Post partum check-in March 18th


Hi awesome Moms! Hope everyone's doing well. We had a small check in last week, so everyone must be busy Spring Cleaning!!! (except me ;) )

I had a busy, but great week. DH hasn't ceased to amaze me with his awesome parenting skills. I certainly makes me love for him boil over. ;) I'm so lucky. :)

This week my boss is out of town, so I'm picking up some extra hours. I think I will do some Turbo Jams again next much fun!

Jadon had his 4month check up yesterday. He's 13lbs 3 oz now, 25th percentile for height, weight, OFC...pretty proprotionate!! And did I mention he's soooooooooooo cute?!?!? He has the deepest dimples & the most precious smile, I just melt when he smiles at me.
I"m One Touch Painting his room right now. Cattails, alligators, frogs, dragonflies, and ponds. It's so much fun!

Enough chit chat!
S: off
M: off
T: Mindy Mylrea's Extreme Intervals (55min)
W: Hardcore Extreme #1 (65min)
R: HSC Timesaver (55min)
F: Mindy Mylrea's Action Packed Step (40min)
S: Hardcore Extreme #2 (65 min)

Have a great week!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi! I'm just popping in quick to say hello to everyone. I've been AWOL from here for a few weeks; I just seem to run out of time! I've been following the November '05 rotation, and am starting the fourth week. It's been a really fun rotation; great variety.

Kate's going to be 6 months old in one week (on the 25th), and I can't believe it!! Where did the last half a year go?! She's such a doll, though. I feel sooo fortunate to have her; she brings added joy to my every day. Makes me kinda want to go for No.3, but I doubt we'll actually do that.

You are all doing great workouts, as usual. I know so many people who let other things in life take priority over their health, and it's to their detriment. Keep up the good work; your children will thank you for it in the future, when you're still around, and are a healthy, active grandparent to their children.

Hello my fellow fit mamas...:)

I am happy to say i dropped a lb and a half. I am so close to my goal. I am following the March '06 rotation. It's a great rotation for building strength and muscle which is what i am focusing on. I am loving this rotation!

Melanie- you are doing great, continuing your workouts while working ft. you certainly are blessed to have a stay at home hubby. i know it helps alot to know your children are safe and loved while you are away.

Sandra- Jaden will be 7 mths on the 21st and i just can't believe it. i too wonder where did the time go. seems like we were just all anxiously awaiting our bundles of joy:)

Hello to all that follow this post. Keep up the good work ladies!!
Hello. This week was light. Unfortunately, my dog Bear died on Friday. It happened very quickly. He was a little 'off' on Thursday. I took him to the vet on Friday and he was diagnosed with IMHA, an autoimmune attack of the red blood cells. The vet gave him a shot of steroids that helped briefly, but then he got worse and worse.

He died Friday night at home. He was very special to us- our first living thing to care for. Bear joyfully welcomed the arrival of each of our three children (if only by eating dirty diapers). He was a stray rescue dog who'd had a very rough life as a puppy. We'll miss him dearly. The kids don't really understand that he's gone; our other dog wanders the house looking for him. Here's a picture of him:

So, my week:

Monday: Rythymic step, 15 minutes of the Method arm toning
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: 40 minutes of Keli Roberts bootcamp from 10 minute solution
Thursday: nothing
Friday: walk about 1.5 miles
Saturday: gym for 42 minutes
Sunday: IMAX 3

Sorry to be so gloomy! He was older (8) and a big dog; I just never thought he'd go so quickly.

Hey ladies! This past week was our Spring Break, so I didn't get too much working out in. I did work out about three times though. I basically walked/jogged on my treadmill and did some ab work. I have decided to really work hard this week! It's time to get serious!

Cole is getting so big. He is 10 weeks and 15lbs! So, carrying him around is giving me good arm muscles! He is a cutie.

Have a great week!


33lbs. lost, 11 more to go and then 10 more
Kristan, I was lurking here and just wanted to say I am so sorry of your loss. Losing a pet is losing a family member.
Kristan -

I'm so sorry to hear about Bear...and thinking about your other dog wandering around just made me teary. It's so hard when they are such a part of the family. {{Hugs}}

Good afternoon ladies!

This past week went well with exercising, but no weight loss to report. I’ve noticed that since I have upped my workouts I’m not losing any weight. My guess is my body needs a few extra calories each day to compensate for the exercising. Hopefully next week will be better.

Sunday – Ran 4 miles
Monday – 30 min. of ab work
Tuesday – Ran 3 miles
Wednesday – 30 min. weight lifting
Thursday – Rest
Friday – Imax 3 Premix – Intervals 1-5
Saturday – 1.5 mi. jog/walk with dog and trying out new baby jogger.

I’m very pleased with my new baby jogger. However, even for such a short distance my shoulders were killing me. It is probably a combination of using a jogger again and the additional weight pushing 2 kids. I will need to work on strengthening my shoulders.

DD has another ear infection. When I took her in for her 6 month shots about 1 ½ weeks ago the doctor found it and prescribed some medicine. On Sunday I had to take her back in because her ears were still bothering her. It is hard to believe that at only 6 months she has already had 4 ear infections. When they put her on the scale she is now weighing a whopping 19 lbs 2 oz. and starting to wear 12 month clothes. She is almost 2 pounds heavier than DS was at this age.

Melanie – Your DH sounds like a true sweetheart. Maybe he needs to work some magic on my husband. LOL

Sandra – I miss seeing you post around here. Try to post when you can.

SunnyD – You are doing so great with your weight loss. Keep up the great work!! Hopefully I will be reporting the huge amount of weight loss you have achieved sometime in the near future.

Kristan – I’m so sorry to hear about Bear dying. Pets are important members of the family too. Hugs are coming your way!

Tara – Wow, Cole is 15 pounds at 10 weeks! You will have arms of steel in no time. That is if you don’t already. Keep up the good work!

Well, high-ho high-ho, it’s back to work I go. Take care and I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Popping in to say how sorry I am for your loss Kristan. It's difficult to loose a pet and hard for children to understand. (((((hugs)))))

Well my week ended up better - but not what I want it to be:

Two workouts:

Gym Style Legs, Cathe: 1 hour

Kick Punch & Crunch, Cathe 60, 7 min abs: 1 hour 7 min (to be exact )

I'm hoping to get at least two a week the next two weeks, then we are getting our gym membership back (YEAH!!!) It's just to hard to schedule all my workouts at home right now - all in time.

Hope everyone else is doing good.

Kristan I'm very sorry about your dog - it's never easy to lose a pet

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