Juicing Recipes


Hi Ladies and Gents! In my previous post, I was whining b/c my Lack Lalanne juicer broke. Well... I have a new base (motor) on the way and I am eager to find wonderful new healthy (and some not so healthy) juicing reipes to try! So I am asking you all to share some juicing recipes that you enjoy. I will start.

Jack Lalanne's Post Workout Power Punch
1 lemon
1 orange
1 pear
1 apple
5 broccoli florets
(I would actually use 1/2 lemon- was a little too lemony for me)

Dr. Memhet Oz's Green Drink (I have not tried this one yet)
1 apple
1 cup spinach
1 cucumber
1 lemon
1/2 inch ginger root
4 celery stalks
1 lime

Drink up and enjoy!!

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