Fitness group workout ideas?


Hi everyone - I want to tap into all of your fitness oriented brains for a while here. :)

I teach step aerobics class for the community ed program in town. Well, I have until the end of May and the classes will be done until early September. The whole class practically wants to keep going and do "something" throughout the summer months. Well, it's just too hot to continue in a closed gym without air or anything when it gets so darn hot outside. So, I am putting together some ideas for outside workouts this summer. Kind of like they can come whenever it works in their busy schedule type thing. I need is what I've come up with so far.

* Hiking at the nearby State Park and then pushup, situps and triceps dips afterwards.

* Do intervals on the bike path not far away.

* Walk, of course, but I need to add to that.

* Walking lunges

Any other great ideas????

Thanks in advance. ~Marcia~
Well if you go to a state park that might have playground equip there, you could have the ladies try to do pullups off the monkeybars, etc. You may get some more ideas in the Oxygen Magazines too as there is actually a article in there with a mom and daughter at the playground and mom is working out in last months issue. Also, if you go to a school track, you may find hurdles there to jump, etc.

Either Shape or Oxygen magazine had a stadium workout too. It included walking and running up the stairs and the bleacher seats.
How about some kind of Boot Camp/Circuit theme (kinda like the first option you listed). For example:

Circuit 1:
Walk/hike/jog a certain distance
*Do 50 jumping jacks
*Do 10 Push-ups
*Do 20 walking lunges
Continue on to Circuit 2...

Does this make sense?

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