dish soap as well as vinegar which helped a little but it's still noticable when using them. Any way to eliminate the smell? I hope so because they are comfortable and the colors are pretty but if not they...
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    What weights will I need?

    So I could not resist the black friday deals and got STS-it should arrive tomorrow! I most likely need some more dumbbells but need to know how much to get. I've not been working out consistently lately and for reference I usually use 8s for biceps, maybe 5s for chest flys, and 15s for rows...
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    Weight Plates as Dumbbells

    I'm thinking of getting a a barbell but I need some heavier weights for back (rows, etc) too. I was thinking of getting the barbell plates that have openings (such as this: in them and then also using them as dumbbells. Does...
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    xtrain upper body

    Since I'm new to weights, I could be super duper wrong but I thought chest, triceps, and shoulders were supposed to be worked together and then back and biceps together. This is how I've been doing Total Body Trisets :) So I was wondering why the upper body for xTrain is divided up as it is...
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    How fit should a group fit instructor be?

    I lost 100 pounds previously and unfortunately have gained about half back. Before I gained it back, I had looked into getting certified, mainly because I wanted to teach hula hoop classes (which is how I lost the last 40) and thought the certification would be helpful in finding places to...
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    Can you recommend a Yoga dvd?

    I want to work on increasing my flexibility. And I want something relaxing. I am considering Cathe's Yoga Relax but am unsure. I have stretch max and for some reason don't really care for it; maybe it's the music I don't know. Any non Cathe yoga dvds anyone can recommend? Or would it be...
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    Resistance tubing vs bands

    Is there a difference between the two other than one has the handles? I need to get one or both but I hate the tubing with soft handles that shift (all the recent ones I've seen). A long time ago I had one with molded plastic handles but cannot seem to find another like it. My problem with...
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    jumping & plyo

    I suck at jumping, no joke my feet don't get more than 2 inches off the ground. I watched the new vids twice now and attempted a few moves. I was so scared to try to jump up onto my step :eek: I kind of managed to do it but I think I was moving in slow motion. So anyway the question is, is...
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    So many choices

    And every time AFTER I order, I find another Cathe workout I want that I failed to see before :) The "to buy" list keeps on getting longer. Here's what's on the list, are any of them too similar to Afterburn, Athletic Training, B&G, Cardio Core Circuit? Which do you like the best? Total...
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    music players and phones

    What do you do for music while you workout away from home? I used to have an iPod shuffle but when the second one broke I traded it in and got a smart phone. I love that I can listen to music on it with menus and playlists and also since I'd take my phone with me anyway, I only have one devise...
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    High Step vs Circuit Step

    My athletic training dvd arrived and it looks so fun but unfortunately the little kids step shool I was going to substitute for a step is too small-I'm afraid I'll totally miss it when working out at a fast pase. Still looking on craigslist and ebay for a deal on a club step but not sure where...
  12. S

    How much is the step used in Athletic Training?

    I don't have a step yet but this workout looks fun. From the preview video, it looks like I could just substitute a small wooden step stool that I have for all the exercises shown. Are there any parts that require 2 feet on the step at the same time or would require the larger surface of the...
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    Anyone have the WAGs gloves?

    I saw these mentioned somewhere on here and am thinking of purchasing a pair. I am hoping they will help me with plank or Butts & Guts floor work as my wrists get tired and hurt after a while; changing positions doesn't help much. I'm wondering if the basic flex ones would work well enough and...
  14. S

    OUCH! Does this mean I did it wrong?

    Hi Cathe and anyone else who would like to answer :) Tonight I was doing Afterburn and everything seemed fine until the stretch. At the point when I'm leaning over and with my clasped hands behind back and raising them up, my traps hurt a huge amount. This is I think the 3rd, maybe 4th...
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    Cathe at Tuesday Morning

    As someone who loves deals (or is just cheap) I wanted to share that I went to Tuesday morning for the first time in 15 years and was surprised to find fitness equipment including some of the Cathe items for about half off. No videos but they had stability balls, weights, weighted balls, and...
  16. S

    Afterburn how often?

    Is Afterburn considered cardio or strength or both? I'm wondering how often I can do it along with Butts & Guts. The other day I did B&G for the first time. The next day I was feeling fine so I did Afterburn, then my butt was sore for 4 days. I thought the soreness was from Afterburn but...