Search results

  1. butterflygurl

    Perception of business practices

    Wow!! When I logged in I saw that my last log in date was July 15, 2009. That is suprising b/c I was once a daily visitor to the Cathe forums. I still visit other fitness forums daily; but, stopped visiting this forum b/c of the various issues that I disliked about the forum. I exercised my...
  2. butterflygurl

    Question about feet- achilles tendonitis

    Cancel thread
  3. butterflygurl

    CLX Workout Log

    Hi all! I could not find this when I did a search so please forgive me if there is a post out there and please point me in the direction of it. Is there a workout log for CLX. I just got it and I did not see a log in the manual. I was wonder if there is one b/f I put the energy and time...
  4. butterflygurl

    Combating the winter blues

    I live in Michigan, as the days are getting shorter (less daylight) I can feel myself going into hibernation mode. I am trying to stop that by taking vitamin D and keeping my a.m. workout no matter what (5-6 days/week) and committing to at least 3 evening workouts/week. Anyone else have this...
  5. butterflygurl

    Free Fiber One Samples

    Honey Cluster cereal and Oats & Chocolate Bar Enjoy!
  6. butterflygurl

    Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL 9/27/08 - Hilarious!!!

    Enjoy- this was hilarious!!
  7. butterflygurl

    Unrealistic goal??

    I just got back on track with Weight Watchers. As of today, I have lost 16.8 lbs. There is a big celbration in November w/Florine Mark, CEO of WW. Now I really could not care less about having dinner with her... really could not care less. However, it is a goal. I have at least 94lb to lose...
  8. butterflygurl

    Tae Bo King's Wife Files for Separation

    Tae Bo King's Wife Files for Separation Originally posted 04/24/2008 06:00AM It was a marriage made in infomercial heaven. But - after a 33-year union - Tae Bo guru Billy Blanks's wife filed for legal separation Tuesday, citing irreconcilable differences. According to the papers, filed...
  9. butterflygurl

    Rotations April 2003 - March 2008

    April ’03 – Muscle Endurance May ’03 – Variety Training June ’03 – Muscle Strength...
  10. butterflygurl

    Juicing Recipes

    Hi Ladies and Gents! In my previous post, I was whining b/c my Lack Lalanne juicer broke. Well... I have a new base (motor) on the way and I am eager to find wonderful new healthy (and some not so healthy) juicing reipes to try! So I am asking you all to share some juicing recipes that you...
  11. butterflygurl

    Have I been taken?!??!!

    Hi all! Happy Thanksgiving!!! I was using my Jack LaLanne juicer this morning. I was trying to keep it nice an healthy... until dinner. :o I was making the Green Drink Dr. Oz recommended on the Oprah show a couple of weeks ago. The motor on my juicer started to smoke!!!! The blade would not...
  12. butterflygurl

    P90X questions- starting in November

    Hi All, I plan to start P90X in November and I have a couple of questions. I can not guarantee this list of questions is exhaustive. I have not finished going through the books yet. :-) 1. Should I start on Thursday, November 1, 2007 or Monday, November 5, 2007 (Sunday is my preferred...
  13. butterflygurl

    New Bootcamp- sound missing at beginning

    I have not been on the boards in a while, so I apologize if this has been discussed. I did a search first and did not see anything. I received my dvds and was previewing them this morning. I was previewing Bootcamp and noticed that the sound is muted at the very beginning of BC. Am I the...
  14. butterflygurl

    Barry's Bootcamp Spreadsheet??

    Hi all!! I just finished a 3 week round of Cathe's Pure Strength. I have been seeing may posts about BBC. I was thinking I will start a 3-4 week round of that b/f I start P90X in November!!! :D I was wondering if anyone has a spreadsheet for the BBC workouts. If so, I would be eternally...
  15. butterflygurl

    Rate of Weight loss on shows like The Biggest Loser

    I was reading this article: I have always heard that one should only lose 1-2 lbs per week. This article puts it into perspective, why this is healthier. Losing muscle is not good!! So I absolutely love to watch The...
  16. butterflygurl

    Push ups- knees or no knees?

    Hi all, I have lost in excess of 60 pounds and still have about 80 lbs to go. I still do push ups on my knees. This is still very challenging for me. I was flipping through Jillian Michaels new book (can't think of the name now) in Border's this weekend. I realize her book is targeted...
  17. butterflygurl

    Rotations Updated through September 2007

    April ’03 – Muscle Endurance May ’03 – Variety Training June ’03 – Muscle Strength...
  18. butterflygurl


    Has anyone ever tried this? I know that the Hollywood Trainer Jeanette jenkis is sponsored by this company on Lifetime TV.
  19. butterflygurl

    Shift Happens!! Thought provoking. . . .
  20. butterflygurl

    Lunacat or Aquajock- Updated Compendium

    First, I would like to say thank you for putting together the compendium!!! It is wonderful. I have most of Cathe's dvds; but, I did not know the wealth of variety on each one until looking at your compendium. Second, I was wondering if you have an updated version. I have one from 2005. It...