::: CHEETAHS ::: Friday smiles :)


Good morning, cheetahs! :)

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes yesterday (here and on the OD). I was smiling big!

I *flipped* when I saw that our POSH has signed up for [font size=+1]Chicago!!![/font size] I am SO pumped and hope more cheetahs can make this happen. My mom agreed to come with me for support. :) I didn’t get around to posting here (on this thread) last night because I was hotel shopping. I booked a room at the Silversmith, which looks like it’s not too far from Grant Park (race start/finish). Hotels are booking quickly and are *not* cheap this particular weekend, so I booked a room from Saturday to Monday.

Didn’t do anything special for my birthday. Went to work as usual and had a great day. (Sometimes I take a personal day on or near my birthday but not this year. I’ve had to miss too much school lately on account of NB, and state testing is later this month.) Tonight I’m heading out with some friends, but all in all, I’m hoping for a low-key weekend in which I finish off the grading once and for all. :)

Sunny :: sounds like a great workout!

Shelly :: there is never a happy medium, is there?

Wendi :: ^^^ 5s on the stellar run…how was bowling?

Christine :: how’d Jimmy do at the new day care? I love FP #5. Bought myself a second 20# k’bell y’day. (Chuckled when the cashier couldn’t lift it). I look forward to doing a Firepower workout on Saturday.

Dallas :: so, are you goin’ for it? :7 :7 :7 Congrats on the new Garmin.

Carole :: thanks for the feedback on the Galloway plans. I will go with the To Finish plan and make the modifications you mentioned. Will draw up the revised plan this weekend. Thanks for the link. I will check it out. Ooh, God, Oprah was faster than I thought! *lol*

Jackie :: IA, allergy to chocolate just seems downright unfair! …I tried to get my 43-year-old cousin to run Chicago (he’s my adventure buddy/partner-in-crime ~ i.e. we went skydiving together), but he thinks it’s nuts. Since I am the more rational of the two of us (he once thought it would be a good idea to have a water balloon toss *in* the house with his then 3-year-old nephew), it made me think that perhaps I should have more fear. *lol*

A run is planned for this afternoon. I rearranged the schedule, so I could take last night off instead of Saturday, which is what the plan calls for. Since Sunday's long run isn't long, I figured it's not a big deal.

Have a GREAT day!

Edited to fix typos

Hello cheetahs,

cathy- how awesome your mom is going with you to chicago!! enjoy your run:7

shelly- my legs were fried after weds. workout so much so that i thought about bailing on the sprints yesterday. however once i got started they felt great! seems like the run really helped to flush out the aches.

dallas- no stairs for me yesterday:( my friend bailed on me. however it was a blessing in disguise because my legs would have been too tired to do today's workout.

today is nrolw workout and i am adding on 4DS kb afterwards. (plus i have my butts n gutts class to torture, lol)

have a super day lovely ladies!!
Good morning Cheetahs!! TGIF!!

Wendy - Hope you're having trip. Have fun!

Dallas - When my DS had to have allergy shots, it took the nurse, the doctor and me to hold that child down. Working out with Grace has definitely helped my running. Great buy on that Garmin. Hope you enjoy it.

Cathy - That's great that Posh has signed up for Chicago. The more the merrier. Even better that you'll have your mom there too. Enjoy your night out with friends. Have a good run.

Sunny - Enjoy your workout and have a great class.

An easy day for me. I did a 15 minute walk and Firm Power Yoga.

Better get ready for work. Have a fantastic day!

Good morning ladies!

Ugggh, I *hate* Fridays x(! The late night on Thursday really does kill me. I wanted to get something easy in this morning (LIC or C&W) but when the alarm went off at 4:30 the body said "on 3 1/2 hours of sleep, dream on!!!" so that's just what I did ;). I finally dragged my butt out of bed a couple of minutes ago and I'm glad to have a few minutes to check in with you guys before I head in to work.

Cathy - Have fun with your friends tonight! Kick back a little...you soooooo deserve it! I'm so happy that Posh is going to join you in Chicago. I really wanted to be there to cheer you on but finances just won't allow any kind of travel right now. I bowled well and won all of my points but DSO really struggled (I think more than I've ever seen him) so the team didn't fair so well. Oh well, there's not much we can do now about making a run for first (or even third for that matter) so we'll just finish up these last three weeks with no expectations...whadayagonnadoaboutit.

Sunny - Enjoy workin' the DOMS }( :p! That *must* have been som workout if it made *you* sore lol! In all seriousness, I hope the soreness fades quickly.

Jackie - It looks like you had a nice date with Grace yesterday...you deserve the easier day today. It's my turn to say that ITA with your attitude with regards to running a full mary...go for it girl!!!!!

Shelly - Oh, I so hear you about those super slow days at work...they're almost torturous x(. Nice workout yesterday! How's the garage coming? Oh yeah, if I ever opportunity to get back on a DM I will definitely try that ladder out...wowzers!!

Christine - Oh, I rode such a high from that run yesterday...so much fun!!!! Nice to hear that you had a pretty pooped pup the other day. I have to agree with you about the spoiled mutt comment...he is one lucky pooch to have you!

Wendy - I don't think you'll see this but I hope you're enjoying your mini vacay and rockin that dress!

Dallas - SO sorry to hear about DS allergies :(. Don't you just love those highly productive days...you feel so accomplished at the end of the day, especially since you had a fick arse workout thrown in there, too :D! Nice score on the Garmin!

Carole - Glad that your new hair garnered rave reviews...I'm sure it looks great. Do we get pics? Great workout yesterday!

Posh - Oh, you're such a sweetie signing up for Chicago! You go girls!!!! I just wish I could join you two...only to cheer, of course lol ;).

Gotta get my lunch packed up here and out the door. Ciao ladies!
Hi Cheetahs – Happy Friday for sure!!!

Kimo is really not doing well. Her back legs are having trouble holding her up and for her to get up she needs help. I tried to lift her this morning and she went right back down, but managed to struggle up (with help) for water, then we went outside. Poor thing. She’s so old and sick. Before I’d say she was enjoying life, but now she looks pretty miserable. I have to talk to DH today to figure out what we want to do. Jimmy enjoyed the day care yesterday once we got the leash situation and others handled. He’s still exhausted today, and he’s sensing what’s going on, so instead of being under my feet, he’s hanging out with Kimo. Good boy. Today is ETK (more Turkish Getups) and I think I’ll do HLK as that one is so fun and I could use a dose of fun (and I need a BIG calorie burner! I’ve been sooo bad this week!).

Wendy – hope you’re enjoying Florida!

Dallas – yesterday I had to have Jimmy at the new day care by 7:30. That’s why I had so little time to workout. :p Good job on the run! Yeah, bday parties for pooches – I agree it’s weird. But I guess people have them. Good score on the Garmin! That’s a great price! I think I’d have sprung for that price!

Carole – I like it when the temps are in the mid to high 70’s and low to mid 80’s – perfect temps for me. I actually agree that 2 days a week running is tougher on the bod.

Jackie – I love my dog, but I’m NOT planning any birthday parties for him. That’s just weird. :p Spoiled mutt enjoyed his day. :p I love the mish moshes you put together.

Posh – Too cool that you’ve signed up for Chicago, too! I’m so totally going.

Cathy – That’s so cool of your mom to go with you to Chicago! I WILL be there, too. Have fun tonight! Yeah, I love Firepower, too. I always seem to get the tiniest cashier whenever I buy kettlebells. I need a second 20 pounder, but as ETK uses one, I can wait. Although it’s only been a week and I’m already chomping at the bit to do more. I can, I just have to remember to do the basics first. :p

Sunny – Have fun with 4DS kb and your butts and guts class!!!

Wendi – oh yeah, Jimmy is spoiled. :+ Good job listening to your body and getting your sleep! You need it! Sorry the bowling didn’t go well for SO. Have fun anyway.

Time to get moving. I’m not sure if I’ll go in to the office, or work from home because of Kimo. DH might stay home. We’ll see. I want someone with her if only to help her up to drink, eat and go potty. I’ll check in later. Have a great day ladies.
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...WOW!!! That is so coooool that Posh is going to do Chicago too!!!! Nothing better IMO than running your 1st mary with a veteran!! That is also great your Mom will come for support. Glad to hear you had a great day yesterday...:)...I hope you enjoy a bit of celebration with your friends tonight. On the training, if you can't swing the 4 days of running after about 13 weeks, I am sure Galloways plan will still get you thru the marathon, so don't sweat it. I am definitely an old school marathon runner and I ran 5-6 days a week for training, before all this cross training came into the picture! I also ran my 1st mary with my sister and she already had a few mary's under her belt, and that really helps...:)..Enjoy your run today.

Sunny...enjoy your nrol workout and torturing your class!!

Jackie...not sure my Dh ever understood my desire for marathon running...I remember when my sister ran her 1st. I went over to her house and took her some sort of gift, watched her hobbling around, saw her poor tortured toes and said "Why in the world would anyone want to run THAT far???" ...:D..go figure!! Good job with the iTread sprints! Glad you got in an easy workout today.

Wendi...I was going to take a pic yesterday. I use my remote for my digital but my digitals battery was low so I need to charge it before any pic's....:)...I agree that working out after only 3.5 hours of sleep might not be the best idea...:)

Christine...I am sorry to hear about Kimo...:(..have you ever given her any glucosamine/chondroitin supplements? I gave those to my older dogs to help them with hip issues. Another option if meds don't bother you is to put her on Rimadyl, as it is a pain reliever for dogs. I glad Jimmy is giving Kimo some needed attention..:)..Enjoy your ETK workout.

Dallas...I am sure you could run the marathon distance...once you train, you realize you can run 26.2 miles, and hey, there is nothing wrong with walking also. I know Galloway had a very popular method of running a mile and walking a minute and repeat that to complete the 26.2 miles. I do think that training while having kids to raise can be tricky. But I know people that have done it. Hopefully your DH would support your decision if you decide to do it..:)..Great deal on the Garmin!!! Good job with P90X..

I am planning on GS Chest, LL and 30 min on my EXT.

Have a great day...:)
Hi Cheetahs! I am a new runner but not new to Cathe. I have asked some questions on the open discussion forum and some of the Cheetahs kindly helped me out (thank you!) and of course I have more...It seems that everyone has a different opinion when surfing the internet...LOL

First off...how many times a week do you all run? I am currently doing the 8-week beginners run/walk program and it has me running 4 times a week, mon, wed, fri, and sat. That makes it hard also to add in weights when I only have an hour a day since after I run I usually do abs and stretch.

Second..schedule....If doing only 3 days of running i could fit in a circut and a total body or the gym series. I do know that right now if I am doing Cathe (have a lot of Firm videos too) I can only do legs 1 day with a rest the day after. If I keep my 4 days of running I could do one total and one upper body (maybe 2 upper if i do it after my run on sat). I consider myself an intermediate exerciser but can do some of cathe's advanced videos if i use the premixes or lighten the weight.

I would like to just stick with Cathe and these are the videos that I have.

BC+ME (This one kills me-not up to it yet)

Was thinking of purchasing either pure strength series, C&W, Gym style series, or LIC..

I am sorry to ask so many question but would love some advice here. I tried running a year ago and injured myself. Bad shoes, too fast, too much and I have slowed down, gotten better shoes, and dont want to overdo it and I love it this time around..so far so good:)

I appreciate any feedback.

Good morning cheetahs! Hope everyone is having a terrific friday so far:) Really pushed this old bod hard yesterday with Amy's HLX/APX circuit and later a 50 minute EXT workout but the legs are feeling strong this morning so I'll be heading out soon for a 7-8 mile hilly run:7 :7

Beth- Welcome to cheetahville!!! We are always very happy to have new runners to chat with:7 :7 :7 Sounds like you are going about it very wisely now with your walk/run program. Most of us do 3-4 runs/week. There are so many other great ways to get in cardio workouts. I think your plan is a sound one. Re: a new strength vid I feel the GS series is outstanding! Easily modifiable for an intermediate level exerciser. However, the way you are going I don't think you'll be at that level for much longer. I like to split my workouts and get my run in early and do weights or whatever later myself. Anyway, I hope you keep checking in and updating us on your progress.

Carole- Hiya! How's the GS rotation going? Planning a long(ish) run this weekend?

Christine- Poor dear! Sounds like you have a difficult decision ahead for Kimo!! :( My old Birdy is reaching that stage slowly.
She's had bad hips since age 2 (she's 14 now) and we've kept her going pretty well with regular Glucosamine and Rimadyl as needed.
I'm sure you're already giving Kimo whatever medications you can.
Other than that there's little one can do except know when the time is right-- when they no longer get any enjoyment or comfort out of life. It's hard! HUGS for you! HLK is a great fun calorie burner-- good choice to do when there is lots on your mind!

Wendi- I guess there is no such thing as a slow work day for you!
I made great progress on the garage mess yesterday... am about 70% done now! I'm very glad that you opted to sleep in... 3.5 hrs is definitely NOT enough and your body needed that MUCH more then any "easy" cardio workout!

Jackie- Glad to hear you got in a satisfying yoga workout :)

SunnyD- Great job in pushing thru that feeling and getting in a great sprint workout! I know you're not interested in running distances but are you planning on any shorter races this year?

Cathy- That's fantastic news about Posh joining you in Chicago!!!!
It'll make your experience all that much more special. Can't wait to see the pics of you two at the finish:7 :7 Hope you have an awesome run this afternoon!

Time to get this old bod out the door! Later today I'll be giving Seasun's SUS another go around.

WT-so now posh signed up for chicago? i'm going to have to give that some serious, serious thought. maybe the third time is a charm. enjoy your birthday celebration!!!

sunny-nrolw, 4ds kb, AND b&g class?! wow!!!

jackie-i hope you enjoyed your yoga. i am planning on some eoin today as well.

wendi-i WOULD NOT have woken up to workout after so little sleep.

christine-i am so, so sorry about kimo. i know words can not help you. you will know what to do and when. please email me if you need anything.

carole-hope you enjoy your workout. i am thinking about doing gs c&t as well.

beth-welcome! these women are a wealth of information! you will get expert opinions here. btw...i absolutely LOVE gym styles!!! imo, you can't go wrong if you get them. i also have lic and c&w and really love those, it's just i think the gs dvds get the most use from me as far as weight workouts.

so, my hip flexor is a bit sore today (funny, though, becuase it's not the side that was hurt before). otherwise, no pain from my long run on wednesday. yesterday, i did kpc because it has minimal impact. i am not sure if i will do any cardio today *gasp* because i don't want to irritate my hip flexor anymore. i did do kelli's foam roller dvd yesterday and it felt soooooo good. maybe i could do lowmax or something. i am also going to do upper body. don't have a plan yet.

i hope you all are having a super day!!!

shelly-you and i were posting at the same time!!! you really are super woman! a 7-8 mile run? you go, girl!
Hi Gals!

Quite day here y-day. It makes it easy to catch up with you all. :) DS had a field trip this AM. We went to see a Dr. Seuss play. It was cute. I was up until 1A, so I definitely couldn't get my planned cardio and glute exercises done before the field trip. :( We may have a whole lot of time on our hands really soon. The soccer meeting went horribly. :( I don't think I've seen DH this down....ever. :(

Cathy ~ That is awesome that your mom will be there. Well, I'm really warming up to the idea. I guess I had read a flyer that said, "run only" referring to that marathon. I guess that's not the case, huh? Where did Posh say she was signed up? I don't think I'd need a hotel. Although I'm still 45 minutes away on a good traffic day. Let me talk to DH as soon as he's approachable....poor guy. :(

Lorie ~ That's odd about the pain on the other side? Do you think you were compensating for the weak side? Have fun w/your workout plan today? :)

Beth~ Welcome! These girls are awesome!!!! I've learned so much from checking in here. :) I vote for GS as well.

Carole ~ Thanks for the advice. I may have to pick your brain some more. ;-) Well, I already thought of a good question were you able to still do traditional weight work while training? Or did you stick w/2 day splits, circuits and/or total body? I can't give the weights up. Well, your post to Jackie makes me want to sign up ASAP. :p ;-) lol

Shelly ~ Nice workout plans today! Double cardio, eh!??! }( How's the moving process going?

Christine ~ ((((HUGS)))) poor Kimo. That's cute that Jimmy is being understanding. You all have me wondering why that was so cheap (the Garmin). Is that an old model? I hope that's the only reason because I don't need anything super fancy.

Wendi ~ I here you on the late night! Of course, I wasn't working just super worrying. Hey, that "Dream On" song was song by Michael John's on Idol and he got the boot! :( I liked him. That was a real shame.

Jackie ~ Oh, we haven't gotten to the shot phase I'll see what she says at the next appt, but we'll have to think about it if she thinks that's the next step. I just don't want him to ever have that bad of a coughing fit like that one night a few weeks ago. That was so scary. What's your weekend plans?

Sunny ~ Isn't that the worse when someone cancels? That happened on Monday, but of course I couldn't be too mad. Her son was sick. I actually liked listening to my iPod and going at my own pace. There's no other workout like that. }( Have fun torturing your class. }(

Well, I better eat some lunch before my doctor appt. I have high hopes on getting to that workout this afternoon/evening sometime.

Have a great day!
Hey Gals!

I don’t have much time – I’m working my day shift today and pretty busy, so this post is going to be totally about me and Chicago…lol. It’s different in this office during lunch as I must leave my cubicle to have lunch otherwise it could be non-stop interruption. This is why I’m not able to really sneak in a post during lunch anymore. Anyhoo, Yes, it is true, I’m signed up for CHICAGO BABY! Yeah! I posted the news very late last night in the Yahoo Cathe Cheetah group but got too tired to post over here (almost 1am PST) and I had to get up early for a day shift…. As mentioned in the Yahoo group, I really wanted to participate in an event some cheetahs were doing AND the let down of the NIKE run and other event chatter really ENABLED my decision. Also, I have enough American Airline miles to book a RT ticket to Chicago and it will only cost me $10 – can’t beat that! I feel the commitment to an event like this will really push me and keep me on track to continue forging ahead on my weight loss goal to get back up to par with my running “efficiency”….lol. I must say, I was cheezin’ pretty big to see that people were so excited that I was joining on. BUT, I also must say, although I’m a veteran, I must caution that I ain’t no Super Carole or Crazy Shelley…so don’t expect any miracles outta this ol’ mule (I know, I love Shelley’s mule story!) .lol. I can, however, offer lots of support and encouragement for our newbie marathoners. Heck, if this average, over-flowing plate, full-time employed/part-time student, married mom of 3 teens can train and run 4 marathons, 6 half-marathons, and oodles of 12K,10K,5 miler, and 5K’s, then I BELIEVE Cathy and Dallas can breeze on through Chicago. Ya’ll just gotta BELIEVE! LOL… Oh, and Lorie, you just gotta go to Chicago now..…it is major enabling mode now …Oh, hey, Christine? Very cool you are going to Chicago; are you running? C’mon – you can do it!

Ok, time is up - I hope everyone is having a splendid day and I’ll try to get a decent personals post going before the weekend is over. Tomorrow is the funeral service for our friend so I’m not sure I’ll be online much, but I’ll try to get here by Sunday.

Happy Friday!

Thomasina (POSH!):7
Afternoon, cheetah dahlings :)

Sunny :: bet you had fun torturing the butts & guts crew.

Jackie :: it’s really too bad that you won’t be in Chicago then.

Wendi :: hope you had a good day at work.

(((Christine))) :: so sorry to hear about Kimo. :( It’s a terrible decision to have to weigh. Thoughts are with you. How ‘bout that Jimmy—somehow they just KNOW. I’m forgetting what HLK is—is that Amy? I am so, so pumped about you coming to Chicago. I’m wondering if you'd consider running it? I plan to run SLOW and SAFE.

Carole :: Yeah, I was a five-day-a-week runner as well and kinda figured for this, I’d run 4 days regardless, even if I used the “To Finish” program as three doesn’t seem like enough to me. That’s kinda why I looked at the fat-burning program and was leaning toward that. I am reading about his run/walk theory, but I think he walks more than I would like. Need to read more this weekend.

Beth :: I haven’t been running much this winter (tried an experiment where I subbed the elliptical instead & did other XT), but typically, when on a normal schedule, I’ll run 3-4x per week. Why not do weights on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Of your choices, I’d vote for GS as well.

Shelly :: sure you & Wendy don’t wanna tack on another few miles and join the Chicago party? :7

WT :: you GOTTA go! Chicago! Chicago! Chicago!!! :) Hope that hip flexor’s calming down.

Dallas :: DO IT!! (Have you seen Starsky & Hutch the movie? That’s a classic line I love quoting.) :7 I didn’t see that about the “run only.” Errr, uhh, I’d better go check that out.

Posh :: you rule! :) I feel the same about the training helping me reach my goals -- and I think it'll keep me distracted from the NB wait. I wanted the first (and maybe only?) mary to be special, so I thought it would be cool to travel to one of the “big ones” in a city I’ve been itchin’ to visit. The fact that other cheetahs will be there – running or not – makes it all the more *incredible.* You work on Christine; I’ll work on Carole. ;) :7 Oh, and now I want to fly out early, too! Only thing is, by the time I fly out after work, it'd be somewhere between 8-10 pm, and I figured why pay a few hundred bucks just to crash in the hotel? Unfortunately, I do not think I can take a personal on Friday *and* Monday, but I will check on that.

I’ve rearranged the training schedule once more so that I can do Firepower tonight and run tomorrow and Sunday. Just because that's what I feel like instead. :) The first week is pretty basic, so it's not much of an issue to re-order things.

I went in an hour early this morning and stayed late tonight and am happy to say that I am finally down to JUST the short stories. So I have 85 papers to tackle this weekend. What a relief to finally see the end of that pile!

It was kind of a long (& somewhat frustrating) day, and I wound up baggin' the plans with my buds. Nothing sounds more appealing to me right now than crashing EARLY!

Anywho, have a GREAT night!

Edited to fix typos

LOL! at your post Posh! You are quite the enabler. ;-) Work on Christine!!!! :)

OK, here's the thing, I just got back from my hair dresser Or should I say hair stylist?? ha ha! Hair dresser makes me feel like I'm really old. :+ Anyway, she said I look really thin. However, she quickly said you don't look bad. Hmmm. How can I increase my mileage and not get super skinny looking? Not a good look for me or anyone, IMHO.

Cathy ~ I just loved that show when I was a kid. :) Did not see the movie. There was a movie? lol You're more than welcome to stay at my house. And anyone else. I know it's exciting to stay in the city. We still have a guest bedroom w/an attached bathroom. I didn't take it over w/exercise equipment...yet!! :7 It's right next to the workout room, so you can get a workout in instead of sleeping. ;-) My hair girl is training for the Disney half and she loves that Galloway book. I'll have to go get it. Good luck getting those stories graded. Oh, that "run only" was on the Team in Training flyer. Maybe that's just for that running group???

Have a good night!
Evening Cheetahs!

Wendi - Glad you listened to your body this morning. I'm sure the workout would have suffered on so little sleep. Sorry SO bowling was off. So, you'll just bowl with no added pressure. Haven't quite wrapped my mind around doing a full mary but you never know.

Christine - So sorry to hear Kimo is doing well. Thank goodness Jimmy understands. I know it has to be hard. How did she do the rest of the day?

Carole - Yeah, why in the world would anyone want to run that far? LOL!! It was nice to have someone to run your first mary with. I have a co-worker who ran her first 5K last weekend and won her age group. She was so excited that's she's signed up to run a race every weekend. Her ultimate goal is to do a full mary. Just wish we lived close to one another, we could do some runs together.

Beth - Welcome to Cheetahland. Right now I only run 3 times per week because I'm not training for anything more than a 5K at this time. I like Gym Styles. They work pretty well with my running.

Shelly - I'm surprised you still had legs to run a hilly 7 miles. Hope it was a good one. You're making a pretty good dent in that garage. You don't have much time left now.

Lorie - Sorry to hear the hip flexor is sore. Hope you figured out a workout to do that didn't aggravate it further.

Dallas - Sounds like you and DS had a fun day. Sorry DH is feeling down. I'm doing some more packing. I collected a few more boxes and need to get them filled. My hair stylist said the same thing to me last year. It was when I started running those 7 miles or more runs (especially the tempo runs) that really slimmed me down. By the time I ran my first half mary, the weight picked up again. I think it was because I started eating more. Now, I try and make sure I keep a good balance of running and weights. I'm maintaining the weight now.

Posh - Glad you'll be able to get to Chicago at such a low cost. You girls are going to have fun. Will keep your friend's family and your family in prayer.

Cathy - October is a few months away. And, you know how you enablers are. Something may happen and I can work it out. Will be able to think clearer about after the move. Hope you get that grading completed this weekend. Enjoy your night in.

Think I'll pack one more box and then hit the hay.

Have a good night everyone!


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