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    SATURDAY CHEETAHS, get up and go!!!

    Good afternoon Cheetahs! I am getting on here late because my teenage son has been hogging the Thanks for including me in your thread. I have decided that I am going to run 3 days a week for now. I really dont want to overdue it. I did order the gym style series but I am going to...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Friday smiles :)

    Hi Cheetahs! I am a new runner but not new to Cathe. I have asked some questions on the open discussion forum and some of the Cheetahs kindly helped me out (thank you!) and of course I have more...It seems that everyone has a different opinion when surfing the internet...LOL First
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    Thanks ladies..I appreciate your advice and I would love to check out the cheetahs but where do I go to get to that? Beth
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    Thanks Carole....I am actually just focused on being able to run for 30 minutes right now 4 times a week and then I will gradually build up from there. I have been doing the firm for many years but I have a lot of cathe's videos too, so I want to tone also. I just am not sure how to put together...
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    I just have a question for the runners. I recently started the beginner runners schedule in RW and I am up to 4:1 minutes of running/walking. I just ordered Cathe's ME and was going to try and do it twice a week, but my question is do you think that is enough? I also have been working on my core...
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    jari love

    Thanks to everyone for their input! I appreciate it.
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    jari love

    I was wondering about that because I am leaning more towards MM but I have to get a lot of definition and lean muscle. Will that DVD work for me?
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    jari love

    Can someone tell me what Cathe weight training videos would compare to Jari Love's videos? I have been doing her for a while and it is about to kill my joints with all the reps. I was thinking of purchasing either MM or ME..any advise would be appreicated. Thanks- Beth
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    running ?

    This does help alot and I will do some more research. I actually had thought about purchasing either muscle endurance or muscle max and maybe just try and do those at least 2 to 3 times a week along with running. I really appreciate your input. Thanks again- Beth
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    running ?

    Hi Clare...I hate to bother you again, but I have finally decided what schedule I am going to do and I was wonder what you thought. M-run (beginning schedule) T-PUB W-run TH-PUB F-run S-PUB/PLB S-Rest I really can only work my legs once a week at this point due to soreness but maybe...
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    running ?

    I am going by the article from smart coach on runner's world. I really dont want to work to fast and injury myself again, so i am going step by step this time. I do have all of Jari Love's dvds also. She is kind of inbetween the firm and Cathe and I love them, so maybe to start off I will...
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    running ?

    Thanks for the input....I do have a lot of Cathe's videos and I have been doing the firm for a couple years now. These are the Cathe videos that i have: Total body stretching Low impact Step + total body sculpting Stretch max Basic step + body fusion High step circuit Supersets + push...
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    running ?

    Thanks Clare....I did go and read that post and it does make a lot of sense. I am actually in the process of working up to a steady run and trying to train myself to run. I tried a year ago and worked up to fast and gave myself shin splints, so I am kind of doing intervals adding to my time. I...
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    running ?

    I am going to use treadmill running for my cardio and I was thinking about ordering LIC as my cardio/strength training 2 days a week with maybe 1 day of yoga on the weekend because I really need to burn off fat and then later on may just go to MM or something. Do you think this is too much or...
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    Turbo Jam

    Thanks for the info. I am glad it is popular. I just ordered it this morning. I am going to combine it with jari love's getted ripped. I have some cathe but she is still a bit hard for me, but I hope to work up to hers. I will let you all know what I think. Beth
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    Turbo Jam

    Hi. I was just wondering if anyone has tried Turbo Jam and how they liked it. It looks like a great cardio workout. Beth
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    question from intermediate exerciser

    Hi, I am trying to figure out where to start and need some help. I have been doing the firm for the last 3 or so years but actually started with Cathe with her beginner/intermediate workouts but then saw the firm infomercial and went to them. I am not seeing results anymore and i really like...
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    Hi, I am trying to figure out where to start and need some help. I have been doing the firm for the last 3 or so years but actually started with Cathe with her beginner/intermediate workouts but then saw the firm infomercial and went to them. I am not seeing results anymore and i really like...
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    Kick max

    I am looking for a kickboxing video to add to my routine. I know kick max is advanced, but I saw that there is a low impact kick box on the premixes and was wondering is this would be appropriate for an intermediate. Thanks- Beth
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    for any of the runners out there

    Thanks to everyone who replied. I really appreciate it. I will probably just work my legs on Saturday and my upper body tuesdays and thursday and then rest on Sunday. Does anyone have a specific Cathe video that just works legs that they would recommend? I have also heard of interval training...