Search results

  1. L

    Any dental assistants?

    I lurk here almost everyday and think you are all such a wonderful group of people. I am in a crossroads in my life and could use some advise. I am returning to work after having a daycare in my home for the last 5 years and am looking for insight into this line of work. What do you like...
  2. L

    Has anyone ever tried Nutrisystem

    My sister tried it and she said "No wonder people lose weight, the food is tastes awful!" I had been tempted too before I heard that!
  3. L

    Bands in GS Legs

    I just recieved mine from Collage Video. It looks like the same one!
  4. L

    What do y'all do for a living?

    Everyone seems to have such interesting careers! I am mother of 3 young children and run a daycare out of my home. Very fulfilling to watch the children grow and learn, but also very stressful in a non-office work kind of way! Probably I will go back to work when all my kids are in school...
  5. L

    So many choices.....

    Thank you all for your advice. I went ahead and ordered the GS. The w/o's I have now seem more endurance focused, so hopefully this will help to shock my body! I can't wait to start! Thanks again, Crystal
  6. L

    So many choices.....

    Thanks so much for your input. I probably will go ahead and get the GS series. They both have gotten very good reviews, it's so hard to decide! I wish I could get them all! I'm going to Hawaii in May so I'm trying to get swimsuit ready( if thats possible!) Hopefully GS will help me get there!
  7. L

    For those who follow rotations....

    Can I ask what your rotation looks like with the GS & S&H? I would love to try something similar to P90X. Seems like people have gotten great results with it. Thanks!
  8. L

    Paula's Choice ROCKS!

    I also agree that these products are wonderful. They don't cost any more than drug store brands and these actually work! I ordered samples of several products (which I think is a great idea to offer) and after trying the BHA 2% my skin looked awesome overnight!!! It worked better than any...
  9. L

    So many choices.....

    Thanks so much for the reply! I had been leaning towards the Gym Styles, but they are kinda out of my budget range! (Though I know they are worth it!) Which do you think has the most effective leg w/o? This is my problem area. I have a hard time building and maintaining muscle in my lower...
  10. L

    So many choices.....

    So little money! I am having such a hard time deciding between the Pyramids and the Gym Styles. My goal is on muscle tone and definition ( and also strength gains). Which would be best to start with? I have been doing Cathe wo's for about 6mths LOVE HER! Why didn't I find her sooner?! The...
  11. L

    Help! I need advice!

    Someone suggested I post here to benefit from everyone's expertise! Here is my situation: I am 34, 5'9 and 135 lbs. I have finally gotten to my goal weight after gaining alot of weight with my 3rd child (now 3). I recently discovered Cathe's workouts (am sooo glad that I did!) I have...
  12. L

    Help! I need your advice!

    Thank you both so much for your advice! I will post in the open forum also. Thanks again!
  13. L

    Help! I need your advice!

    Hello! This is my first post. I'll try to make this as short as possible. I am 34, 5'9 and 135 lbs. I have finally gotten to my goal weight after gaining alot of weight with my 3rd child (now 3). I recently discovered your workouts (am sooo glad I did!) I have purchased KPC/L&G, BC/ME & HST...