Runners...if you could choose any marathon.....


All you runners out there. I am in the market for my next marathon! LOL I'm excited and ready to go!

I've got a half 2 weeks from today and then a few small races all throughout the summer. But I want to set a challenge and a goal and I'm ready for marathon #2. I'm not sure if I'll do it as a fundraiser for the Leukemia Society or not this time all depends.

So, my question.....

If you could choose any marathon to run, what would it be and why?


The Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. This year's is fully registered already.

Two reasons:

1. They have a CHOCOLATE MILE
2. Everyone who finishes gets a Tiffany necklace

Need I say more?:p
Out of very many I loved NY the most. That was my first and got me hooked on marathoning for many years. Unbelieveble experience, you are almost sad when it's over. I can very highly recommend that one.:)
Thanks, ladies.

I have been considering Nike in San Fran with the Leukemia Society (they have some spots reserved)!!!!!!

California, though. WOW. I'll check those out also!

NY is close; I live in PA. But I'm willing to fly, drive, float...whatever for a good and fun marathon.


St George, Utah. I love this marathon and the area in general. Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon are nearby so you could get some site seeing in while you are there. Las Vegas is nearby also, about two hours away. They do have a lottery (that closes at the end of this month) so entrance is not guaranteed. You have to pay when you enter the lottery but they refund your $$ if you are not picked. The only downside to this one is the altitude. It starts at 5000 feet and, for this sea level dweller, I did have a minor struggle at the start last year. My legs felt wobbly for a bit and felt as if they were going to give out. It eventually passed and I ended up having the best time imaginable. We spent the week prior to the marathon at the Grand Canyon which is 7000 feet but I had a friend that flew in for the marathon two days before and she had very little trouble with the altitude. Another good thing about St. George is that it is extremely dry so you don't get overheated as easily.
I have never done a marathon, but my mom has done several and her absolute favorite was the Napa Valley marathon. She said it was the most beautiful run of her life. :)

>I have never done a marathon, but my mom has done several and
>her absolute favorite was the Napa Valley marathon. She said
>it was the most beautiful run of her life. :)

Napa was my 1st marathon and your Mom is absolutely correct!! I also did Napa again to try and better my time. I think for me the the last 3 miles was the best as it cut into a few turns and roads so you didn't actually see the finish line looming ahead for gotta try one...:)

Isn't the St. George marathon a good PR marathon as well? I thought it started at a higher elevation and ended a couple thousand feet lower??? I always wanted to do that one when I was a runner. Instead I did the Jesus Marathon in Denver it's first year. NOT recommended! Maybe it's better now. That was probably 4 or 5 years ago.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
OK. I've checked out some of these....Napa was in March, so I'll keep my eye on that for the next one and St. George is in October (my FAVORITE time of year). That's a distinct possibility!

Elaine-which one are you waiting on???


I put my and my DH's name in the lottery for St. George the day it opened. I'm praying like crazy we get picked. I have a friend who lives in St. George and last year she was going to run it for her first ever marathon. After her 20 mile run she discovered that she had a stress fracture so had to sit it out. She was an incredibly good sport about it and had a whole bbq for us and our friends and family who were also in town. Anyway, she's going to give it a shot again this year and is guaranteed entry since she lives there. It would be fun to experience that with her in addition to the fact that it is an awesome marathon. If I don't do that one I'm considering Chicago.


Yes, St. George is considered a PR marathon. While there is an overall drop in elevation there are plenty of hills so it's not a straight shot down. I've seen other forums where there seems to be a misconception about the course. Alot of people think it's downhill. But believe me, it is not. However, the last couple of miles are a dream in that you run down into town! I absolutely loved it!
I'd say The S.F. Nike Women's - I ran the half last year (my fisrt) so it has a special place in my heart. Amazing that it's already full.
My next one is The Flying Pig on May 7, I'm only doing the half but I'm pretty excited.

Hope you have fun in whichever one you choose.

Thanks, I'm checking all these out. I also pulled out my Runner's World 2006 wall calendar and it's got all the fulls nad halves marked throughout the year.

I'll let you know what I decide!

" gotta try one...:)"

Carole, after this mini coming up next Saturday, I absolutely plan to! I have become so addicted to running, and now that I know how to gu and hydrate properly now I am just LOVING it so much more than I ever thought I could! And I have ALWAYS loved running!

Which marathons have you done? I think DM and I may sign up for the Chicago race this fall, but I am not really sure yet. It is QUITE! addicting, isn't it? :p

The Friends marathon, take seasons 1-10, some popcorn, and have a good time! LOL! Sorry, I'm not a marathon runner. I couldn't help myself.
I'm sure that if I was a marathon runner I would like to do the Grandmas marathon in Duluth, MN though. Maybe some day...


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