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  1. C

    Dismissing chest work due to breast implants.

    Hello All (and Cathe ).... I posted quite a while ago asking if anyone who has had breast implants (under the muscle), is still able to do isolated chest movements. surgeon has advised me to never return to isolated chest movements as it might risk displacement...I have accepted...
  2. C

    Chest exercises & Breast Augmentation

    Hello, I had breast Augmentation 4 months ago, and am concerned about doing any direct chest exercises such a chest press or pushups out of fear that I might displace my implants (which are under the muscle)....I'm mainly focused on my legs at the moment anyway, but am wanting to incorporate...
  3. C


    Hi Cathe (and/or anyone else who would like to have an input), I am 21 years old, 5'5, and weigh approximately 121 lbs. I have a small frame. I have quite a lot of cellulite on my legs, and admittedly, this past year I have been fairly sedentary in terms of exercise. I was just wondering...
  4. C

    Xtrain Question!

    Thanks for your replies ladies :) Yeah, I know its pointless expecting to be able to do it all right away when I haven't exercised at all in about 12 weeks.......... But I guess I'm just disappointed at just how unfit I actually am. Like, the warm up left me breathless. It was just...
  5. C

    Xtrain Question!

    Hi Cathe (or anyone else that would be glad to share there opinion), So I haven't exercised all year (so about 10 weeks), and am extremely unfit. I'm 20 years old and of healthy body weight and size, and have tried Cathe's DVD's in the past and found them to be amazing. Anyway, I decided...
  6. C

    What weights do I need for Xtrain???

    Oh wow lol. Yeah I don't think I'll be achieving 35 pounds anytime soon ;) So I highest I would ever have to consider would probably be 16kg. Although for now I can't see myself using much heavier than 8-10 kg's haha :o Cathe doesn't actually sell hand weights or barbells does she?
  7. C

    What weights do I need for Xtrain???

    Hey all, I'm looking into buying Cathes entire XTrain series...and I was just wondering how many handweights will I need? I already have 1kg, 2kg, 3kg, 4kg and 5kg handweights. How many more should I get? Should I go up to say...12? Whats the heaviest handweight Cathe uses in her DVD's? I know...
  8. C


    Hello ladies, I know many of us (a whopping 80-90%) have cellulite - most commonly found on the hamstrings and glutes. I am only 20, have never been close to overweight, and yet I have quite a lot of cellulite on my legs/butt - particularly for someone of my age and healthy weight. I've...
  9. C

    Do I need a calorie surplus to gain muscle?

    Hi Cathe! (and anyone else who wishes to contribute!) Basically, my goal is to be tighter and more toned! I weigh 55kg (121 lbs) and am 5'5 - so I'm at a healthy weight and don't actually need to lose 'weight'. I'm about 20% body fat - but I just feel so flabby and have quite a bit of...
  10. C

    I feel it a lot in my traps when I work shoulders...

    Yeah, I will definitely try to be more conscious of keeping shoulder down and not tensing unnecessarily. And to be honest, I don't even think I'm lifting the weights/band high enough for the lateral raises! : s But that is probably because I'm restricting myself in some way...
  11. C

    I feel it a lot in my traps when I work shoulders...

    Hey Cathe! Or anyone else who reads this post! Firstly I will say I LOVE your workouts. Today I did Gym Style Back Shoulder and Biceps. I have found that when I work shoulders, my traps stiffen up, and to the point where I need to stop half way through the set just to relax them. Sometimes...
  12. C

    General advice needed about muscle gain + fat loss!

    Hi all, I'm wanting to reduce my body fat. I think its around 20%. But I store most of it in my bum/top of thighs. I would also like to increase muscle to fill me out and just to make me look better basically! I don't know where to start.......should I be increasing my calories and...
  13. C

    Have figured out fat what?

    Hey all! So I've posted about this issue before - the pockets of fat located just below the buttocks crease (upper thigh, back of leg). Cathe gave me some great advice - so I have gone ahead and bought a few of her leg DVD's and boy oh boy do they get me burning! And I love it! : ) I feel it...
  14. C

    How long should muscle pain last?! Help!

    Thanks for all the great responses guy! :D I definitely feel more reassured now :) And no way am I gonna give up! Today was the first day where I thought my legs were ready to be worked again - so I did the gym style legs 30 min premix again! I feel I was able to get through it a bit more...
  15. C

    How long should muscle pain last?! Help!

    Hi everyone, So I'm not very fit, and I've just started strength training. I have a number of Cathe's DVD's, including Gym Style Legs - which I did last week. I only did the 30 minute premix - and didn't do the 'bonus' parts at the end of each exercises, I used less weight, and cut down...
  16. C

    I don't have the strength to complete Cathes workouts : (

    Thanks everyone for the responses :) I think my main problem in the past is that I don't feel like I have done a good enough job unless I do the WHOLE thing. But I know that is ridiculous, and I need to change that mind set or else I'm going to be stuck in a rut for a long long time! I have...
  17. C

    I don't have the strength to complete Cathes workouts : (

    Hey everyone, I'm very new to strength training - infact, I have not started yet! I am focusing mainly on lower body. Cathe has recommended me some great DVD's which I have purchased, and they look so fun and I'm so motivated to get started! But, the only problem is that I just don't have the...
  18. C

    Fat deposits! Advice much needed!

    I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who replied to my thread, all great/interesting responses :) And Cathe, wow, thank you SO much! : D That has to be some of the best advice anyone has ever given to me, based on my individual goals. I have ordered those DVD's and are currently...
  19. C

    Fat deposits! Advice much needed!

    Hey Cathe, I'm 20 years old, I've always been at a healthy weight, and yet I have developed these stubborn fat deposits just below my buttocks on each leg! Its like a roll. I know you can't spot reduce. And I think I am 'skinny-fat', so I've started to look into your DVD's focusing on...
  20. C

    How many calories are burnt?

    Thank you! I found what I was after! Generally speaking, I try to put in as much effort as possible in terms of my arms and legs, and I do push myself. One thing I will start doing is increasing to an 8inch step as opposed to 6 inch, and it may be more accurate. Thank you! : )