So many choices.....

So little money! I am having such a hard time deciding between the Pyramids and the Gym Styles. My goal is on muscle tone and definition ( and also strength gains). Which would be best to start with? I have been doing Cathe wo's for about 6mths LOVE HER! Why didn't I find her sooner?! The other Cathe dvds I have are:

Which series would compliment what I have? I want to do weights 3 or 4 days and cardio 2 days for a while and see how my body responds. (I believe I am an ecto)

Anyone have any advice for me??

Thanks in advance for any help!
I would go for the Gym Styles for a 3 day split. This is my favorite strength series and I have made a lot of strength gains with it. Cathe does a wide variety of exercises and I love working with the band. I like the Pyramids too but I reach for Gym Styles a lot more. PUB also has a great ab routine while the Gym Styles don't have any ab routines. Cathe made Core Max for that with 3 separate core routines.

Thanks so much for the reply! I had been leaning towards the Gym Styles, but they are kinda out of my budget range! (Though I know they are worth it!) Which do you think has the most effective leg w/o? This is my problem area. I have a hard time building and maintaining muscle in my lower body. In time I would love to get them both!

What kind of rotation did you do with the gym styles? How much cardio?

Sorry for all the questions. Thanks for all the advice!

I second the Gym Styles. I have the Pyramids and love them. My current rotation has both the Pyramids and the Gym Styles. I think they compliment each other nicely.

I do enjoy the Gym Styles a more though. The exercises are different and it makes it fun for me.

Since you have KPC/L&G, why not try Legs & Glutes. I find this one to be very effective and you don't need a lot of equipment. I really like the music and it moves so fast I feel it has a cardio component to it as well. For the Gym Styles, I usually do each of them once a week as well as 3 days a week of cardio. You could put in an interval workout (one of the IMAXes), along with KPC. For the third cardio day, you could do the cardio from BC and the cardio from HSTA. GS Legs is also a very effective leg workout, an equal amount of standing and floor work. Butts & Guts is also a very effective leg workout and has two great ab routines. The stability ball ab workout is my favorite. HTH.

Thanks so much for your input. I probably will go ahead and get the GS series. They both have gotten very good reviews, it's so hard to decide! I wish I could get them all! I'm going to Hawaii in May so I'm trying to get swimsuit ready( if thats possible!) Hopefully GS will help me get there!
You may enjoy the Intensity series (two workouts on one DVD and perfect premix options) which includes:
1. Cardio & Weights/Imax 2 - great for interval cardio, step and weight circuit with focus on upper body & a nice ab workout too. Premixes are nice also.
2. Muscle Endurance/Boot Camp - ME is total body weight workout and BC is one minute cycles of cardio, lower, upper, core repeated 8 times. Again, nice premixes
3. PUB/PLB - upper and lower body weight workouts. Nice use of stability ball for abs and lower body. Nice total body premix
4. A compilation DVD, which I don't own but I've heard is awesome.
Good luck with your decision!
Thank you all for your advice. I went ahead and ordered the GS. The w/o's I have now seem more endurance focused, so hopefully this will help to shock my body! I can't wait to start!

Thanks again,

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