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  1. M

    Post partum check-in March 18th

    Hey ladies! This past week was our Spring Break, so I didn't get too much working out in. I did work out about three times though. I basically walked/jogged on my treadmill and did some ab work. I have decided to really work hard this week! It's time to get serious! Cole is getting so big...
  2. M

    Postpartum Check in March 4th

    Hey ladies!! Sounds like you all have a pretty good week. I did some working out, but not as much as I would have liked. Did some more KPC and ab work. That's pretty much it. I worked out about 3 times. I have been so lazy! I did lose one pound though. I usually weigh early in the morning once I...
  3. M

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    Hi Julie, Congrats on your weight loss! That's awesome that you are back where you want to be! When was your baby born? I too am ready to fit into some sexy jeans! I am just ready to feel pretty and sexy again! My DH and I have a paid one night stay at a hotel close to where we live. My goal is...
  4. M

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a great week! My week went well. We seem to be getting more on a routine. Cole, my 7 week old, is doing great, eating every 3 hours during the day and about 4 hours at night. So, we're getting there. Ready for that full night of sleep! I made more time to...
  5. M

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    Hi Ladies! Hope you all are having a good day. I just had to write and say that I did work out today and Tuesday. I did Kick, Punch, and Crunch, today. Love that workout! Feel so empowering! My 2 year old DD tried to do it with me. It was so cute. I hope that this weight starts to fall off...
  6. M

    Post partum check-in Feb 19th

    Hi Everyone! Hope you all are doing well. I have been trying harder this week to workout and eat better. That chocolate that I got for Valentine's day, is my enemy! So hard for me to resist! Anyway, I am now down to 136 and I have lost a total of 30lbs. I have lots more to go though. I have...
  7. M

    Post partum check-in Feb 11th

    Hi Sandra, I have three children, two girls and my newborn baby boy. I am very busy of course. My baby's name is Cole Tristan. He is just so wonderful. I love him so much. You're doing great on your workouts! I plan on getting serious about working out. I have been so tired lately with not...
  8. M

    Post partum check-in Feb 11th

    Hi Melanie, Congrats on your weight loss. That is awesome! I have been doing some walking here and there, just been having a hard time getting a workout routine down. Thanks for being encouraging. You have lost all your weight and you were at the same spot that I am right now. I am nursing my...
  9. M

    Post partum check-in Feb 4th

    Hi ladies! It is hard to believe that it is February! I will be 5 weeks postpartum on Thursday. I did some walking with my kids this weekend and we played ball outside, but that is about it. I plan on walking on my treadmill and doing some light weights this week. I am going to my doctor this...
  10. M

    new baby, introducing myself

    Hi Courtney, Welcome to the group! I just joined too, my third baby was born in January 5th. So, I am almost 5 wks pp. Congrats on your new baby! Tara
  11. M

    Post partum check-in Jan 28th

    Thanks Kristan and Maggie for the advice! I am now down to 139! Still have a ways to go to get to 113-115! I am now 4 wks pp so I am going to start doing some walking on my treadmill tomorrow and maybe some light weights. I will just see how I feel. Thanks again. Tara
  12. M

    Post partum check-in Jan 28th

    Morning ladies, I just wanted to know when you all started to work out after having your babies. I am just about 4 weeks. I haven't even started walking yet. I didn't know what I could do. When the doctor gave you the green light to start exercising again, what did you start with? How much...
  13. M

    Post partum check-in Jan 28th

    Thanks Kristi! I am happy to join. Yes, these ladies here are amazing! I am impressed! Tara
  14. M

    Post partum check-in Jan 28th

    Hi ladies! I am new here. I just had my third child on 1/5/06. So, I am almost 4 weeks postpartum. I am ready to start exercising and losing this weight! So far, I have lost 25 pounds. I want to lose 18 more to get to prepregnancy weight and then 10 more to get to my desired weight. I gained...