new baby, introducing myself


Hi everyone, I'm Courtney. I have two boys ages 4 and 5 and just had my third, a baby girl. She was born on January 14, so I'm almost three weeks postpartum...and itching to workout! I had a natural birth and I'm feeling good so I've been thinking about starting to work out again. I'm a die hard Cathe fan, have just about every one of her workouts. It's going to be tough taking it easy when I haven't been able to do any of the I-max's for soooooo long, LOL. And I can't wait for her new ones to come out, especially butts and guts.

Anyway, nice to meet everyone. I'll be joining the check in once I start working out again. Any recommendations on good Cathe workouts to start back with? Also, do you wear a regular or nursing sports bra?

Courtney, congrats! Join in the postpartum check in. I used 2 regular sports bras when nursing #1. I would start off with either lowmax, basic step/body fusion or her wedding tape but any tape can be modified to how you feel.
Hi Courtney! I second Shopaholic's motion to start out with those particular workouts. I have to wear two regular sports bras, otherwise it's highly uncomfortable. Nursing sports bras might be good if you are doing a low impact workout and only need one bra for support. I am almost 6 weeks postpartum after a C-section and I too am very eager to start working out again.
Congrats! Can't wait for you two to join us at postpartum checkins!!!

28lbs lost 5lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Welcome, Courtney--my little girl was born the 10th of January--so we're close postpartum-wise.

and hi Adrienne--I wondered where you were!

Come join the post partum check-ins even if you aren't working out yet. I see no reason for to wait for that. Just let us know how you're doing anyway.

Courtney- Welcome. I wear 2 regular sports bras. You didn't ask, but I'd say start walking and doing easy stuff as soon as you feel you are able. I have reverse of your kids: 2 older girls (5 and 3), one baby boy. Join us postpartum when you can. We keep each other motivated (well, I am not sure I motivate anyone, but the others certainly motivate me). Kristan
That's strange. I posted a reply last night but it didn't show up.
Anyway, thanks for the welcomes! Wearing two sports bras is a good idea. The only problem will be when I have to stop halfway through a workout to nurse:) That happened quite a bit with my last baby. The swing only works for a limited amount of time, LOL.

Thanks for the workout recommendations too. Basic step/body fusion is a good one. I can't wait for some tougher workouts though, I was getting sick of taking it easy during pregnancy.

Maggie, congrats on you baby! It's nice to meet another mom who's at the same stage. You already started working out, right?

Coutney, I used to start and stop postpartum workouts to nurse and change dd but always finished the workout. I just lifted both sportsbras up and it worked. I started with walking, the first few weeks but dd was a sept. baby. I also did postpartum tapes. At about 3 weeks, I started back on my pregnancy workouts and after 6 week check up resumed my high impact.
It does take a little extra motivation to keep going after all the interruptions. Your heart rate comes down and you get all cooled off. I have a checkup with my midwife in a week, and I'll be four weeks PP. I can't wait to be able to do high impact again!

Courtney--I see you posted on the post partum thread--welcome.

yes, I started working out at 2 weeks, 3 days post partum. I had no pelvic/abdominal/groin pain and my bleeding had stopped, so I figured I might as well. I am itching for high impact as well, but I have to ease back into it. My body is prone to injuryx(, which is a major bummer
Hi Courtney,

Welcome to the group! I just joined too, my third baby was born in January 5th. So, I am almost 5 wks pp. Congrats on your new baby!

Maggie, that's great that you were able to start working out so soon! My bleeding hasn't stopped yet so I should probably take it easy. I did start working out at 2 weeks PP with my last baby even though I was still bleeding a little. That was when I first started working out consistently and have kept it up ever since. So, how have your workouts been going so far?

Tara, congrats to you too! That's great that there is a few of us with babies the same age, and quite a few with three or more kids. I'm one of the only ones in my area with three kids.


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