<--- Awake but still I'm dreaming

<---tells 1/2 M that her suggestions are not dopey <---has done all those and they are good suggestions
<---will probably find cool tshirts, good books (they do love to read), and wing other items <---is just trying not to candy overload cause <---will cheat and eat it}(
<---asks HEY SHELLEY what time is it?
<---really going to eat lunch and shop now so <---can get back to a good workout
<---says BTW a box of Cathe DVDs are scheduled for delivery here Monday <---is happy dancing outta thread tripping on bathrobe and flopping on face <---thinks maybe FlyLady is on to something about getting dressed and shoes...
<---comes back to {{{{{{HUG}}}}} Susan
<---says workout that icky mood and feel good:)
<---comes back to say HI KRISTY and <---is glad to hear you're feeling better
<---really has to go
<--- is here, is here!!!
<--- has been typically busy for a Friday morning when she gets to leave earlyx(
<--- has 40 minutes to go
<--- thinks dinner might be canceled tonight
<--- is NOT sad about that because isn't feeling well still
<--- thinks romantic dinners are best saved for when one is not feeling icky
<--- might have to rethink her run because it's pouring rain here
<--- has no boy gift suggestions for Melody:(
<--- is very happy that Michele's DH's meeting got postponed
<---is sad that Shelley is still feeling icky
<---wants Shelley to make an alternate plan because it is so very important to pamper ourselves once in awhile
<---wonders what fun things are going on in Hamilton this weekend?
<---suggests a {{{{{{{GROUP HUG}}}}}}} and envelpoes Shelley, Kristy, Nance, Susan, oh what the heck..EVERYBODY in her arms
<---thinks Kristy needs flonase
<---is happy to see Susan and hopes she pulls out of her funk
<---tells her to try some endorphine releasing, heart pumping cardio
<---cannot believe she just recommended the ^^^


Edits to correct the spelling of her NAME:eek:

Michele..there..that's better
<---has returned from double work out.}(
<---says it actually wasn't TRULY double as <---didn't do the 2nd one COMPLETELY!:p
<---hopes Melody finds good boy Easter gifts today.
<---hopes Michele's DH finally finds some time to rest this weekend!
<---hopes Nancy, Kristy and Shelley feel better fast!
<---thinks there is too much sickness going around lately and doesn't like that.:-(
<---hears the little guy chatting w/himsels so he be awake now from his nap!:+
<---says don't know if <---already mentioned this but he has been pulling himself up to standing since Wednesday!!!:7 :7 :7
<---must go get coffee now.:9
<---wants to see photos of Joey pulling himself up NOW
<---thinks Joey is growing up waaaayyyy to fast
<---agrees that there is too much sickness around here and we have to find some way to combat it
<---is going to do something fun for HER today and hopes others will follow suit;)

<---is lol at Kristy
<---LOVES flonase and says it works better than anything else for her
<---sure hopes Kristy is over this thing soon!

<-- scrambles into thread searching FRANTICALLY for yesterday's warm fuzzy
<-- stops, looks around, and sees all of you!!! <-- found the warm fuzzy!!!!
<-- is sitting at home after the boot camp morning that was pretty nice, and breakfast of strawberries and a scrambled egg thing that had garlic, mushrooms, spinach, and sun dried tomatoes :9
<-- finished it off with a chocolate coconut chew lara bar and a cup of roobios rum mocha tea }( :9
<-- could eat and eat and eat and eat some more
<-- had lots to tell you but now <-- has forgotten most of it
<-- hands the warm fuzzy and a neverending kleenex to Joey
<-- had to give it to him since it's the first time he's ever been sick
<-- did go to the mall yesterday after work and it was super fun!
<-- bought more tea, and some MAKEUP at Sephora }(
<-- also went into the Apple store to find an iPod for DH
<-- came home and found the boot camp check that is for the same amount as the iPod!!! :)
<-- didn't want to buy that for him unless <-- could pay cash
<-- is nervous about tomorrow's muddy rainy trail 10k. :( oh well!
<-- got the kohl's order in the mail yesterday! how CUTE is that shirt?!?!?!! :7
<-- is hogging space, sorry!!! <-- hopes all you sickies get better and all you Fly Ladies stick to paper and realize you don't have a problem that needs fixing in the slightest; you're making strides in Self Improvement just like the rest of us ;-)
<-- almost forgot: bouncy balls/tennis balls/raquet balls/99 cent water pistols that hold about 1tbsp/chalk/crayons/string/small bungee cords/little 99 cent figures that can be chalked, drawn on, tied up, bound up, etc without worry }(
<--only has a sec, but <-- wanted to say HI to all you lovely ladies
<--was trying to be GOOD this morn and <-- was working on paper that NEEDS to get done and ^%$*&^$%&*^% computer lost power TEN times within 3 minutes and <--- lost a lot of her &^%&^% work
<--*sighs* and says OK, rant over
<--squeezes in to Michele's group hug :)
<--tells Melody that Legos, Magnetix, clay, and travel games have served <-- well in the past :)
<--sends healing vibes to Kristy, <-- is on second antibiotic for stubborn *&%^&*(^ sinus infection
<--is glad that Michele's DH has time to breathe!
<--is LOL at #4 AND #6 on Flylady's list!
<--has to do at least three things at once :eek:
<--'s computer is <--'s lifeline :eek:
<--will testify to the shoe thing though! <-- says it works for <--!!
<--hopes Shelley enjoys her afternoon with SO }(
<--is not feeling the love wave for DH currently :eek:
<--should probably work on that, ya know, tend that garden kind of thing, <--'s garden is severely overgrown with weeds and could use some fertilizer
<--thinks fertilizer a.k.a. chocolate :p
<--can't remember rest of thread and REALLY needs to get to store before hail, tornadoes, and all that jazz gets closer :eek:
<--says HI to all and :* :* :* and apologizes for every one I missed
<-- tells Kara, <-- posts books every DAY and no one has kicked <-- out yet... ;)
<-- gets to go to the chiropractor soon!!!
<--simply does not understand why Susan would work out with a "horrible" cold
<--always feels like a wimp around here
<---says hey hey girly girls!
<---blows back kisshies for warm wishes..you all ROCK!
<---did get to the gym and managed steady state cardio
<---says, still hard w/ cold but tolerable
<---also says, listen to this - some stoooopid lady at the gym got on the elliptical next to mine & started yakking.
<---asked her to please move & she said NO!
<---said, oh it's ON, beotch.
<---told her she was freaking obnoxious, along w/ some dirty glares, and got a club person to oust her
<---her stooopid lady tell club person, it was important!!! Well WAHHHH. Go to the back of the room, freak.
<---says, okay, vent over.
<---really loves the gym most of the time but was taking no prisoners today
<---is happily slurping coffee and is sooo excited for little Joey! standing up! watch out world!!
<---lastly says, feel better sickies and sickies to be :( (((HUGS)))

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---wacks self in forehead!
<---feels like such a fool!x(
<---forgot to wish Aiden and Deb super happy B'day wishes for this weekend!!!:)
<---hopes visit w/grandma/mom is wonderful!
<---off to do....um....well....SOMETHING! LOL :p
<--is a bit frightened of Debbie :eek:
<--and embarrasssed because <-- FORGOT to wish Deb and Boybs HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<--is worried because <-- has tornado warnings all around her and <--'s family is scattered right now and <-- wants them all home safe and sound!
<--wonders if <-- is the only one who has a fondness for Denise Austin?
<--'s personality is the total opposite of hers, but when <-- loved in Wisconsin, <-- would turn her show on and watch the tropicaliness while on the treadmill
<--got through two loooonnnnggg winters with Denise :)
<--thinks Denise has the BEST job in the entire world, who wouldn't want to get paid to do fairly "beginner" workouts at a five star resort?
<--anyhoo, she brings me warm fuzzies
<--tells y'all to stop gagging :p
<--wishes <-- could be perkier sometimes instead of a sarcastic, worst case scenario type of gal :eek:
<--thinks <-- should really stop NOW :7
<--will BBL
<-- cannot stand Ms. Austin
<-- can understand the desire to be someplace tropical, though!!!
<-- is bummed that Nance feels like a wimp. <-- does not in any way shape or form consider Nance to be a wimp.
<-- hates low self esteem
<-- also hates being hungry, so toodles for now!!
<---used to work out to Denise years ago.
<---thinks Denise has her place in the fitness world just like the rest of them!
<---is quite fried from work out today!}(
<---can't believe <---is still contemplating run tomorrow if daddy is around to watch the little guy in the morning!
<---wonders what Amy is eating and asks her if <---can have some please? :9

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