<--- Awake but still I'm dreaming

<---is concerned about Kara after watching the news. There have been severe tornadoes in TN and at least 2 deaths have been reported
<---really hopes Kara is out of harms way
<---says "Gee, I wonder what Shelley's been up to?":eek: }(
<---tells Nance she is not a wimp
<---tells Nance that she has been told working out when you feel bad sometimes makes you feel better, but she has not personally tested this theory;)
<---^5's Debbie for her spunk!!! and says give 'em hell Debbie
<---used to work out with Denise Austin many, many moons ago, back before there was FIT TV or video w/o's. <---definitely thinks there is a place for her, especially for beginners. Obviously, somebody likes her because she's been around for a looooong time and shows no sighns of slowing down
<---waves to Ame and TiGGeR, too
<---heard there is a tornado watch in effect for her area until 9 PM and it's looking pretty gloomy outside right now
<---says WNTW and Monk are on tap for this evening

<---tells Kristy "Amen to that, sister!"
<---says that she's missed the boat by nearly 2 years as she will be 51 in May
<---says that's May 8th and she's planning a birthday WEEK
<---looked out her window to see what all the racket is about and it is POURING down rain

<--waves Hello to all you ladies
<--has tornadoes all around her :eek:
<--'s fam is FINALLY home :)
<--is glad to see Shelley is feeling FINE
<--would love to look like Denise Austin at 49!
<--says, uh-oh, it is hailing!
<--off to the hallway :eek:
<--*breathes a sigh of relief* and tells y'all that after surviving four hurricanes in FL, <-- thought TN would be boring--NOT!
<--is enjoying a momentary reprieve, but is annoyed because more storms are headed <--'s way
<--has golf ball size hail all over yard :eek:
<--doesn't have any windows broken though :)
<--thanks Michele again for the prayers :)
<--needs to go find gum to chew away some of this anxiety :D
<--will BBL
<---is so glad Kara and family are safe <---admits to laughing at Kara's posts today, however
<---has no problem snorting Nasonex up <---'s nose
<---'s DH is grilling chicken
<---also wonders what Shelley did to relieve that stress}(
<---oops <---being nosey bugar again
<---says <---is almost out of magic healing dust so please heal thyselves ladies <---'s dust apparently doesn't work anyway so it doesn's matter that it's almost gone
<---is trying to remember all the chatty posts
<---thanks Amy for the clutteredlistofsuggestionsforboysietoysies
<---accomplished mission but purchased way too much chocolate candy which <---now has to have DH hide from <--- because <---has been known to eat most of it before Easter
<---may start a "I did not eat Easter candy today" thread to get thru the week cause <---knows all of DH's hiding spots
<---always works out when sick to feel better
<---is picturing superhero Deb at the gym with obnoxious lady....hehehehehe
<---what have I missed?
<---wonders if Amy is still picturing <--- and her barrel of monkeys at Dick's sporting goods (says you'd have to read the chinup checkin gals:) )
<---edits <---'s book to say "dinner is served"
<---will be working out at 9PM so think of <--- cause <---hates those nighttime w/o's
<---may BBL to play some
<-- just woke up from a 3 hour nap with George
<-- loves napping with George. He's the best paperweight!
<-- is glad to see Kara is safe for now, but <-- is still scared for her and her family
<-- looked at the weather forecast and it will be raining during the muddy 10k tomorrow :(
<-- has lots to do now that DH is HOME
<-- has to order a yummy pasta dinner, watch a netflix, and go to bed early :)
<-- will be watching 9 to 5 and <-- would love to follow you dirty minds, but that just ain't gonna happen tonight
<-- is super hungry.
<-- wonders if 4:40pm is too early for dinner?
<--apologizes for being such a downer today
<--is watching DH pack up for our little trip to PA tomorrow
<--is leaving tomorrow morning and coming back Sunday
<--will get to see canine nephew!! :D :D
<--ADORES her canine nephew
<--says DH isn't a dog person, but he bought nephew a chew toy
<--says DH LOVES cats and we may get a kitty someday
<--is glad that Kara is okay!
<--is going to watch WNTW soon
<--fantasizes about nominating DIL for WNTW
<--thinks DIL would be the perfect candidate
<--- says Hooray for Joeymeister!!!
<--- tells Wendy she better watch out;)
<--- is sitting around in her comfy new sweatsuit, chatting with her SO and looking at decorating mags
<--- is addicted to decorating mags
<--- is tired
<--- is sending happy workout thoughts Melody's way
<--- just finished with KM w/u and blast, SB Blast Challenge, SJP Hi/Lo and abs/planks
<--- 's legs are fried
<---feels so humbled by Shelley's described w/o
<---is only planning MM, but will do it in it's entirety
<---can't wait for DVDs to be delivered Monday and <---will be attemting to kill <---with premixes all next week
<---has been trying to play with DSs but they won't play with <---tonight:-(
<---has not done her cardio and doesn't think she will
<---took the afternoon and spent it doing something fun and relaxing...went to a little historic village nearby, had lunch at one of her favorite spots, and then stopped at the local candy shop and bought 2 samll pieces of Easter candy
<---came home and then got a sudden and very bad migraine headache
<---took a nap and just got up but feels a little nauseous.
<---says this happens to her sometimes in certain kinds of weather, like high humidity or stormy/rainy days
<---is glad Kara is okay--was really worried there for awhile
<---is lol at Melody as she would SURELY eat the candy and cannot bring it home
<---is going to lay down some more
<---edits to wave to Shelley and is happy that Shelley is relaxing tonight:)
<---is lol because she keeps editing her comment about Shelley because she can't decide if Shelley is happy or relaxing or WTH, but she is just happy to see Shelley...end of story:)

<---pulls covers over Michele and cautions everyone to enter quietly
<---thinks M's afternoon sounds lovely and <---is sorry it has ended with a migraine
<---is off to prepare workout
<---is so NOT psyched for this
<---tells you gals to hold <---accountable for reporting later that it was done:p

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