<---is so glad Kara and family are safe <---admits to laughing at Kara's posts today, however
<---has no problem snorting Nasonex up <---'s nose
<---'s DH is grilling chicken
<---also wonders what Shelley did to relieve that stress}(
<---oops <---being nosey bugar again
<---says <---is almost out of magic healing dust so please heal thyselves ladies <---'s dust apparently doesn't work anyway so it doesn's matter that it's almost gone
<---is trying to remember all the chatty posts
<---thanks Amy for the clutteredlistofsuggestionsforboysietoysies
<---accomplished mission but purchased way too much chocolate candy which <---now has to have DH hide from <--- because <---has been known to eat most of it before Easter
<---may start a "I did not eat Easter candy today" thread to get thru the week cause <---knows all of DH's hiding spots
<---always works out when sick to feel better
<---is picturing superhero Deb at the gym with obnoxious lady....hehehehehe
<---what have I missed?
<---wonders if Amy is still picturing <--- and her barrel of monkeys at Dick's sporting goods (says you'd have to read the chinup checkin gals
<---edits <---'s book to say "dinner is served"
<---will be working out at 9PM so think of <--- cause <---hates those nighttime w/o's
<---may BBL to play some