Post partum check-in Feb 19th


Hi ladies. I hope everyone had a great week! This was my first week at 40hrs (next week is 20hrs, then I alternate 40/20hrs). It went SUPER! DH has been absolutely wonderful, and the kids have been so cheerful & easy going. It simply couldn't have gone any better. Yeah! Thanks for all your prayers for the transition for our family!

Sun: Step Heat + 10 min abs
Mon: off
Tue: CTX Power Circuit
Wed: CTX 10-10-10
Thurs: CTX Step & Intervals + All Step Cardio only
Fri: CTX Kickbox + All Step Shoulders
Sat: off

Sandra~Mastitis really sucks! I'm glad you worked the clogged milk duct out. It's one lucky women who can bf for a year without one attack of mastitis. I"m already talking myself into being one of thos women (fingers crossed). I totally feel for you though!!! I hope you are in higher spirits this week. Great job with your weight loss by the way. I read on another discussion forum that you met your goal, I"m so proud of you!!! WAY TO GO!!!

Maggie~ I hope everyone is back to their healthy selfs at your place. There's so much gunk going around here in Minnesota right now. I"m constantly disinfecting my hands at work! Your such a disciplined person with incredible endurance. This is why God gives you the challenge of losing your weight you can use the endurance talent He's given you! You are awesome and you will not give up!! I look up to you so much Maggie, in so many ways. :)

Briee~ Uhm. Do I need to remind you of your New Year's Resolution? To workout EVERY DAY!!! Hee Hee!! How do you think your going to get that bicep thingie taking 8 days off? You are ALWAYS welcome Briee. You're so irresistible, who could ever turn you down?!?!? Oh, yes, now I remember your donut fetish. You must resist ALL donuts girlfriend! Yes, they are the enemy!!!!

Kristi~ Great job with consistent weight loss. My pharamcy technicians finally said something about my wt loss yesterday. They said, "Boy Melanie, you're so skinny" and "Are you even skinnier than you were before you were pg?". Oh, was I on cloud 9!!!

Adrienne~I hope Derek handled his shots well. ;) I really miss running. It's way too cold in MN to run yet. Maybe late March... I have Jadon on a partial schedule. I basically wrote down when he ate when on demand for a few days. Then I collaborated the times to mold them into a scheudle that he basically set himself. So, if he ate at 730 am day 1, 745 day 2, 715 day 3, 705 day 4...I'd pick a 720 feeding schedule for him. If he was sleeping, I'd wake hime up and feed him at this time. If he was up and hungry at 7, I would find another way to entertain him until closer to the 720 feeding time. BTW, I LOVE Mindy Mylrea. Her cuing isn't always perfect, but it's worth it to repeat moves until you get them b/c they're so fun!!

Kristan~ It sounds like you had it rough with volunteer pukers, getting urine specimen's from canines, and Gus using nebs. Wow! How did you ever manage to get through the week? Are you planning on nursing until you can't physically go any longer...or just weaning around 6 months? Are you living life vicariously and waiting when your fertility will come back? ;) DH & I didn't use anything while nursing Justin. I got pg when Justin was 13 months old and just nursing at bedtime. We won't use anything now either, our fertility is in God's hands. I know DH isn't ready for number 4 yet... No van yet, probably mid March it will arrive. BTW, thanks for posting here on this forum b/c we love you here!!!!

Julie~ I hope you got some sleep~

DeeDee~ Hi there! How's it going? Are you Turbo Jamming around the house these days? ;)

Tara~ 30lbs is a great loss! Good job! KPC is a blast, make sure to check out Premixes too, I've used them a lot. I lost most my weight in Jan, here's the post that listed details:

Have a great week ladies & babes!
Hi ladies, this week was a pretty decent week for me also. I lost 2 more lbs!! It's funny, i finally tried on some of my own clothes (been wearing dh's) and was delighted to see myself in my own clothes. it's like i was big and pg for so long i am still trying to wrap my brains around i am now 126 lbs, LOL. Dh is happy to have his clothes back again.:)

Melanie- I have been doing turbo and cathe. as you know i love cardio party 1. i finally tried cp 2 and do not like it so i am selling it on ebay. i think i have become a "cathe snob" , i just love her style so much i have a hard time with other trainers. girl, you deserve to be on cloud 9 you did an excellent job. definitely worthy of praise!

Sandra- are you feeling any better? i too had that issue my dr. gave me medication and it cleared up. have you spoken to your doc?

Maggie-you are right "no sense in giving up" we can do this. remember slow is better for keeping the weight off.

Tara- I know your pain- chocolate ARGHHH...

Kristan-thanks again for the compliment. how is your dog doing? Go Gus Go!!

Briee- every now and then everyone needs time off. don't feel bad.

Kristi- you are doing great!! I am going to have to look more into this zig-zagging calorie method. I also have a plumb cherub:)

Adrienne- congrats on loosing 20 lbs. my body did the same thing at first. i would recommend to first look at your diet see what needs to be changed there and then maybe tweak/change your workouts to shock your body into working harder. that is what worked for me when i hit a plateau. good luck

Julie- this week has also been very sleep deprived:-( as both my sons had colds. Jaden was up one night til at least 2 am puking.

ok, finally my workouts:

Sunday-musclemax (melanie i remember you saying you didn't like that workout, why not? i love it!!)
Monday- 45 min treadmill
tues- supersets
Wed-turbo jam/ ctx kickbox
thurs-musclemax (timesaver)
fri-30 min treadmill
sat-cardio kicks/floor work gs legs
Hi ladies--

My week went pretty well and now it seems that everyone is done being sick this time around. Evangeline is 11.5 lbs now (according to our less than accurate scale) and is growing out of her smallest clothes. I love this newborn stage and it does not last long. I was eating huge amounts of fiber and she got really fussy, so I reduced the fiber in my diet and she is much less fussy. How my fiber intake could affect her I am not sure, but she seems particularly sensitive to what I eat. I have not had a child like this yet.

I've lost 5 lbs, since my 2 week post partum weigh-in, so that's about a pound a week. I was hoping for 1.5 lbs, but I can't eat any less and keep a healthy milk supply, so there it is. I am ashamed to admit how much I have yet to lose as I had hoped to be very good with weight gain this time around, but no sense belly-aching about that now. Just quit the whining and get to work.

Does anyone else worry about post partum hypothyroidism?

My workouts for the week:
Fri--Low Max
Sat--Push/Pull legs 1x, upper body 2x premix
Sun--stationary bike, 1 hour
Mon--SJP w/u and step, HSCircuit cardio, legs, and core only
Tues--Super Sets upper body blast premix
Wed--Step Fit

Melani--glad your week went so well:7. It's nice that your DH can be with the kids while you work. And thanks for the compliment about my endurance:). Slow and steady, right?

Sunny (Dee Dee, right)--your kids are absolutely adorable! and congrats on losing another 2 lbs and being so close to your goal. I can't steal many of my husband's clothes. I'm 5'4" and he's 6'2"--but I do when I can}( .

Briee--why don't you give yourself permission to have a rest or do a lighter rotation? Sounds like you've burned out and are perhaps overtraining a bit? You won't lose your fitness level, or maybe just a bit, but it will come back. Our bodies need times of rest and refreshment.

Kristi--congrats on the weight loss, despite not getting to workout as much as you'd like. Glad your kiddos are feeling better.

Adrienne--I take a break from teaching in the middle of the afternoon on most days and the kids watch a video in the next room while I workout. Evangeline naps in her swing int the same room as me. On days this does not work, my DH watches them in the evening. Sorry to hear that your weight loss is stuck. Just keep at it. My weight tends to come off slowly and I hit frequent plateaus.

Kristan--I love the name Honor. There is a girl at our church named Comfort and I like that one too. I'd never heard the term virtue names until we had Evangeline. I am sorry to hear of all the illness at your home. Does Gus have RSV? My nephew just had it and had to be on a nebulizer. Running in 12 degree weather? I'm such a wimp. It never gets that cold here in Oregon.

Tara--right now my goal weight is 136 lbs. If I get back there, then I'll worry about losing anymore. I'll bet you look better than you think. Take those naps. Somewhere I heard that adequate sleep plays a role in weight loss.

Julie--I hear ya about the romance. Foreplay--what's that? :p :p But your right, it's just a season and a wonderful season in its way. Someday, I'll have no more diapers to change or carseats to buckle and also no sweet baby breath on my cheek or warm little bodies snuggled against mine . Savor it while we can, right?

Well, I hope I didn't miss anyone. Take care y'all!

since 2 weeks post partum, 5 lbs down and a much larger amount to go!
I had another good week. This past week ended a 5 week rotation I put together. It was emphasised in cardio and weight training for lower body doing an endurance type method with machines and some free weights. Here is my results, and I'm pretty happy:

I lost about 1.5 lbs - which is awesome since that wasn't the goal, I'm now under my prepregnancy weight - which is MORE than a surprise, last time it took me 6 months of working out (10 months post partum) to get to my prepregnancy weight! I lost .5 inch in the upper thighs (thank God!!!), .5" in my natural waist line, and .25" in the hips - I'm now at my previous messurement for hips! I still a little bit to go down in my stomach, and definately don't have my fourpack back :( - put all in due time, and it's something to inspire me to :) Another future goal is to get my endurance and stamina back so I can do longer runs that I was able to achieve in Dec 04 (5 mile runs). And because I kinda neglected my upper body in this rotation due to time, I want to emphasis that soon as well. My biggest accomplishment is being able to fit back into my FAV Banana Republic jeans!!! Their my "good butt" jeans IYKWIM! ;)

This week I did:

Monday-Wednesday: nada

Thursday: lower body weights and eliptical on level 12, abs = 1 hour 15 min

Friday: elliptical, and 150 walking lunges, abs = 1 hour 10 min

Saturday: elliptical, abs = 50 mins

Sunday: lower body weights, abs = 45 min

Due to DH's busy schedule this month we opted to suspend our membership for the month of March. I'm way bummed cause I'm not sure how I'm gonna fit in my workouts now. DH says he'll watch the kids at home for me, but in a 1200 ft apartment it doesn't leave a lot of room for my son to play. I think I'll be running a lot this month to get that alone personal time working out has given me.

So a big move in our home was made this weekend, we moved DD into her crib in DS's room. I needed sleep bad, she moves a lot and I've been waking up 2-3 times a night to nurse, and in sleep limbo from like 5-6:30. (I'm hoping moving her will show me just how much she actually needs to nurse, sometimes I think I've reacted to quickly to nurse her cause she has woken me up - we'll see, 2x's is doable, 3 times sucks!) Needless to say I've been a crank so I"m hoping this works out. So far it seems promising! (PLEASE GOD, let me get off easy with this kiddo, K????!)

So that's me:)
Melanie - it looks like your week went well! I hope your DH keeps treating you well while you transition, cause it can be stressful!

Sunny - so sorry kiddos not been healthy, then nobody sleeps right!, Hope your week is better, and btw LOVE THE PIC!

Maggie - 5lbs is AWESOME! Don't worry about how much you lost, just concentrate on what you are/can accomplish! You're moving in the right direction!!!

Sandra - I had mastitis 4 or 5 times after Miriam was born, ARGH it is NOT NOT FUN!!! Glad you're getting better!
Hello. Thanks for your get well wishes for Gus. He's doing much better. He's had two RSV tests- both negative. He just has the "creepy crud" (for lack of a better word). He's started rolling over and I'm going to start cereal soon (he's almost 18 pounds and hungry). He's also still waking once a night to eat. My experience has been that introducing cereal at dinner time helps my kids sleep longer.

Melanie- about weaning- I'll go until I dry up. Since I am starting food soon, I imagine my production will decrease.

Dana- I know what you mean about return to work. I had myself in a frenzy as well. Everything will work out fine. The anticipation is worse than the actual return to work part.

Julie- our first house was in Lafayette Sq; we really liked it. Our house now is in Soulard. I love the neighborhood 364 days a year- every day except Mardi Gras.

Maggie- virtue names are wonderful. I really like Verity as well. Haven't heard of Comfort- maybe that's an "old fashioned" one?

My week:

MOnday: Step Blast, #1, 2, 3; Body max upper body
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: cardio toolbox kickbox, sport step; keli roberts step (68 minutes total)
Thursday: run/stairs
Friday: long walk, about 4 miles
Saturday: swim 1/2 mile; wanted to go longer but had to stop a bunch of times to tend to screaming 3 year old in swim lessons
Sunday: run 3 1/2 miles; ME lower body

Don't know where I am with weight loss, but my clothes are either falling off or fitting well. Makes me happy enough. have a great week!

Quick hello to everyone... today was my first full day back at work. I liked being back, but I am very tired right now, as Derek woke me up for 1:00 AM and 4:45 AM feedings.
A lot of people gave me the "post-pregnancy once-over" - you know the look, the one to see how much baby fat is gone! :+
I will be working 20 hours per week until the first week in April.

Here were my workouts for last week - the best week I've had since I started working out again:

Sun: Boot Camp
Mon: MIC Hi/Lo, Kick Max Challenge
Tue: Strength Toolbox tubing chapters
Wed: IMax2 intervals 6-10 on an 8 inch step (yay), Quick Fix Stability Ball - Abs
Thu: Kick Max cardio leg sculpt premix
Fri: Rest
Sat: 3 mile run

More comments tomorrow when I am more awake than I am now... thanks very much for the weight loss plateau pep talks. Makes me feel better. :)
Hey ladies!

Hope everyone had a great week! My week went well. We seem to be getting more on a routine. Cole, my 7 week old, is doing great, eating every 3 hours during the day and about 4 hours at night. So, we're getting there. Ready for that full night of sleep!

I made more time to exercise. I started doing working out last Friday, I think. I worked out on Saturday also. I have done KPC and Triceps and Biceps this week. I workout to Cathe off of Fittv. She is great!

Melanie-Thanks so much for the info on your rotation and your eating habits. I too, have started a high protein, low carb eating plan. I plan on upping my workouts and working harder. I am ready to see this weight go bye-bye!! So glad your week went well at work and at home. Glad that the transition has gone smoothly!

Mom2Princes-Yes, chocolate is a weakness. I have worked my chocolate intake down a lot, but I need to stop it altogether. Congrats to losing 2 more pounds! Way to go!

Maggie- Yes, I try to get sleep, but lately with my 2 year old, it has been hard. I agree with you. I am overwhelmed by the weight I have to lose, but I need to just grit my teeth and get after it and stop whining about it. We will reach our goals! Cole is 7 weeks and he is 13 pounds! My weight has stopped where it is for while. I plan on increasing my workouts a lot this week. Hopefully, I can lose at least a pound.

Have a great week! Just take one day at a time and one workout at a time. That's what I keep telling myself!
Hi Julie,
Congrats on your weight loss! That's awesome that you are back where you want to be! When was your baby born? I too am ready to fit into some sexy jeans! I am just ready to feel pretty and sexy again! My DH and I have a paid one night stay at a hotel close to where we live. My goal is to lose this weight, and buy something sexy to where that night. I can't wait. Ready to be 115 again!

Great job!


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