Postpartum Check in March 4th


Hi ladies! Boy, our group is growing. Isn't that wonderful? I have to update my notes, so I can keep everyone straight!

Work is going well, and DH still amazes me as he's able to fully take care of the kids & the home. I'm so blessed!

We got our new Sienna minivan yesterday. Yahoo!!! I really like it a lot. It's a limited edition and has all the bells & whistles. I've always bought 'practical' vehicles bare to the this is completely new to us. It'll take us a while to figure everything out...but so far the babies fit perfectly in it & Jory was able to have 2 friends come over after pinewood derby races today to play (normally we couldn't fit more kids in our car)

Jadon's growing. He laughed yesterday when I was blowing raspberries on his belly. He found is hands this week too. I've proped him up in an exersaucer & he likes the new view. ;)

I broke down & purchased Turbo Jam's newest DVDs. I really like them. They'll be a nice addition to my others. I feel like I need some new ones, and it might be a while b4 Cathe's up and going again. ;( I've pre-orderd some Mindy Mylrea DVDs that should come out this month too. :) Yeah!!

S: Cardio Party 1 (40 min)
M: off
T: KPC (60 min)
W: Janis Saffell's Kick it (65)
R: Kick it conditioning (30) + PLB Stability ball (15)
F: TJ Cario Re mix (30) + TJ Abs (20)
S: Imax 3 (55) + TJ Live Abs (8)

~Cathesnob. AKA Sunny. ;) I think we are all Cathe snobs. :) That's too bad you didn't like CJ2. I like it quite a bit. Did you get the Live ones with your package? 126lbs? That's great. I don't think I'll ever be that small again.

~Maggie. You're doing great. 6 kids, bfing, working out, and everything else you do. You know how much I admire you, so I will refrain from going on and one... I'm so excited to monitor your progress w/your wt loss. Your little one is getting big!! I think Jadon is about 13lbs or so.

~JulieL. How are those Banana Republic jeans looking? I just got a pair of white Levi capris and they make my butt look I'm totally loving them (I can totally relate to the "good butt jean" comment). It sounds like you're doing well with inch loss. Good job!

~Kristan. Does your milk supply always cease with addition of solids? :( Enjoy that little one while you can. Did you see my note above?!?!? LOVE THE SINENA!!!

~Tara. How's the clean eating going? I'm not nearly as clean as I was---I"m in phase 3 which is maintenance phase, which means I should be able to add everything & just monitor for weight gain. I have no weight gain, but I do have flab gain in my abs. I"m going to have to watch my carb intake for this reason alone. I don't want my weight to go down though...just a healthy balance.

~Adrienn. How did you manage such a great workout week with going back to work? Simply amazing. Good job!

Baby Jadon's up & crying. I hope I didn't miss anyone. Have a great week! I sure appreciate all of you & our weekly posts. THANK YOU!!

33lbs lost...back to 'original' weight!

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hey all - I'll catch up with last week when I get time. It's been another crazy week, but I'm hoping someone here can help with any of the following:

-Reflux (discomfort, gas, crying) and spitting up. G.G. spits up a lot, and I don't have enough milk to feed her twice every feeding! :-( I've had to supplement with some formula (which really bums me out) to make up for some of the 're-feeding'... I've tried sitting her up for an hour after eating, gas drops, different feeding positions, extended burping sessions and sleeping in the car seat (her, not me :) - although, if someone told me it would give us 6 solid hours of silence, I'd try it!) The dr. said to put rice in her milk, but I don't want to start any cereal until at least 4 months due to family allergy history. <sigh> I'm pretty sure we'll just have to ride it out, but I am so tired and stressed about not having enough breastmilk. I think she's gaining weight, so it's not desperate, just frustrating.

- G.G. has a very odd 'diaper' schedule - she has a b.m. about every 4 days...or longer... My others went MANY times per day, so this is really freaking me out. I've been told it's normal, but she didn't used to be this way - it just started at about 8 weeks. When she goes, she is very uncomfortable, crying, arching her back, etc and then it's...well, my friend's mother calls it a 'crib-filler' :) . It's not constipation, that's for sure! I've tried massaging her, frequent 'temperature checks' (always worked at the dr's office for the other two! :) ) and more frequent feedings. Could this be related to the reflux? Should I 'do' anything about it, and if so, what?

- Need to increase my milk supply - I've started the fengreek and tea, but it's not working as well this time. Not sure if it's lack of sleep, stress, or what, but if anyone has any other tips, please let me know. I pump at work - aiming for 3x's, but with our workload, it's been mostly once a day - and bf mornings and nights. Is it better to pump or bf? I think I get more milk with the pump, but don't know if that will stimulate more production as much as nursing does...anyone have any info?

Sorry for the downer of a post - I did get three workouts in this week, but can't remember what they were! :) DD#2 has influenza (the 'real' kind - despite getting a shot!!) DH has been traveling, and I have to take a certification exam at the end of the month - feeling a little stretched right now. Thanks for any help with any of the above, and even if you don't have any tips, thanks for listening!
Hi Ladies:

Oh I have major DOMS today. I am doing a Slow and Heavy 4 day split now and yesterday was leg/kick boxing day. (I am doing legs and glutes in place of SH legs) and I am soooo sore. I can't kick box while pregnant because of back issues, so I have not done this workout since last June or so--I'm dying here--but I love it}( :p }( .

Evangeline is growing also and a friend of mine who is quite well off gave me all her girl clothes out of the blue. We are having so much fun! It's like playing with a doll and doll clothes for the girls and I.

My weight continues to move slowly, but it's moving and I lost some inches last month. My husband says I look the best post partum this time than I ever have before, despite being so heavy. He says I look firm (whatever:p ). I can't tell anyway, so I guess I'll take his word for it.

Okay, my workouts for last week (finished up my SS/PP rotation):
Fri:Low Max, first half on 8 inches and then went down
Sat: Push Pull--premix that does the total body 2x
Sun: Stationary bike 45 min
Mon: SJP w/u and step+HSCircuit cardio, legs, and core only
Tues: Super Sets--upper body blast premix
Wed: Step Works

Melani--Enjoy your new minivan. We had to buy a 15 passenger, but we are loving it. It is so spacious. Actually we could have done with a 12, but the Lord threw this one in our direction and so, anyway, now we have a huge grey box on wheels

Dee Dee (Sunny)--126 lbs is a distant dream, but good for you!! Enjoy your hard work. Go shopping or something.

Julie--congrats on your progress, too. I'm still wearing maternity jeans, but I look forward to the days when good butt jeans will become a reality.

Kristan--praise God that Gus's RSV tests were negative. There is an outbreak of RSV where I live and a lot of little ones are having to be hospitalized. Very scary.

Adrienne--your workouts look great. You should be busting that plateau any time now, I'm thinking.

Tara--just keep at it and it will come off. I try to focus on just 5 lbs at a time, then it does not seem so overwhelming. I'm buying a new stability ball to reward reaching my first mini goal. When I read 10 lbs, I'm going to splurge and buy CTX+ Circuit Max+ Cardio Kicks on DVD.

I'm thinking I missed a few (Kristi, Gracenote, etc...) but I open another window and go by the last time everyone posted on the last thread to keep track, if that maked sense--but anyway, I'm hoping you are all doing well.

5 lbs down, 30 to go
Hi Gracenote! We missed you last week. It sounds like Gillian has been taking much of your she should!!! My last two kids have both had GERD (reflux). Jadon doesn't have it as badly as Justin did. There are medications that can help. Zantac is usually tried first. It's twice a day & tastes just awful. If that doesn't work, a proton pump inhibitor (such as Prilosec) works wonders. You may want to ask your dr about it. You could always give her a little Maalox (1 ml) two to four times a day to help (and it might help if she's contipated too).

As far as the nursing goes, do you pump before you go to work? or after Gilian goes to sleep? Extra pumpings will help to build your milk supply up. At first, you won't notice any milk when you pump...but after a couple of days you'll notice your milk coming in stronger during the "extra" pump feedings. Your milk supply is demand only...and you have to demand more if you want more!! It's definitely better to nurse your baby than a machine, but us working mommies have to do what we can do with what we have, right?!?!?

<hugs> <hugs> cyberhugs coming your way!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi to all our fitmamas in catheland,

Well this week i've lost another lb. In addition i lost an inch everywhere and another 1% bodyfat, wooooohoooooo!!! I know these last 5 lbs are gonna wanna take their time coming off so i've decided to switch from weightloss mode to building strength. starting tomorrow i am going to do cathe's march rotation. Hopefully it will help to build muscle while lowering my bodyfat. My eating hasn't been that clean this week because my bday is tomorrow and i've been celebrating since thurs. seems like everyone wants to take me out to dinner :) I know my fellow fitness friends will understand this- dh asked me what i wanted and i told him new step, heart rate monitor & new training gloves. He couldn't believe i didn't ask for jewelry :p

My workouts this week:
tues-tj cardio party 1
wed-musclemax upper body
thurs- leaner legs /ctx kickbox
friday-60 min treadmill/abs
sat-50- min elliptical

Melanie- sounds like a wonderful minivan. i know it is really nice to have all that extra room. I did not get the live tj's with my package i did get cp 2 and lower body sculpt. which i have yet to try. i just ordered gs series back/biceps and triceps and chest & imax 3 for the march rotation.

Maggie- loosing inches is great!! Oh how i love/hate Doms

Gracenote- Jaden has/had reflux. he has been off his medication for a week now with no symptoms so hopefully he outgrew it. He started out on zantac didn't work for him so we went to prevacid which helped him tremendously. he still spit up alot but it was without the pain, so less crying. we have the fisher price aquarium swing so that was his bed for awhile. so that he was elevated at all times. we also had to elevate his bassinet when we finally put him in it to sleep. he is now 6 mos. and we just put him in his own room to sleep because he's doing so much better. he used to wake up at night with spit up coming out of his nose. it was very scary. definitley talk to your dr. about medication. i started out bfing but he wanted to feed so much due to the reflux it became very hard. so we did switch to formula, i also was very reluctant to mix cereal in his bottles but i will tell you it also helped him to keep the food down and therefore lessened his reflux. hang in there, it will definitely get better. ((((hugs))))

hello to everyone else i may have missed:)
Gracenote, I forgot to add that Jadon poops every 3rd day. On the 3rd day, he usually poops all if he's holding it in until the 3rd day. This is my first baby to do this, as my others were more consistent poopers. Jadon's poops are the typically watery yellow bf poops, so I know he's not constipated...just the way he was made. ;)

Maggie, 15 passanger sounds HUGE?!?!? WOW!! That's awesome!

Sunny, I usually ask for exercise specific gifts for holiays too, totally relate. BTW, great job on wt loss. 5lbs is like nothing, icing on the cake. I"m sure you already look great in your clothes!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Gus is doing much better; knock on wood. He has his 4 mo. appt on Friday.

Gracenote- I hope things get better for you; they will.

Melanie- our van doesn't have AWD or the DVD stuff, but has about everything else. I LOVE it; glad you like yours. What color? I have the dark grey (as close to black as I could get).

Maggie- the last time I was in a 15 passenger van was during a law school bar crawl. Those things are huge!

Sunny- 126! Wow! That is so great. The last time I was that thin was LONG ago, and I had to run 7 miles a day to keep that going. Congratulations.

My week:

Mon: nothing
Tues: interval step from CTX, cardio toolbox interval, CTX upper body split
Wed: CTX all step, step from 10-10-10, abs
Thursday: run after work
Friday: walk 3.5 miles, 20 minutes yoga
Saturday: SWIM 1 mile! in 38 minutes
Sunday MIC step, 20 minutes lower toning from Brand New Butt

I bought the Rythymic Step DVD. Looking forward to trying that.

Hey ladies!! Sounds like you all have a pretty good week. I did some working out, but not as much as I would have liked. Did some more KPC and ab work. That's pretty much it. I worked out about 3 times. I have been so lazy! I did lose one pound though. I usually weigh early in the morning once I get up.

I do have good news! Cole slept all night last night! He slept from 9:00-5:00. I could hardly believe it. I am hoping that it is the beginning of many nights of sleep. It felt so good to get that much sleep. I missed it! My boobs hurt pretty bad though and I was ready for Cole to eat!

Melanie-Congrats on your new minivan! Sounds nice! So happy that Jadon is laughing and growing! I can't wait for Cole to laugh. He has started to smile and I just love it. The clean eating is going good. I have had some treats this past weekend. I usually let myself have some on Saturdays. But, so far so good. I did lose a pound. So, it must be working.

GraceNote-My baby spits up also. He spits up after every feeding. It was a lot worse when he was a month old. It seems to be getting better now that he is two months. I have to sit him up in his car seat or swing for 30 minutes after he eats. That seems to help. I also burp him about 4 times during a feeding. The doctor had given me Zantac. I used that on Cole, but he stopped fussing and spitting up so much, so I quit giving the medicine to him. What is hard for me is when I put Cole down at night and he fusses some and then spits up! I have to change his sheet and it gets all in his face. I will be ready for this phase to pass. I also do not eat much dairy or gassy foods. It may be helping. Even with the spitting up, Cole gained 3 pounds this past month!

Maggie-I love kickboxing! I do it alot. I will take your advice and focus on losing five pounds at a time. I did lose a pound this week. So, I was happy about that. I will have to think of a reward for myself when I lose 10 pounds also. It's not so overwhelming to think of it in 5 pound increments rather than 20! Good luck this week!

Sunnydelite-Congrats on your weight loss! Happy Birthday too! You have a right to celebrate!

Kristan-Wow, you had a good week. I need to get my butt in gear!

Have a great week ladies!

Cole 1/5/06
Morgan 12/2/03
Madison 6/298
Well it's a quick and short check in here. My DH is back on call this month, so last week I didn't get in any workouts in. I'm still trying to figure out how to fit them in. Hopefully I'll get in a couple this week.

Miriam is doing GREAT in her crib. She is going down about 8:00 every night. She is having sleep periods anywhere from 4-6 hours at a time! I'm waking up 1-2 times a night to feed her, MUCH MUCH better than 3 or more! I'm starting to feel a little more refreshed but I think it'll take a few weeks of good sleep for me to feel really back on my toes.

Here's to a great week :)

Oh and the jeans ARE looking great! :) I"m already scouting out capris for this spring. I'm making myself wait till April to buy any though to see if I can get just a smidge more fat off!

Great job everyone!
Hello Ladies!

Sorry I’ve been MIA. On Tuesday last week, I was going to check-in right after lunch. However, I didn’t get a chance. During lunch I found out my favorite uncle & the one that raised my 3 brothers after my father’s death, had died. I packed DS, DD, & our dog and left to go to Indiana. DH was in Iowa for work. Ever since then I have been running around like a mad woman trying to get caught up at work and at home with housework. I didn’t get any workouts in last week due to being out of town. However I did get great news when I went back to work. My new 2-seater baby jogger was right there waiting for me. I can’t wait for the weather to turn warmer to try it out. This weekend looks promising with warmer temperatures.

On a bright note I have lost 1.5 pounds this past week even though my eating was not that great with being out of town. It will probably catch up with me this week though. On Sunday I took my 2 month measurements and I am happy with my progress. These past 4 weeks I have lost 9 pounds and 6.5 inches. These next couple of months will probably be the slowest with weight & inch loss though.

I think DH is ready to finally lose some weight. He wants to follow the zigzag method I’ve been using. There is a catch though. He wants me to plan and pack his breakfasts, lunches, snacks, & dinners. Of course I want to help, but I barely have time to pack my stuff & plan ahead. It would be so much easier if he would eat the same stuff as me, but he doesn’t want what I want. He is definitely on the lazy side, which is partially my fault because I’m the kind of person who likes to do things for myself without asking for help. I guess that is coming back to bite me in the butt.
Maggie – 15 passenger van? I’ve been wondering if one of those is in our future. They look pretty roomy, and everyone could have a window seat!

Melanie – thanks for the tips. I’ll have to figure out when to add some pumping sessions. I pump in the mornings after I’ve nursed G. and also before bed, plus once at work and once as soon as we get home if G’s sleeping or had a bottle within the hour at daycare. I need to try for one more session at work, I think. Hopefully, that will get me a little bit more… Funny how my happiness is measured in ounces these days! :) And also, thanks for the reassurance on the ‘regularity’ issue. It really weirds me out, but I guess you’re right – it’s just the way they’re made…

Sunny – happy belated birthday!! (And I love your gift list) We got that aquarium swing a few weeks ago in a desperate shopping trip – DH sent me with a blank check and said to get anything that looked like it would help. :) It’s so cool – I wish it came in adult sizes – I’d really love to watch that water globe thingy with the lights in it!! G. likes it sometimes. We’ve tried the carseat, too, and that helps other times. Some nights, it’s all about the stability ball – I sit and hold her on my shoulder and bounce gently. Kind of relaxing…to bad I can’t bounce and sleep at the same time

Kristan – hope the 4 mo appt goes well – it’s amazing how fast the time is going by. Great workouts, too!

Tara – Cole sounds like he’s doing really well, even with the spitting up! Do you do anything special to keep up a good milk supply? G’s always looking to eat after she spits up and I’m running low…and getting sore. I was hoping to get to 6 months, but am starting to doubt we’ll make it. I am eating mostly breakfast cereal with no milk, having eliminated a lot of possible trouble-foods, but it’s not helping. Not sure if that’s affecting the milk, though. Kind of a catch-22… Congrats on the pound loss – it’s just a little at a time and before you know it, you’re where you want to be - keep up the good work!

Julie – glad you’re getting some sleep – that makes ALL the difference in the world. Hope you can find a good plan for workouts – it can be so frustrating with dual schedules and trying to fit it all in.

Kristi – what a stressful week! Hope you are doing okay as things settle back to normal. Sounds like a great weight loss, too. Good luck with DH – we should start a check in for ‘wives dragging their DH’s into fitness’ That could be a full time occupation!!! Mine is in desperate need of doing the same thing but hasn’t been motivated to do it, yet. Maybe when the weather warms up.

We had a round of flu here – DD#2, then #1, now I have a sinus-cold thing and DH is back to the specialist to have a colon check after two months of pain. (He’s never really recovered from whatever was wrong the day G. was born) Didn’t get any workouts in yet this week. I’m not feeling too bad, but DH can’t handle the kids with their post-flu crankiness and his own pain, so I can’t leave them to get a workout in after work. Maybe this weekend… Can’t wait for Spring to get here – anyone have any flowers popping out yet? Our dogwood is starting to bud and I think I see some signs of the early bulb plants. Wahoo! Sunshine is on it’s way! :)

Have a good rest of the week, all - happy workouts all around!
melanie - which mindy workouts did you order? did you get them in yet? if so how do you like them? i am looking for new videos to order.
Hi DeeDee. I ordered her Abs, bootcamp, and one other one. I forget the name of it. I haven't received them yet, they're due to be released by end of the month. You can find more info at ;)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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