Post partum check-in Feb 19th


Hey ladies! I hope everyone had a great & healthy week! My family is doing marvelous! Thanks to everyone for your prayers & positive thoughts as I entered back into the workforce. This week will be I'll be clocking in close to 40hrs.

Breastfeeding is going well, as is pumping, and bottle feedings. Jadon's cold is just about gone (although it didn't leave before it was passed onto Dad). Dad is doing great as a stay-at-home Daddy. He never ceases to amaze me!

My weight has dropped a little below goal, and my diet is much looser now. I have a treat at least daily, but continue to stay away from Mountain Dew, bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes for the most part. Next week my goal is to get through CTX Express Series. I have 'saved' them for this week, so they'll seem fresh.

S: SJP Step & Weight premix (61 min)
M: Kickmax cardio conditioning (36 min)
T: Action Packed (40 min) + Kickbox leg drills (20 min)
W: Core Max (20 min) + TJ Cardio Mix 2 (20 min) + Kickbox bootcamp challenge (25min)
R: Step Blast (55 min) + Ab Hits (10 min)
F: REST!!!!
S: Imax Xtreme

~Maggie, workouts look great. I hope all your colds are gone!

~Adrienne, my Csection incision was sore for a while, especially while twisting. I really had to be careful & definitely did not do ab work until week 6-7. It's still a little numb, but doen't ache anymore. :) Too bad about the part-time not working out. Good luck trying to get more $$! Oh, I grew up in Kenosha Wisconsin. My DH is from Rhinelander area. I now live in Minnesota.

~Kristan, THREE colds already? Wow! I feel very fortunate that we've only had one. Are you nursing Gus? Are you TTC number 4 now?!!@?

~Sunny, FOUR pounds is huge news! I'm so happy for you! Yahoo!!! I"m doing a victory dance for you girlfriend!!! Yippie!!

~Sandra, great workout week. I'm following Phase 3 of southbeach diet. If you've read their material at all, you know that it's a "way of life". So, I will continue to monitor my weight(or how my clothes fit) and have 'cleaner' eating as needed. I hope to just plain eat healthier now. I can't really pinpoint why I didn't like Muscle just wasn't for my cardiojunkie soul. ;)

~Gracenote, I'm sure this week went better with you...since your new furnace is in & you don't have to worry about a sweaty furnace man watching you workout. ;) Thanks for your prayers & means a lot to me. DH DID get my flowers for VDay. I was so surprised & excited (I even cried). ;)

~Julie, we celebrated our 14th Anniversary yesterday...just days away from yours! My SIL actually got married Friday...on OUR anniversary date!!!!

~Tara, are you thinking of number 4?...or is 3 a good number?

~Briee, nice to see you checking in. I noticed you didn't comment about my yearning for a "tone" look opposed to a "muscular" look. I hope I didn't offend you. BTW, what days are your workout classes, in case I want to stop by? ;) Does Cathe know that you are doing "public" viewing of her workouts? Is that even legal? ;) ;)

~Shopaholic, you are progressing so quickly in your pg. You'll be here before you know it!!! What are your girl names?

~Kriti, I'd take a cold any day over vomiting/diarrhea. I actually tell myself that when we have colds. "Thank God I'm not vomiting & have diarrhea". Yuk! I hope DS is feeling better. 12 weeks isn't very long, is it? 8 weeks are paid, 4 weeks are accumulated vacation time. I now won't have any vacation days until July 1st!!


33lbs lost, back to my "original weight"

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi everyone,

I had a good workout week, until Friday. I started feeling very drained on Thursday evening, and by Friday morning was convinced I was coming down with something. That "something" turned out to be mastitis (or maybe just a plugged duct? Not sure how to tell the difference). I developed a high fever on Friday, and had so many aches and pains I thought a truck had driven over me. My left breast was quite tender and red, where the blockage was, and I had to wake up every two hours on Friday night to pump. Thankfully everything has resolved itself by this morning, and I'm doing fine again. I'm going to do a workout today, (my usual rest day) because I need to move. I'm feeling very irritable and mildly depressed. I was surprised to develop this problem when the baby is almost 5 months old, and feeds quite well all the time. I have a feeling that one of my workout bras, that I'd worn last Wednesday, is too tight, and the pressure might not be good for the "girls." Anyhow, enough belly-aching about me. Here was my week:

MON PS Back; SJP step & hi/lo premix; SB Challenge; CoreMax3
WEDS PS Chest, Shoulders, Legs & abs
THURS PS Triceps; Step Jam
FRI rest
SAT rest
SUN Christi Taylor's "Still Steppin'"

Melanie - I'm so glad your transition back to work is going so well. Is DH going to be a permanent stay-at-home dad, or will he be going to work at some point down the road? And when do you do your workouts now? Yup, I realize SouthBeach is supposed to be a lifestyle, but I think many people like to use diets like that just to lose weight, then go back to eating the way they used to. I think it's great that you've found a healthy way of eating that you can stick to.

Briee - that's an awesome job doing Power Hour biceps with a 25lb barbell! You strong!...

Gracenote - I think that is so endearing that you and DH still slow dance in the living room. I'd take that over a night out on the town any day. The GS workouts are terrific; you'll really like them when you do them. Before starting all this heavy weight work I did 3 of Cathe's fat-loss rotations. One of them was her HardCore rotation; it was great!

Tara - it is definitely harder to movtivate yourself to workout when you're sleep deprived. You'll get back into it eventually, I'm sure. Cole must be quite popular with his two older sisters :)

Julie - belated happy anniversary! DH and I had our 11th anniversary last July, and I'm still mystified about where the decade went. It does seem to just zoom by.

Kristi - my goodness, your poor baby has been through a lot lately. How is she feeling now? Between that and your working schedule, I'm not surprised that you don't have much time for working out. You're doing great, despite all of that! 2.5 pounds lost is terrific!! I've been eating so poorly lately that I'm scared to step on the scale. My thesis is about Canadian government workplace restructuring and it's impacts on the public sector unions that represent the workers in those organizations. It's a sociology/industrial relations thesis. My thesis is coming along like sap from a maple tree. I've been working away on it part-time for more years than I want to think about. I'm sick to death of it, and hope to finish it this year. Thank you for your interest :)

Have a great week everyone!!
Hi all!!

Had a good workout week but not too much weight loss. only a half of a pound. darn PMS..i just couldn't stop eating and resisting those stinking girl scout cookies dh brought home. thank goodness i did not gain anything.

Mel- glad to see going back to work wasn't so hard. you are lucky that your dh is there to watch your babies and you don't have to leave them with a stranger.

Kristi- how is your dd doing? better i hope.

gracenote- you and your husband sound so cute!

my workouts were:
sunday-muscle endurance
monday-50 min treadmill
tues-push n pull/30 min elliptical
wed-turbo jam cardio party 1
thurs-ctx upperbody/10,10 & 10
fri-leaner legs

let's keep up the good work ladies. we are true inspirations to our beautiful children!!
Hi everyone!
I have never heard the Evangeline song that many of you referred to. Maybe I will someday. My 2nd child is named Rhiannon, which is a song also (Fleetwood Mac)

Well, the cold is gone, but everyone got the vomiting thing this week, actually 4 of us have had it and I am expecting it to cycle through the rest soonx( x( x( . I agree, Mel--I'd rather have colds any old day than vomiting and diahrrea--I puked my guts out Wednesday night. My rest day was Thursday,so I was feeling better when I worked out on Friday.

Miss Evangeline is a pretty fussy baby, but she likes her swing and she loves to come in the bath tub with me. She also loves my 11 yo son to rock her (which he loves as well), which is nice, but then he does not get anything done (which is fine with him, but not so fine with me).

My weight is coming off slowly, but steadily, which is my normal pattern. I can't remember which thread it was but there was some discussion of women not losing weight after babies because they figured they could not. I can sort of understand this thinking, because when one has large amounts of weight to lose and it comes off slowly, it would just be easy to give up and be fat. But I cannot do this. I'll just keep plugging away until I reach my former size (and hopefully tighter and smaller) even if it takes a long time. No sense in giving up is there?

anyway, my workout week:
Fri: Low Max
Sat: Push/Pull--legs 1x and upper body 2x (premix)
Sun: 1 hr stationary bike
Mon: SJP w/u and step portion+High Step Circuit (cardio and leg stuff only)
Tues:Super Sets upper body blast premix
Wed: Power Max

I felt really good this week, increased weights and intensity, but I'm not going all out yet, because I don't want to injure myself--going to increase gradually.

Melanie--I'm glad to hear that your week went well and that everyone is adjusting.

Sandra--your little family is so sweet. I peeked at your picture trail. Mastitis sucks. I've had it several times before.

Sunny--half a pound is still half a pound closer to your goal. Keep going! You are getting there!

Adrienne--I'm amazed that you are attempting to run already, but hey, if you can do it more power to ya! But don't injure yourself:)

Kristan--I had to smile when you shared that your daughter has learned to make herself throw up. I hate being nauseaus so much that I'll make myself puke, just to feel better sooner. Too much information? Probably:+

Gracenote--with 6 children Valentine's Day is hardly romantic here either, but we always prepare a special dinner and include the kiddos. They help "decorate", if you use the term loosely. This year we had caesar salad and bread, individual beef wellingtons with little green beans, Martinelli's sparkling cider, and a 6 layer chocolate cake from Martha Stewart Living. It was hardly low cal, but very tasty.

Tara--I hope you get more sleep. Being sleep deprived is stressful.

Julie--Happy Anniversery! Time does indeed fly. My husband and I have been a couple for 16 years and married for almost 13. I can't imagine life without him.

Kristi--I sympathize with the vomiting thing, since we are going thru that now, but congrats on the 2.5 lb loss:7

I hope I did not miss anyone. If I did, sorry. There are rather a lot of us, yes? But that's good--keeps us inspired.

take care all
Wow Maggie...I should have come to your house for valentines day....sounds like an expensive restaurant. Vday is pretty low key at our home...I did get homemade cards from the kids and they are always special.:7 :7

Melanie, I'm not easily should know that. BUT I did have to breathe through the "nicely toned" thing. I'm okay now!! :p :p

I had the worst workout week of my entire life. I don't know what happened I TOOK ALMOST 8 DAYS OFF. Not including my workout with the ladies on Tuesday night - I did do that. Have any of you EVER gone through this. Not normal for me. And because I felt sooooo yucky today....I went to the basement and did the following. All my favorite intense Cathe intervals (one hour long) plus 1/2 of Step Blast. GS Chest and Triceps, Ab JAM, TJ 20 minute workout, and cardio party one......I'm already sore. I actually made it through the entire pushup section in GS C&T on my toes with no breaks. I was SO INCREDIBLY MAD AT MYSELF that I worked out all evening to make up for it. What a slump I've been in. All sympathy will be appreciated..;-) ;-) ;-) . Especially tomorrow when I'm limping around and hardly breathing from all the pushups, flies etc. after a long LAZY break!!!

Sandra...I've had literally hundreds of boughts with Mastitis and there is nothing worse in my opinion. NOTHING. You just want to die...I remember I couldn't have the covers of the blanket on my bed move over my chest because it hurt so bad and I would shake from the fever etc....My heart goes out to you and I'm glad your feeling better!!

Kristan..praying for your kids!! I have a puker too, today he threw up on the way to church and on the way home and he throws up regularly through the day too. But..this too shall pass...and he is just so darling that ya can't help but adore him.

Forgot to add...Sandra your pictures are SO cute!

Melanie....Cathe said she doesn't mind me doing her workouts with groups of women as long as I point out that Bicep Veins are very cool and anything to the contrary shall not be tolerated }( }( , and the disclaimer reads that she is not responsible if you die trying to get one (that part was clearly added for my benefit I'm sure). Come join in...but I may sentence you to extra pushups if you mention anything contraversial.

I hope you guys don't mind me posting on your ppd thread. I'm not fitting anywhere else right now and I LIKE YOU GUYS. I just have trouble remembering all the names!! You have quite a group now!! I will always be ppd!!! (unless I'm not of course);-) ;-)

Good afternoon ladies! This week was not good where exercise is concerned. However, my eating has been going pretty well. I did lose another 1.5 pounds. I’m hoping that this week will be much better and I’ll be able to fit in exercising this week. On the bright side, both of my kiddos are finally feeling well. Annamarie is now teething really badly, but I’ll take that over these past 3 weeks of sickness off and on. Her appetite is back. I can’t get over how much she is consuming. She eats 3 (size 2) jars of baby food followed by a 6 oz bottle during the day and then 3 6 oz bottles at night, spaced about 3 hours apart, her choice not mine. I’ve tried just giving her the pacifier and thinking maybe that is all she needs, but she is very hungry at night too. If I didn’t know better I would think she has a tapeworm, but she is a pleasantly plump little girl.

Mel – I’m glad Jadon is feeling better and that your first week back went well. It is discouraging when you don’t get positive feedback from the people you work with on your hardwork losing the baby weight. (BTW, Great job!!!) My work is the same way. The only person who gets the “Wow, you look great. How much weight have you lost?” is my office manager because she has lost 50 pounds. She is doing great on Weight Watchers. However, I think the people I work with must think it is easier to lose weight if you don’t have 60 – 100 pounds to lose. Of course only 2 ladies here have had babies, the others are not ready to “do that to their bodies yet”. BTW, Great job on your workouts this week.

Sandra – Great workouts! Sorry to hear about your mastitis. Ouch! I’m glad it has cleared up. Thanks for your words of encouragement! It is really hard trying to do it all. Right now my main focus is being able to fit into my regular clothes by the end of March. At this point it is doable if I stay on track. However, my workouts need to be more consistent, but that will come as DD gets a little older. Patience is hard to come by since I want instant results, but I’ll take what I can get. I hope you get your wish of finishing your thesis this year. I’m sure you can do it. You are one determined lady and you can do anything you put your mind to.

SunnyD – Glad to hear you had a great workout week. The weight loss will be greater next week. You are doing great! The closer to your goal the harder it is to lose. You are so close, don’t get discouraged now.

Maggie – Sorry to hear the family is sick. Vomitting is no fun to deal with, or to have for that matter. I hope everyone starts to feel better soon. The baby weight will come off. I wish it would do so a little bit faster too. Just think before long this will be a distant memory and we will have the bodies we are dreaming of. Great workouts!

Briee – You are always welcome here! I love reading your posts. It is okay to go through exercise slumps. The important part is that you come out of them. Right now I feel in a slump because my workouts are very limited in number and length, but I know it will change eventually. Hopefully once spring gets here and the sun is out longer so I can take the kids for a run in the jogging stroller.

Have a great week!

Best wishes, are doing great with your weightloss. IT IS THE HARDEST TO LOSE THOSE LAST POUNDS. Way harder than the first 60 lbs. You should be proud of your hard work. I get irritated because people think I am "just thin (not fat at least)", but they don't see all the work I put in to stay my size. It doesn't just happen!!!!

Mel....all that low carbing and insane exercise has paid off!!! You're amazing too. NOT ONLY did I have a lazy two weeks or so, I ATE EVERYTHING in the world it seemed. I have this layer of fat that comes from eating donuts (yes they were whole wheat and made with a little honey, no sugar) BUT that's still high carb and I get a layer of chub IMMEDIATELY from eating this way. I'm back to good habits today (so far) after my marathon work out yesterday. You guys just had a baby and infrequent workouts are a MUST after recovering from birth. You shouldn't feel guilty for taking breaks and not only that, you have a little one that needs you constantly. I HAVE NO EXCUSE other than a complete loathing to do anything. Let me tell ya...I put on a tank top and shorts to "go workout" about 6 times last week and I just couldn't go downstairs and begin. I distracted myself with other things that had to be done. It was really weird..I couldn't get motivated to do it....argh......I hate that. I think I'm okay now..just needed to get started again. AND I realize how much I need you to keep me accountable...I NEED this site!!! Without you all...I think I'd lose it at times like this!!! Thanks to everyone!!

Briee (I think the bicep vein that I was beginning to get may have even shrunk- ha ha)
Here's what I managed last week:

Mon: 3.5 mile run
Tue: 3.4 mile walk w/baby in Baby Bjorn - much tougher on me than I thought it would be!
Wed: Muscle Max Upper Body
Thu: Muscle Max Lower Body - ran out of time before baby woke up for his next feeding
Fri: SJP Step, Step Blast section 3, Muscle Max abs

I will add more to this when I get back from the pediatrician. My son gets his two-month shots today.
I thought I posted last night but my post never showed up, so forgive me if I am a double poster!

About Audrey, my voluntary puker- she wasn't sick-- she just thought it would be funny to puke. But I still have a sick dog (Bear, with a bladder infection; I did get a urine sample from him) and baby (Gus, upper respitory infection, on a nebulizer, but doing well, RSV negative). Otherwise, Gus is doing great at 3 1/2 months- weighs 16.5 pounds and is the happiest, most talkative baby.

Melanie- yes, still nursing. I nursed the first two until they were 8 or 9 months, although I definitely started drying up around 6 months. Is your van in yet?

Julie- did you go anywhere good for your anniversary? I haven't been to anywhere "new" lately. We tend to keep going to the same places over and over again-- Wasabi for sushi, Mangia for Italian, Steak 'n' Shake for burgers (I love that place). We did go to the Soda Fountain Sq. in Lafayette Square with the kids- we were pleased with it.

Adrienne- I liked the cardio toolbox, but it took me a few times to get the choreography. Walking with a baby in a Bjorn is hard work- it's like a human weight vest.

Deedee- your kids are handsome. Your weight loss is impressive.

Maggie- there's another Evangeline song I thought of, by the COcteau Twins. Speaking of cool virtue names, I really like the name Honor for a girl. See? I am already naming future babies...

Brie- you're welcome to stay here. Most other boards are annoying. Not this one though.

GraceNote- How's that new furnace? The humidifier part sounds nice.

Sandra- that thesis sounds intense. I watched Canada women's hockey yesterday- glad they won. Are you in edmonton or Calgary?

Here was my week:

MOnday: PowerMax, SJP step, 40 minutes from "Awesome Strngeth"
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: Cardio + Weights
Thursday: 35 minute treadmill run
Friday: IMAX 2 blast mania, BodyMax circuits (was sweating and cursing)
Saturday: CTX Kickbox, 10 minutes yoga, then ate and drank like a pig at a school fundraiser that night. Our table did win "best food".
Sunday: 3.5 mile run, was only 12 degrees (that may seem balmy to you northerners, but it was cold)

I am a little sore and burned out, so I am slowing down this week and hopefully doing some yoga, swimming, walking, etc. My left knee and rt iliotibial band are acting up, both signs that I need to slow down.

Kristan- great workouts!
when you say DeeDee are you referring to me? if so, it's the first time someone on here referred to me by my name, LOL. thanks for the compliment!
Hi Everyone!

Hope you all are doing well. I have been trying harder this week to workout and eat better. That chocolate that I got for Valentine's day, is my enemy! So hard for me to resist! Anyway, I am now down to 136 and I have lost a total of 30lbs. I have lots more to go though. I have been eating more "clean". Trying to eat vegetables/fruits, chicken/fish, and staying away from bread, white food items, and cokes. My downfall has just been the chocolate!

This is what I have done this week:
S-20 minutes on Treadmill, Core Max
M-20 minutes kickboxing
T-20 minutes kickboxing and Cathe's leg and glutes workout

I plan on working out the rest of the week and taking Sunday off.

Melanie: So glad to hear that your transition to work has gone smoothly and that things are going well. Congrats on losing your weight! What an inspiration. How did you do it? I still have 21 pounds to lose to get to my desired weight and 13 to go to get to prepregancy weight. Did you eat strictly each day and not treat yourself? How many weeks has it been since you had your baby? I do not plan having anymore kids. We are done. Three is enough for me. I have two girls and one boy now, so I feel that my family is complete.

Maggie: Yes, I am ready for more sleep! I am about to go take my nap while the kids are down! Both my 2 year old and 6 week old and down at the same time! I have to take advantage of this! The house can wait!:) I feel like you when it comes to the weight. I still have 21 pounds to lose to get to my desired weight. Each day, I have to remind myself that it can be done. The weight is coming off slower than it did with my other two children. At times I can be overwhelmed, but I am going to push through and work hard. I will get to 115 again! We all can do it!

Have a great week everyone!

Cole 1/5/06
Morgan 12/2/03
Madison 6/2/98
The time to edit my original post expired, so here's my add-on:

I am VERY frustrated at my own lack of weight loss right now. I dropped 20 lbs right after giving birth. I have 20 more to go, but I have been stuck for the past three weeks. I've even gone back up a couple of pounds. :( I am tracking what I am eating, and I know I'm not chowing down a refrigerator's worth of food each day! Also, I am working out as much as time will allow, so I don't understand why my body won't cooperate.
Next Monday, I will be returning to work for 20 hours per week until the first week in April. Then, I have to go back to 40 hours per week. I am going to be a very squeaky wheel about dropping to 32 hours starting in September (when my company's fiscal year '07 begins.)
In the meantime, I have to get Derek on a feeding schedule. So far we've been doing it by demand. For those of you with infants in daycare, how did you get them on a schedule compatible with work and daycare schedules?

Melanie: Congrats again on your weight loss! Please keep us posted on how your return to full time work is going.

Sandra: I hope you are feeling better now.

Tara: I know what you mean about catching nap time whenever you can, and to heck with everything else. I only have my DS right now, I can't imagine what it's going to be like when we have child #2.

Maggie and Briee: How do you manage your time between working out and taking care of your children? Do your older children help out with the younger ones?

Kristan: The choreography Cardio Toolbox is still troublesome for me. The only workout of Mindy's that I can complete without tripping over my own feet or the step is Slammin' Sports Cardio. You ran 3.5 miles in 12 degrees? Yikes! had quite the intense workout week. I tend to do this in cycles and usually need to follow up with a lighter week. Hope your legs feel better soon. Oh....I was mentioned that other exercise board are irritating. What did you mean? I am wondering because I've only read the Cathe forum so I'm not familiar with others. I know this is a great forum, but was wondering about your opinion on others and what the difference was. I ONCE checked the Beachbody forum, but it felt like a different world to me.

Regarding working out and caring for children. YES the older ones help a LOT. My 15 year old son is a GREAT baby sitter. Life changes when you have older kids - as long as they have been trained well and enjoy being home. We have purposely not gotten involved in TONS of outside activities and now our family LOVES to be home together. Homeschooling fosters this whole attitude. Of course all of this matters very little if I can't "get my tush down to the basement because I don't FEEL like working out". I'm through with my "phase" is a new day!!!

Adrienne – I had to go back to work 8 weeks postpartum with DD. (DD is now 5 ½ months). I’ve been working 40 hours ever since I returned. As far as establishing a routine, I let DD set it. After a couple of weeks at daycare it was set into place. Our days are almost completely the same from day to day so it made it easier for DD to set her own. It may fluctuate a little, especially since DD has been sick so much in the past 2-3 months and is sick again. A typical day for us goes like this.

6:30 – wake up and get myself ready for work
7:00 – wake up DD & DS and get them ready (DS & DD both eat at daycare)
7:15 – get my lunch and DD’s diaper bag ready
7:30 – leave house and drop kiddos off at daycare, upon arriving at daycare about 7:40 DD will play for about 10 – 15 minutes
8:00 – begin my work day, DD generally eats a jar of baby food and takes a 6 oz bottle around this time, afterwards she takes a short nap. About 11:30 she gets another jar of baby food and takes another 6 oz bottle. She normally takes her second nap around 12:30 or 1. At around 3:30 or 4 she takes her third bottle.
5:00 – I get off work and go pick kids up
5:45 – arrive home and start making dinner, generally DD wants a jar of baby food while I am making dinner
6:15 - eat dinner
6:30 – clean up dishes, wash bottles and prepare new bottles for the next day and for that night
7:00 – DD is ready for her last bottle before bedtime
7:30 or 8:00 – DD goes to bed and DS goes to bed at 8.

We are so predictable, but that is what kids need to set them on a schedule. DD still gets up every 3-4 hours to eat. I wish I knew what it is like to sleep through the night. Now, I can pretty much set a clock for when DD will be getting up to eat. Good luck! I’m sure you will do great. If anything I think it is more challenging trying to fit in exercise. Right now I can only fit in about 30-35 minutes during my work lunch hour, but hopefully when DD does start to sleep through the night I can workout at night like I have always done.

Best wishes,
Kristi - Thanks so much for describing your schedule with DD and DS! Are you pumping breastmilk for DD's bottles, or are you giving her formula? How old was DD when you introduced the baby food? Also, do you work from home or is your office near your home and daycare?

OK, enough questions for now. ;-)
I've not been able to breastfeed either one of my children due to time constraints and my work not having a place for me to pump. I've resorted to formula for the convenience factor. DD was 4 months when her pediatrician told me to start food, however the same doctor had me start food with DS at about 3 1/2 months. I wish I could work from home. Instead I work 10 minutes from my home and daycare. I'm lucky to live so close to both. That is how I get in my 30-35 minutes of exercise during lunch by going home.
Hi Ladies! Hope you all are having a good day. I just had to write and say that I did work out today and Tuesday. I did Kick, Punch, and Crunch, today. Love that workout! Feel so empowering! My 2 year old DD tried to do it with me. It was so cute. I hope that this weight starts to fall off faster now that I am starting to exercise! Spring will be here soon!

Cole 1/5/06
Morgan 12/2/03
Madison 6/2/98

30lbs lost/13 more to pre-pregnancy/8 more to desired weight
For a schedule, I would just look to see any 'themes' Derek has for his day and go with that. Your daycare should follow whatever routine he has. I'm sure he has some kind of schedule you can work with. The hardest thing is getting Gus nursed before I leave for work. I generally try to follow a schedule of "eat, play, sleep" with him with hopes his naps will start getting longer.

I pump at work whenever Gus would be nursing (10 AM, 1 PM, 4PM). I then dump the milk into bottles (or into a freezer bag if I'm not working the next day). I either drop the bottles off when I pick up Gus, or freeze them if my next day is a non-working one. I keep my pump in my office and wash the parts with soapy water each day. I bring home the "pieces" at the end of the week and run them through the dishwasher over the weekend.

I am working 2 days a week now; I'll go back to 3 days a week in April.

The biggest challenge for me is "packing" the night before. I try to have everything ready for all three kids: lunches, backpacks, coats, mittens, my gym clothes, bottles, etc. I've even put lunches and bottles in my car the night before if the weather is cold enough! And, I put Gus in his "clothes" for bed. For isntance, if he's wearing a shirt the next day, I'll let him wear that with jammie pants and just change out his pants in the morning.

Good luck. You can do it.

I find most every other board annoying, especially the "mommy" ones -very combative and generally disrespectful of one another. Therefore, I only post at a few, this being one of them. Kristan

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