Post partum check-in Jan 28th


Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a great week. This week finished my “total weight loss rotation”. My main goal was to eat healthier, lose weight & inches, and fit into my jeans!!! I had a total of 15 lbs to lose to reach my lowest weight between babies & 10lbs to reach my pre-pregnancy weight.

Not only do I fit into my jeans, but I lost over 10 pounds and 13 inches. I still have loose skin & flab…but 8 weeks postpartum is too soon to expect perfection—maybe 9 weeks (just kidding). If you’re interested in my rotation…check out Cathe’s DVD rotation forum. I may post website for before and after pics...haven't decided yet...

This is what I did this week:
Sun: HSC + TJ Cardio Party 2 + Abs
Mon: Tae Bo Advanced Live #3 + Janis Saffell’s Kickbox Express w/2lb wts
Tue: Legs & Glutes
Wed: Hardcore Extreme 2 + TJ Ab Jam
Thurs: Step Blast + PUB
Fri: Mindy Mylrea’s Cardio Toolbox + TJ Cardio Party 1 + Core Max 2
Sat: Imax Extreme + TJ Ab Jam

~Gracenote. When did you start back to work? How is Gillian’s breathing? I must have missed your post…I didn’t know she had breathing problems?!? Hopefully that has all resolved. Are you able to pump at work?

~ Sunny. The Biblical form of Jadon is Jadon…not Jaden. He was mentioned just once as a carpenter that helped re-build a wall of some sort. My Jadon will be a warrior though…and I’m sure Jaden will be too!!! I’ve sure had fun getting to know you this month, you’re such a sweetheart! You are having such consistent weight loss progress… you’ll meet your goal before you know it!

~Kristan. Size 8 is great. My jeans are size 8. I’m pretty happy at that size. I’m about 5’8” or so. Oh, we ordered our Sienna. :)

~MSJ. Evageline was my Great-Grandma’s name. We called her Eva. I really like that name. I hope you’re enjoying a little one-on-one time with your little gal. How’s the nursing going?

~JulieL. So nice to hear from you again! I’m also a Chuck Swindoll fan. I don’t know when he’s on our radio—but I enjoy listening to him. I have read a couple of his books too. Your DH is a medical student? Wow, that must be tough. How far along is he?

~Fiddlefit. Thesis? Yuk. I had to do one to get my doctorate degree. It is 60 pages of the most boring document that you’d ever read! It’s on Telepharmacy. Would you like me to send you a transcript?!?!? LOL

~Kristi. Great progress on your weight loss. Did you gain 65 lbs during your pregnancy…or is this total weight you want to lose? Are you nursing Annamarie? Annamarie--love the name, buy the way. ;)

28lbs lost 5lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi ladies!

Doing the one handed typing thing, because I am nursing.

Melanie--how nice to be so close to your goal. That 5 lbs will come off in no time.

I just started working out yesterday and my eating has been very clean. Getting back to my former size is quite a motivator. My goal is to lose 1.5 lbs per week.

Fri-basic step+abs add on
Sat-legs/upper body add ons, using 5,8,10 lb weights instead of 3s.

I'll continue with easier workouts for a couple of weeks and then gradually bump it up. I feel so good, the last thing I want is an injury.

I look forward to hearing from everyone else.

Hi all. This was a good week. THis coming week will be especially busy- my husband is out of town and there are lots of activities at my 5yo's school. Melanie, that's an impressive roster of fitness and inches lost. Congratulations! Maggie, you're a good one handed typist.

Monday: low max, Pure Strength Chest,Shoulder,Tricep (then I added biceps)

Tuesday: gym 40 minutes, tons of walking at work for court, meetings, etc.

Wednesday: keli roberts circuit step and cardio toolbox sporty step (yes, the keli roberts video is 10 years old- but I love it)

Thursday: 3 mile run with stair running

Friday: Janis Saffell Brand New Butt plus pilates: toning, step and pilates (I asked my husband if my butt looked new, but alas, same butt- although it hurts today!)

Today: nothing

Tomorrow, Sunday: will run or do step for 30 minutes

Gus is doing well, even the 2 days a week he goes to daycare. My milk stash is holding up; I haven't had to dip in my frozen reserve yet. I can pump about 7 or 8 ounces in 10 minutes- a personal record.

I've found it easiest to exercise when Gus is napping in the morning. I let the 3 yo watch "her show" (the 5 yo is at preschool). If I wait until Audrey and Gus are napping after lunch, it's more of a challenge because Audrey seldom naps anymore.

My eating habits could be improved- that's my goal this week.

Melanie – you look fantastic!! The numbers (pounds and inches lost) are impressive by themselves, but the pictures really tell it all! Congratulations and thanks for being such a good motivator by example. :) :)

Gillian had gotten a virus that resulted in bronchiolitis. With albuterol and close monitoring, we avoided steroids and a hospital stay – prayers work! Everything is fine now – I just have a few more grey hairs. I started work the first week of Jan, and I’ve been able to pump enough to keep G. in bottles. It’s hard with our current workload – I’ve only gotten one session in, some days this past week… My goal is 6 months, so we’re 1/3 of the way there already <wahoo!>

Maggie – can’t believe you’re starting to workout already… You probably know your body better than anyone else, but WOW! I’m glad you’re feeling that good!!

Last week was better than the week before:
Sunday – Circuit Max
Monday – Power Max
Tuesday –50 min on treadmill with G. in Bjorn…desperate, but with incline stayed in training range for whole time
Wednesday – IMAX3
Saturday – Power Circuit

Hope to keep with the trend – with OT at work and trying to study for my next exam, 5 wo’s per week is my goal. Well, that and trying to eat right, too. (now THAT’S the hard part!!) :p
Melanie- congratulations!! you look fantastic. thanks for the compliment. it was fun!

Maggie -already starting to work out..great for you!!

the workouts i did last week are posted in the video rotations section under melanies complete weight loss rotation.

i am happy to say i lost another pound this week!! would have been more if i would have stuck to my clean eating...}(
i started off great today and then my sister called and invited us out to lunch, her treat..of course i went over board.
i did manage to work out this morning...did lowmax.

jaden is doing great. he has a slight cold, so he hasn't slept well last night. hopefully tonight will be better.

so besides today's lunch i am determined to eat clean.....

i am so proud of all the fitmama catheites....:) a way Jadon WAS a warrior. While they built the wall they had to have a sword in one hand and they built with the other. (Enemies would attack at any time while the building was going on!!) Imagine that, warrior's and builder's all wrapped into one. He's going to be AMAZING Mel!!!!

Your pictures are GREAT Mel. Thanks for sharing them!!

I'm happy to report a better week :)

Monday: Bootcamp (YEAH my new DVD came!!!) I only got through 4 cycles I think, total 32 min before Miriam HAD to be picked up - those little stinkers!

Tuesday: Upper Body Weights at gym 40 min, Elliptical trainer 20 min

Wednesday: off

Thursday: Bootcamp - once again only got to finish 32 min of it (boy was I sweating though, I'm almost scared to do the entire workout LOL!)

Friday: walked at least a mile or so outside with the kiddos

Saturday: elliptical trainer for 30 min, abs 5 min

Sunday: 50 min lower body - weight machines at gym & some lunges

I'm happy with my week, I hope to keep this up for 4 weeks to give my body a different challenge. I want to get in two lower body weight days in though. And I hope Miriam will give me a chance to get more of Bootcamp done! I did the weight machines for the first time and felt it and feel sore today, but strangely I didn't sweat like I do when doing free weights. I think it'll be a good change, but don't quite like it as much.
Melanie - great job, you're lookin good!

Maggie - easing into it is the smart choice - feels good not have that big round belly doesn't it!

Kristan - i have Janis Saffell Brand New Butt and liked it, didn't get her butt though ;)

Gracenote - boy I KNOW all about that desperation, I was doing bootcamp will telling my baby girl it's ok you can last another minute,...please!!!

Sunnydelite - Good for you on that one pound!
~Briee. I can't say I've ever studied the book of Nehiamiah! I'm sure I've quickly read through it, but to study it? How did you come to that? Have you already studied all the "good" books of the Bible? ;) BTW, I'm still waiting for that Sesame Seed Ball Recipe. Do I have to do a Cathe search for it? Also I wanted to tell you that you got me HOOKED on Turbo Jams. They are so fun, probably the most fun exercise DVDs that I own. Too bad she hasn't come out with any new ones. ;) I do them with the 2lb hand weights to get a good workout--do you do it with handweights?

~Sunny. Did you see my post to your reply about where to get handweights for kickboxing?

~Kristan. You are quite the pumper! Isn't it amazing how God has blessed us with this gift? There's no way I would be able to continue with bfing if I couldn't quickly pump. Normally I'm the only pharmacist on duty & I have to run and pump and get back to pharmacy. When I get back (like 12 minutes later) there's a stack of prescriptions to be checked and a line of people DEMANDING their prescriptions. People can be so rude, wanting to know what could possibly take so long for their prescription to be done--as if we're just flipping burgers. It floors me!!!

28lbs lost 5lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Oh me oh my, my hips

Ok, so I've noticed I'm still creaky in the hips - popping, clicking whatnot. I tried to do the explosive jumping jacks (what are they called...?) and it did not feel good. On the same note, I did that weight machine where you pull your thighs together and I was so unflexable that I almost couldn't get my legs in the stirrups LOL (hope no one was watching!) Anyone else feel this way? I've purposely put off running to try to let my hips have a little more time. I realize breast feeding can keep your hormones from normalizing, so maybe it'll be this way for a while, just wanted to see if anyone else had this experiance.
Hello Ladies!

All in all this past week went well. I'm happy to report that I lost another 1 1/2 pounds by eating well. I hope the scale keeps moving especially since I'm still limited on workouts. This past week I only fit in 2, a full body weight workout and a 30 minute pilates workout. This weeks goals are to continue journaling my caloric intake and staying on track, upping my water, & fitting in at least 3 workouts.

Mel - What a great job with weight & inches lost!! What a wonderful feeling to fit into your jeans again! Of course, you've been literally working your butt off. Your workouts this past week are nothing short of amazing. I'm surprised you are only 8 weeks postpartum with all the high impact you are able to do. You go girl!!
BTW, great before and after photos!

On a different note, I only gained 42 lbs with DD, funny it was the exact same with DS. I only have 13 more pounds to go before I am at my prepregnancy weight with DD, then I have an additional 10 more pounds to go before I am at my prepregnancy weight with DS. The additional 5 pounds is to get back to the weight I was when DH and I got married almost 9 years ago.

Maggie - Your workouts look great. Getting to my former size is my motivator too. I'm also with you on hoping to lose 1.5 lbs per week. Keep up the good work!

GraceNote - Sorry to hear Gillian has been so sick. Glad she is doing better. How do you fit everything in? You sound much busier than myself and I'm having a hard time doing it all. Any pearls of wisdom?

SunnyD - Great job with the pound weight loss! You will be at your goal in no time. I hope Jaden starts feeling better soon.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies!

I am new here. I just had my third child on 1/5/06. So, I am almost 4 weeks postpartum. I am ready to start exercising and losing this weight! So far, I have lost 25 pounds. I want to lose 18 more to get to prepregnancy weight and then 10 more to get to my desired weight. I gained 42 pounds with this baby! That's the most I have ever gained. I am excited to see a group of ladies in the same situation as I am. It's very motivating. Glad to join your group!

I hope to start working out this weekend. My checkup is on Friday.

Cole born 1/5/06
Morgan born 12/2/03
Madison born 6/2/98
Congratulations on your new baby and Welcome Tara! The ladies here are truly amazing, if you haven't already figured that out for yourself yet. Listen to your body and try not to do too much too soon.

Have a great day!
Hi Tara and welcome. My daughter was born January 10, so we are close together, post partum-wise:)

Kristi--Have you been able to maintain a 1.5 lb per week weightloss? Generally, I've found that I lose weight more slowly (but it stays off). I thought that if I really watch what I eat, I could do it. We'll see. I have many pounds to lose.

Julie--It feels wonderful, to exercise without my belly. I can once again lift my legs up into the air and breathe. Ahhhhh.

Melanie--congrats on your progress. You look great!

Sunnydelite--way to go. You are so close to your goal.

Gracenote--I'm sorry to hear your little one was sick, but I'm glad you avoided a hospital stay. Our 4th child was in NICU for a month and it was really hard on us (although it was best for him). It is so scary when our tiny ones are sick.

Kristan--pumps are great. Our 4th child was unable to suck, so I pumped my milk for 9 months so that he could get breast milk. I had one of those mondo electric double ones. It worked very well.

I have major DOMS, because I had not worked out in 4 weeks, but otherwise I feel really good--no extra bleeding or wierd pains. I'm going to continue to take it slow, though.

take care all
Hi Maggie! So far I have been able to maintain my weightloss. As of yesterday I'm into my 4th week of zigzaging my calories and it has really been doing great things for me especially since my workouts are sporadic. So far this is the breakdown on what I've lost each week: 1st - 3.5, 2nd - 4, & 3rd - 1.5. I know the first couple of weeks had to be primarily water weight. I'm trying really hard to eat sensibly and don't want to do any crash dieting. This weight loss needs to be permanent so hopefully I will be able to keep it to 1.5 pounds per week. Unfortunately I was not as deligent about losing the baby weight right after the baby was born like you are. But I guess better late than never. I'm determined to be able to fit into my normal summer clothes by this spring. My current goal is to be able to comfortably fit into my old clothes by the end of March. I only have 13 more pounds to go in order to do that, but I really need to try to make the most out of the small amount of time I have. But I don't know what to focus on first, weights, cardio, abs? My legs and abs definitely need major help. Any suggestions on what kind of rotation to do? I only have about 30 - 40 minutes at lunch time to workout.
Morning ladies,

I just wanted to know when you all started to work out after having your babies. I am just about 4 weeks. I haven't even started walking yet. I didn't know what I could do. When the doctor gave you the green light to start exercising again, what did you start with? How much did you do? Did you do ab work or wait until later? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Tara- welcome to the board. I also have 3 kids: 5, 3, and 3 months. I started working out as soon as I felt I could. I started with walking at about 2 weeks post partum and worked my way up. I did skip ab work until after the first post partum visit. I have very little patience for doctor's "restrictions"- shame on me, I know. Kristan
Tara--I too have very little patience for doctor's "restrictions". I have always started working out at 2 weeks post partum (with easy stuff) and work my way from there. It has never caused me problems, but everyone is different and I'd say if you are bleeding a lot or are still in a lot of pain, then wait.

Kristi--For rotations, I am going to spend about 3 months trying to regain my strength while slowly adding higher and higher impact cardio. My body is prone to injury, so putting strength first is a priority to me. My plan is to finish up the first 2 weeks of Basic/Step+Body Fusion+the add ons and LIS/TBS. Then I am going to do 4 weeks of SS/PP+ cardio, gradually adding more and more jumping and then I am going to do a 4 day split using S&H (+cardio) for 3 weeks and then 3 weeks of a GS 4 day split(+cardio). Then I'll take a rest week and THEN, I'll focus more on high impact cardio and fat burning stuff. Maybe if you are short on time you could do CTX or the Timesaver DVD (I don't have that one) or check out the various timesaver premixes on whatever DVDs you have. It sounds like you are doing well, even with sporadic workouts.


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