Post partum check-in Jan 28th

Hey all! I've been wanting to check in for the last few days, but just don't have the time to write a long email. So, I'll just report my workouts:

MON Legs & Glutes; 25 min treadmill run
TUES PUB; 25 min treadmill run
THURS Step Fit
FRI Power Max
SAT Cardio & Weights
SUN rest

Hopefully I'll have some time later to come back and chat some more.

Melanie - what did you tell me last week? Your thesis was 80 pages or so? Wow. Mine currently stands around 350 :eek: I should have gone into the medical sciences!

Melanie...I've been going to a ladies bible study on Friday mornings at our church and we are studying the book of Nehemiah (it's along with a book by Donna Partlow - I think that's her name)...thus my "extensive" knowledge of this old testament prophet. ;) ;) ;) No I would "typically" not be so into this book if it weren't for that :7 :7 .

I'm so sorry...I'll have to find the sesame ball recipe and post it tomorrow!! Haven't made them in a little while.

I am looking for 2 pound hand weights for TJ's...that should really help the workout. They are a blast. I am thinking about teaching these to my class on Tuesday own version. They are such fun and I have a few songs in mind...just have to get a routine together. My dd bought the Madagascar CD the other day and have you guys ever heard "move it move it"...oh what a fun song this would be!!!

Congratulations Tara on your new baby. These guys are just the best. I am 2 years and 1 month post partum....I think I'll start working out in a few days...wanted to be sure I had a good rest before jumping back in ;) ;) ;) ;) (that was a joke....I start working out about 13 or 14 days after babies born - I do not have c sections so for me this works - and it's all I can do to wait that long. Patience is NOT my virtue - it's obviously not Mel's either).

Mel...I just got the new TJ's, but they are really short. They are fun...but I HEARD they were going to be harder....NO WAY. Oh well...add some 2 pounders and squat real deep, suck in that tummy and I'm sure we can negotiate a reasonable amount of cal's burned if you tack these onto some weighted workouts - I JUST know you can't wait to do that!!!

Where does one get the new TJs? I haven't seen any information on them?!?!? I got my handweights at Galyan's Sporting Good --a store in Minneapolis, love them!!!
I can do a search on Cathe for the receipe, don't worry about it, K?

28lbs lost 5lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I want the new TJ workout's so bad. I just love the ones i have. I think i will get the weighted gloves to workout with.

Melanie- check ebay. there are a few people selling the new TJ workouts.

I am happy to report i checked my measurements and i lost 1 1/2 inches everyone except my thighs..i lost 2!! woooohooooo,
thank you cathe!!!
YOU LOST TWO INCHES IN YOUR THIGHS!!! --WWWOOOOWWWW-- hey send some of that loss my way! Right now I'm not even gonna talk about the state of my thighs - my achillies heel for sure

Thanks Kristan and Maggie for the advice!
I am now down to 139! Still have a ways to go to get to 113-115! I am now 4 wks pp so I am going to start doing some walking on my treadmill tomorrow and maybe some light weights. I will just see how I feel. Thanks again.

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