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  1. M


    3 1/2 to 5 tbsp. of coconut oil comes out to 410 to 586 calories. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
  2. M

    Has anyone done the LiveStrong Challenge?

    I'm considering doing the LiveStrong Challenge (the 10K run part). They hook you up with a coach for 10 weeks of training leading up to the actual event. The one in Southern California is at the end of June (so I'd need to sign up this week to get 10 full weeks of training). Did anyone here...
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    Runners...if you could choose any marathon.....

    I'm thinking of doing the Inland Empire Half-Marathon in December (It's actually the Inland Empire Marathon but if I do it, I'll only do the half because I'm not enough of a glutton for punishment to do a full marathon.) It's in Southern California and it's all downhill. Here's the info...
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    I've heard coconut is really good for vegans since it's one of the few vegan sources of saturated fat (and you actually need some saturated fat to live.) It's pretty high in calories though (like all nuts) so I think it's a moderation thing. I LOVE cooking with light coconut milk. It's yummy...
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    Kids' Fitness Class?

    My 9-year-old daughter LOVES yoga and kickboxing. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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    Fitness group workout ideas?

    I was going to suggest the same playground workout from Oxygen that Charlotte suggested. I looks like fun. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
  7. M

    Creative uses for leftover Easter candy

    You could embrace your inner toddler and make pictures with jelly beans, glue and construction paper (kinda like macaroni art.) I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
  8. M

    Vitamins - blech!

    Viactive (yeah, that's what they're called) also makes a multi-vitamin but I haven't tried it (couldn't find it in the store.) I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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    <---I heard a fly buzz when I died

    <---has a lot of leftover chocolate at home right now <---is hoping kids will finish it off before <---gets home since they're on spring break right now <---knows they probably won't since they like to make it last <---will probably have Easter candy in the house for months...
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    Vitamins - blech!

    I take the children's chewables and also the chocolate flavored chewable calcium suppliment (I'm not remembering what it's called.) I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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    Calling All Bakers!

    Frozen blueberries are definitely more cost effective than fresh. They'll work just fine in your baking (I like them mixed in my oatmeal) plus the fresh ones go bad REALLY fast. When I've bought fresh blueberries, they usually go bad if I don't use them the day I bring them home from the...
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    <---I heard a fly buzz when I died

    <---says Good Morning <---is finally feeling well enough to workout <---had an Easter BBQ yesterday and decided to make that a new family tradition I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
  13. M

    <--- Awake but still I'm dreaming

    <---lived in TN a while back and some huge tornados hit downtown Nashville <---thought it was freaky I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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    <--- Awake but still I'm dreaming

    <---tells everyone in the tornados to be safe and get in the basement if you can! <---thinks tornados are MUCH scarier than earthquakes I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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    <--- Awake but still I'm dreaming

    <---would like to look like Denise Austin when <---is 49-years-old I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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    <--- Awake but still I'm dreaming

    <---has never tried a Denise workout <---thinks she's a great person though since she's done a lot to promote fitness and nutrition I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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    Internet security - what products???

    My brother is a software manager for McAfee so yeah, use that ;) I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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    yoga/pilates rant

    I can't tell you how many people have told me that I'd lose more if I would only do pilates. I think yoga and pilates are a good thing and beneficial to a lot of people but I just don't have time for it with all the cardio I need to do. I've always had a theory that most of the people who do...
  19. M

    What is a day off for you?

    I think a little walk and a stretch shouldn't be a problem. It's not like you need to lay down all day. For me, I just don't do a formal workout on a rest day but I'll go on a family walk or run around at the park on a rest day. I solemnly...
  20. M

    Best way to steam veggies?

    I read that it's more a problem with plastic wrap and it's best to nuke stuff in glass. I'm not sure about rubbermaid and tupperwear stuff that's made to be used in the microwave. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good