Post partum check-in Feb 11th


Hi ladies. This week went way to quick for me. I offically have 3 days left until I go back to work. :( On a positive note, I am so fortunate to have had 12 weeks of PAID maternity leave to spend with Jadon and my family. Please pray for us this Tuesday (Valentine's Day) as I go back to work.

Baby Jadon has his 1st cold. :( I just feel awful & want to cry every time I hear hin cough. We've been so careful to keep him from germs, but what can you do when your school aged kids bring the crud home to share?

I'm now 0.5lb from my ultimate weight goal! This was my lowest wt b/w pregnancies. I'm pretty excited. I went shopping at a factory outlet mall with a girlfriend & I got myself some new work clothes to celebrate! I even fit into some 4's & 6's...which is exciting. I also got some OshKosh clothes...all matching for my 2 littlest boys. I think they'll look adorable in them. EVERYTHING was 70% off. :)

S: TJ Cardio Mix2 (40min)
M: Mindy's Action Packed Step + Interval Express Step (90 min)
T: Low Max (70min) + I want those abs! (12 min)
W: TaeBo Extreme (40 min)
R: Muscle Max (57 min)
F: Imax 3 (60min)
S: SB/SJP wts & step circuit (61min)

I did not like Muscle Max at all. I probably won't do that one again. My workouts will be seriously brought DOWN to another level when I go back to work (goal of 5 workouts/week). My endurance level is awesome, as Imax3 didn't really phase me much, even on an 8 inch plateform!!

~Courtney. Welcome! Enjoy your little peanut (and the others as much as possible). I just love my baby bjorn!!

~Sandra. I haven't posted on daily check-ins. It's a nice idea, but by the time I finally get over there, there are about 30 posts already for the day!! was nice to see you there too!! You must be doing the one body part/day rotation? Looks great!

~Kristan. Turbojams are from the late-night infomercials. You can get more info at ...lots of fun, but nothing is as challenging as Cathe! I'm envious of your runs, we have icy roads here in Minnesota. It probably won't be until April when I can go running again. Great workouts! EVERYDAY? How do you find the time with work? I'm beginning to think about baby #4 too!

~Maggie. Whew girl! You never cease to amaze me! Your an inspiration to us all! Keep up the good work & remember to listen to your body and not push too hard.

~Sunny. How do you measure your body fat? I'm sure your clothes are fitting better...don't forget to use that as a measure of your success too. AND CLEAN EATING. Urgh. Don't you just hate those three words?!?!? ;)

~Tara. 17 lbs to lose at 5 weeks ppd was about where I was 6wks ago. Are you nursing? I hope your enjoying your precious bundles! What state are you in?

~Julie. I know what you mean about your body. I've slender, but jiggle like never before. I'm not sure how that can be w/all my workouts, but I HAVE to believe it will go away naturally if I continue to eat clean & take care of myself. My "softer" spots are in the middle (aka flat tire), and inner thighs. My butt has always been small and tight, now there's a squishy feel to it. ;)

~Kristi. WOW! Your results are amazing! How rewarding it is, as you deserve it! I hope your DD is feeling better. My oldest DS had lots of ear infections...even had tubes put in.

~Adrienne. Has your Baby Bjorn arrived? I hope you like it. Your workouts look very familiar (as I remember doing my 60 min workouts at 5 minute intervals!!!).

~Briee. That's too funny about that lady, but I"m will quietly say that I prefer the toned look to the bulging muscle look too. ;) I wouldn't say that to you though...only b/c I know how much you want that vein thingie. I am not sure what that even is, but I know it exists b/c you want it. I want you to have it too. I like the way Cathe looks in her older step vids opposed to her current ones. I suppose that's a good thing since I hate to do weight work!! BTW, sesame seed balls turned out good!!

~Gracenote. Thanks for your kind words about my wt loss. I hope I didn't push myself too hard, as I"ve been really tired lately & now with work right around the corner. Only time will tell I guess. ;)

Wow, our workout gang is getting so big! I hope my post isn't too long (and scaring people away). :) Have a great week ladies!

32.5lbs lost 0.5lbs to go

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi there, ladies--

Evangeline has her first cold too and even though we homeschool, we cannot keep the crud out of the house. No one else is sick, so I'm not sure where she picked it up. We make sure that only healthy people hold her. Poor little snuffly thing!

My workout week:
Fri 3--Low Max 1-4, 6" step
Sat 4--Push Pull+BS add on abs
Sun 5--stationary bike 50 min
Mon 6--High Step Circuit--used higher weights
Tues 7--Low Max 1-6, 6" step
Wed 8--Super Sets

I feel really good with my workouts, which is nice because I have a lot of weight to lose. The wierd thing is that my measurements are smaller than the last time I weighed this weight, so I guess I put on some muscle or something. I will gradually up the intensity as my body allows. I thought PP and SS were fairly easy, so I am going up on my weights and will try some of the premixes, perhaps. My next rotation will be Slow and Heavy--I can't weight.

Melanie--congrats on being only .5 lbs away from your goal weight. I've got waaayyyy more than that. I hope your transition back to work goes smoothly--I'll be praying for you.

Sunnydelight--I'd say the body fat % loss is more important than poundage, so good going. But what is it about those scale numbers that can have such an impact on our entire mood:p x( :p ?

Julie--store lighting should be banned!

Tara--I'm almost at 5 wks pp too. Time flies!

Kristi--I love Low Max. I love IMAX 3 too, but I'm not ready to do it again yet.

Adrienne--I hate our snugli too. It kills my upper backx(.

Courtney--I'm glad you have a mellow one:). Evangeline is kind of a fussy baby and her cold is not helping.

Gracenote--any updates on whether you will move or not?

Well, take care all--

I'm so sorry to hear about you guys with sick little ones. I have the hardest time with sick little ones as well, especially the "cough" and the stuffy little noses. I'll be prayin for them and for Melanie as you go back to work, I know that must be so very hard.

Maggie... we still catch things too...usually from church. It's always toughest for large families as it seems to hang around for a few weeks so as to get through the WHOLE family. It's nice when we ALL get it at once so we are done with it sooner. ;) snuggli hurt my back too!!

Hope all the rest of you are have a great week!!
I'm so sorry to hear about you guys with sick little ones. I have the hardest time with sick little ones as well, especially the "cough" and the stuffy little noses. I'll be prayin for them and for Melanie as you go back to work, I know that must be so very hard.

Maggie... we still catch things too...usually from church. It's always toughest for large families as it seems to hang around for a few weeks so as to get through the WHOLE family. It's nice when we ALL get it at once so we are done with it sooner. ;) snuggli hurt my back too!!

Hope all the rest of you are have a great week!!


Sorry for the double post....can't figure out what happened.
My Baby Bjorn Active showed up this past week. It is MUCH more user-friendly and comfortable than the Snugli. There's a picture on the box that shows how it can be used while nursing, but I'm not that coordinated! :+

I just found out that my managers won't allow me to return to work part time; I have to stay full time. Thankfully I have the option to work from home when necessary. I can't watch the baby WHILE working from home, so I will have to try to convince them to pay me an extra $70 per week to cover the cost for the extra day of daycare that we will need. ::sigh::

I can still feel a little bit of soreness from my C-section incision when I run or do high impact step, so I am going to keep it to 30 minutes for one more week, and then I'll build from there.

My workouts for this past week were:

Sun: Rest

Mon: Second attempt at Mindy Mylrea's Cardio Toolbox: Sporty Step & Kickbox sections, Kick Max leg conditioning.

Tue: Push/Pull.
I went to my OB for my six week post delivery appointment. I received a clean bill of health and I don't have to go back there for another year. :D

Wed: Stationary bike - 35 minutes

Thu: Walk at the mall w/Derek in his stroller, then High Step Challenge 51 minute premix

Fri: Rest

Sat: IMax2 intervals 1-5, Core Max Workout #2 (stability ball)

--Melanie: Congratulations on your weight loss accomplishment! Best of luck with returning to work. I hope Jadon feels better soon. I bow in reverence to your endurance level, as (pre-pregnancy) I could barely manage IMax 3 with a 6 inch step. Even the floor intervals killed me, especially the Bon Jovi one (Interval #3 or #4). However, I could do IMax 1 and 2 with an 8 inch step. It remains to be seen if I can get back to that level any time soon.

--Maggie: I hope Evangeline feels better soon. Whenever I read her name, I think of the song "Evangeline" by Matthew Sweet. Have you heard of that song?

--Briee: I see from your profile that you live in Wisconsin. I live outside of Chicago.

--Gracenote: Has Pittsburgh been absolutely crazed this past week? Hopefully your week was less hectic.

I look forward to reading everyone else's posts. Have a great week!
Wow Adriene, where are you from? I grew up in Mt. Prospect, graduated from Wheaton College and lived in Wheaton for many years and then moved out to Hinckley (to be in the country) and then out to Prophetstown (WAY OUT in the country) and have been in WI for 6 years now. We only go back to Chicago when we have to!!;) ;) . We LOVE Wisconsin now, lots of hilly terrain (which are like mountains to us), beautiful scenery. Come visit!!

Adrienne- me too! I sing that Matthew Sweet song every time I read the name Evangeline. Lovely name, lovely song.
My week-

Sunday: pilates, 30 minutes
Monday: long step: Step Heat and Low Intensity Step, LIS toning
Tuesday: run, stair intervals
Wednesday: Janis Saffell brand new butt step, pilates, toning (still have the same butt)
Thursday: nothing- was tied up in court ALL DAY LONG
Friday: short step: body max step, interval step, 20 minutes yoga (for me, Body Max step has always ranked up there as one of the hardest step videos)
Saturday: gym

My husband is back from New York (he was there for 10 days). If any of you are into fashion/podcasts, he did the edit/design of the Karl Lagerfeld podcast on itunes. He's mentally exhausted, but the rest of us are a wreck.

Gus (3mos) has a cold too- probably his 3rd this season. It's so hard to listen to them cough. Kay (5 yrs) is having a rough week. She's NEVER sick, and so far this week has missed a day of Montessori and was howling today with what is probably an ear infection. She fell out of her bed and has a black eye and swollen cheek. Audrey (3 yrs) learned to make herself puke by sticking her hand down her throat (she laughed) and also rode the laundry basket down our stairs which have a 14 foot vertical height (she laughed again).

Melanie- I only work two days a week. I leave my office and run around downtown/the Arch grounds, so I have no excuse not to exercise on working days. I am lucky my boss is a big runner and doesn't care when I return to the office all sweaty. I also live only a couple of miles from work/daycare/grade school, so our commute is very easy.

Maggie- thanks for your words on 4 kids. I'm so baby crazy that I'm already thinking of names, room configurations, schooling options, etc.

have a good week

Briee: I am originally from New Jersey. I moved to Naperville eight years ago, for a network administrator job. Since then, I've lived in Wheaton (just over the town border from the College of DuPage) and Bartlett. One of my coworkers has a house in Viola, WI and she's mentioned how beautiful it is in that area. I've been to Milwaukee once and to Alpine Valley once, so I have seen how pretty the southern part of the state is.
Hi ladies, (we are growing!!)

My week:
Sunday- Muscle Endurance/30 min cardio
Monday-Treadmill 60 min
Tues- Turbosculpt
Wed-CTX kickbox (twice)
Thurs- Muscle Endurance/30 min elliptical
Friday-45 min treadmill/seg 3 coremax
Sat- was supposed to workout but we went shopping all day instead:p

Well ladies I DID IT, i busted out of the plateau and lost 4 lbs this week..wooooohooooooo!!!

Melanie-will i ever stop saying congratulations to you:) you are doing fabolous!! you are right clean eating definitely was the answer. i use the tanita scale for weight and bodyfat %. it may not be 100% correct but at least it lets me know if i am going in the right direction. sorry to hear jadon has a cold...i hope he gets better quickly. it is so awful when our little ones aren't feeling well. you just wish you could give them a mommy kiss and make it all better.

Gracenote-you are so right about the scale. why does the scale have such an effect on women...hmmm. i am very happy about the bf dropping.

jogger7474- i too am originally from nj. i am from central nj. what part are you from? we now live in winston-salem, nc and i have to say i am enjoying the winters much better now, LOL

Both Elijah and Jaden are doing wonderful.

Keep up the good work ladies. We can and will all attain our goals!!

I had a good week. I made it through the GymStyles for the first time, and I really like them. The legs workout left me sore for days, and I like the new exercises she's thrown in.

MON GS Chest; Rhythmic Step; CoreMax #2
TUES GS Triceps; IMAX2
WEDS GS Back, Shoulders, Legs
THURS GS Biceps; Low Max
FRI used the TimeSaver dvd to create a workout that alternates the Step Blast combos with KPC's intensity drills. Finished with KPC abs and stretch.
SAT HardCore Extreme: Interval Circuit
SUN Rest

Melanie - I can soooo relate to having a baby with a cold. Kate has had two colds already, and both came from Big Sister bringing the germs home from school. I hope Jadon feels better soon! I'll be thinking about you on Tuesday. That's not going to be easy. Awesome job on the weight loss! Are you still following SouthBeach? What didn't you like about MuscleMax? The Daily Check-in can be a busy place some days. It's usually the only email that I have time to write in a day.

Kristan - I have those same nightmares about realizing the day before the final exam that I had forgotten to attend a class all term! It's a dreadful feeling. The other dream I have semi-regularly is of getting on an elevator and having it go out of control. I'm impressed with your workout last Saturday of IMAX3 Blast Mania, BC lower body and abs. Wow! Based on what you wrote this week, the kids are quite a handful (especially Audrey!). I'm sorry Kay has a black eye and swollen cheek :(

Maggie - I love the SH series, too. It's my favourite of all of her heavy lifting workouts. It sounds like you're almost ready to give it a whirl again. I hope Evangeline feels better soon. GREAT workouts last week!

Sunnydelite - I agree that we all have a lot to be proud of. Most people won't make the time to exercise even *without* the challenges of new motherhood. And I believe we are stellar role models for our children. GREAT job on the weight loss!!!

Tara - nice to have you join us on the check-in! What's your baby's name, and how many other children do you have?

Julie - you really need to get Slow & Heavy! Sell something on EBay if you have to :) I only did one week of SH, post-partum, so far. I've made my own rotation this month whereby I am alternating the three strength series: SH, GS, PS. So, this is a PS week. I'm seeing a bit more definition in my upper body, but frankly I need to focus more on calorie-reduction so that I can lose the fat that's covering them all up. I see by your Feb 4 check-in week that you really like weight work more than cardio? Do you do any of Cathe's cardios?

Courtney - I have a 5 year old daughter, and the newest one, Kate, is 20 weeks today. She loves the Baby Bjorn (and her Jolly Jumper!).

Kristi - I love LowMax, too! If you are short on time the next time you do it, then do the premix of intervals 4-7. The second half of the workout is the better half, IMO. How's your daughter's ear? I hope she's doing okay? Great work on losing another pound!

Adrienne - I see the doc gave you the greenlight to workout. You were starting off really good last week, and this week you did even better. Keep up the good work!

Briee - I'm soooo envious that you have other people to work out to Cathe with! The people in my life tolerate my workouts, but never seem to feel the urge to pick up a barbell themselves. I'd be happy to look like Cathe in ANY of her workouts!!

Gracenote - thank you for the supportive words about my thesis. Your doing really, really well with your workouts, especially given all the things that you have to juggle. Keep up the good work!

Well, I've got to go shower and dress, then hit the books for the afternoon. Ugh. This thesis crap is never ending :(

Adrienne....very interesting!! Small world. We live about 21 miles north of Viola. There are LOTS of vacation homes out here. Does your Co worker come up here on weekends or vacations? It is a VERY pretty area... we love it. Finding a job was the real challenge as it's country, but we are managing so far. We gave up the white collar, corporate position in Wheaton to raise our family in the fresh air!! Haven't regretted it yet.

Sandra...we get together once a week and I noticed right away that I push harder when I'm with the group. Partially because we don't have enough weights to go around all the time so I always take the heavy ones. I completed Power Hour biceps with a 25# bar last time and I would NEVER have done this at home...NEVER. Makes me wonder what else I could push myself on when I'm working out at home!!! I'm doggin it :7 :7 :7 .'s another vote for S&H. I like to rotate S&H with GS and P90X. I'll have to get my workout log and post. S&H is just good to work in occasionally - I received most of my definition from heavy weight workouts. (ABS too Mel :p :p :p ) sorry too about the children. When it rains it pours, at least she had a sense of humor about it..what a sweetheart.

Shopaholic...just read the prego site....too cute about Alexis. At least she was polite about it :7 :7 :7 . She will be a little mom once she realizes it's a LIVING DOLLY she gets to take care of. Just be careful. Hannah used to want to pick up baby by his head..uh oh!


Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!! Hope you all have something nice planned. Anyone doing anything really special? With the kids, we don't usually go out or anything, but we might have a little wine and slow-dance in the livingroom...yep, that's our 'big night out' these days :) :) Not complaining, mind you!! There were years that we weren't sure we'd be able to HAVE kids, so I sure don't mind. In fact, I'm feeling happy to have met DH in the first place - the dating scene was getting pretty ugly! :) :)

Another frustrating week (lack of w/o’s) but I'm trying not to stress about it. Work's been nuts - I've had to squeeze in some hours from home in the evenings, plus weekends, and DH was on the road again, so there just wasn’t any way anything was happening on Friday.
Sunday - Spent day traveling for MIL's birthday – huge snowstorm but made it home to watch the game :)
Monday – IMAX 3
Wednesday – Power Max
Saturday – treadmill, 40 min

The furnace was installed Friday, too - gotta say, I do like the humidifier – it’s our first and it really seems to make a difference. We needed a new heat pump unit, too…can’t believe how much you can spend on such unexciting purchases! (Not like new workout videos or a new weight set!!)

Melanie – Reading your results is so exciting!!!! You make it look so easy – though I know you’ve worked your butt off (literally!) for the results - Congratulations! I’ll be praying that Tuesday goes as well as possible. It’s so hard to go back to work…I really treasure those first weeks when it’s just you and the baby…they go so fast, though. Do something nice for yourself - or remind DH that something sparkly is ALWAYS appropriate for V-day, especially when it’s such a tough transition day, too… Sorry that Jadon isn’t feeling well, too. This has NOT been a good cold/virus season, that’s for sure!

Maggie - DH’s boss’s boss is coming into town on Wed. and asked DH if they could go to dinner together…sounds like there could be news coming about our move. I’m hoping! Great workouts – upping weights already?! I’m sure the pounds will be falling off in record time!

Adrienne – yes, it’s been NUTS! I went to the parade on Tuesday – I’ve never seen that many HAPPY people on the city streets before! What’s the difference between the Active Bjorn and the regular? I have the regular one and it’s been nice, but they asked to borrow it at daycare for Gillian, so I may need a second one for us at home.

Kristan – Sounds like you have your hands full! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. I’m glad my DH is only gone for a few days at a time – 10 days would put me in an asylum!

Sunny – Congrats on your patience with the plateau – it’s so hard to stay focused when the results aren’t immediate, but you made it!! And only 8.5 pounds to go, too - that ought to be a piece of cake (no pun intended!!) at this point!

Sandra – how much longer on the thesis? Your workouts look wonderful – I’m almost tempted to try some of the GS workouts. DH got me the HC series for Christmas, but I’ve only done the cardio ones so far. I want to lose a few more pounds and get my aerobic endurance back before focusing on weights. My other concern is that if I don’t have a consistent wo plan, I won’t see any results with the muscle work…but you make me want to try ‘em out anyway!

Sorry to those I missed - gotta run to workout while the girls are napping - have a fabulous week, all!!
Happy Valentines Day, one day early :)

Well progress is coming, I've been able to increase my weights for lower body - and that makes me happy:)

Monday: nada

Tuesday: elliptical for 30 min, 12 min jog 1 mile, cool down= 50 min

Wednesday: nada

Thursday: 40 min lower body weights machine and free weights, 75 walking lunges, abs = 55 min

Friday: nada

Saturday: warm up treadmill, 2 mile jog (12 min pr hr), elliptical on resistance 12 for 15 min (WOW- I felt those buns burn }( ) and abs = 1 hour

Sunday: 40 min lower body weights on machines, 150 walking lunges, abs = 1 hour

I did good this week. My abs are felling stronger. I've been doing those side planks that you bend over and touch the hand on the floor - I think they are doing their job as my sides feel like they are pulling in! No time for arms right now, but thats ok cause cardio and legs are my emphasis right now. Also i hope to increase my jog to 10 min pr hr soon, my stride is a little stiff right now, but no hip pain YEAH!!!

eta: Today is DH's & my 7th anniversary - time goes by sooo fast! :7
Melanie - the jiggle WILL get less we're working too hard for it not to, soon that .5 lb will kill off, you've done such an awesome job!

Bree yes I'm dying to get S&H, it's next on my list! I've got 4 months till summer is officially here - gotta work hard!

Maggie - Store lighting SHOULD be banned! BTW good job on your new
workouts! I bet it was fun to add new ones in!

Kristan I hope Kay feels better, Miriam had a rough night with fevers, light cough, lack of appetite, I hope it doesn't get worse, poor baby :(

Sandra - I'm doing the elliptical or jogging for cardio right now. as for Cathes stuff I have LM, KM, BC & KPC for cardio, I like to run when it's warm
Good afternoon ladies!

This week was okay. Like usual, not able to fit in as many workouts as I would like - only 2. Monday I did I Want That Body - Abs, Arms, & Legs (1 segment each) & Tuesday I ran 2 miles on the treadmill.

DD was sick again Wednesday night, vomitting and diarrhea. I had to leave work early on Thursday to take her to the doctor. The great news is her ear infection has went away, but now she has a virus which the doctor could not prescribe anything for. On Friday I had to put in a 10 hour day at work (no lunch) to make up my hours. Then over the weekend DS was very sick and vomitting all day long on Sunday. I'm just glad that it seems that both are finally getting better. I so hope that is true.

Another loss to report this week, I'm down another 2.5 pounds. Not sure how that is possible especially since my workouts are so sporadic, must be the zigzagging of calories coming into play.

Mel – Sorry to hear you have to go back to work. 12 weeks certainly does not feel long enough. My work only gave me 8 weeks with full pay. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending you well wishes on your first day back. I’m sorry to hear Jadon is sick. This winter has been so awful for my kids and their colds too.

Terrific job on the weight loss! You are doing so great. What a great bargain on clothes shopping too. You deserve it for working so hard and having 3 beautiful babies. Pamper yourself whenever you can.

Maggie – Sorry to hear Evangeline has her first cold too. Our poor babies this season! With your determination the weight will disappear in no time. Keep up the good work and listen to your body.

Adrienne – I’m sorry to hear that your work won’t let you work part time. Don’t employers realize we need time to bond with our babies. At least your work will let you work from home. I wish I could. How nice to be able to stay home even if it is periodically.

Kristan – Sorry about Gus being sick and Kay’s possible ear infection. You must be so excited for DH to be back home. It is always hard for me when DH is gone for an extended period of time. My DH will probably have to start traveling again probably next month.

SunnyD - Great job breaking the plateau! 4 Pounds WOW!!. You are my inspiration!

Sandra – Great workouts! How is your thesis coming along? I know you have mentioned it before, but what is your thesis on again? Thanks for the heads up on LoMax intervals 4-7. I’m hoping to be able to it this week.

GraceNote – Sorry to hear about your hectic week. I’m exhausted just reading yours!

Julie L – Congrats on your wedding anniversary. Any big plans, dinner, dancing, movie?

Congratulations ladies on another great working out week. Like Sandra said, we are an inspiration to other women and to our children to make exercise such an important part of our lives.

Best wishes,
Hi Melanie,
Congrats on your weight loss. That is awesome! I have been doing some walking here and there, just been having a hard time getting a workout routine down. Thanks for being encouraging. You have lost all your weight and you were at the same spot that I am right now. I am nursing my baby boy. It's going great, so that is helping with the weight loss. Although, my weight hasn't budged since I last posted. Especially since I ate chocolate on Valentine's Day! I live in Fort Worth, TX. How about you?

I hope that work is going well for you.

Cole 1/5/06
Morgan 12/2/03
Madison 6/2/98
17lbs to lose to reach prepregnancy weight
Hi Sandra,
I have three children, two girls and my newborn baby boy. I am very busy of course. My baby's name is Cole Tristan. He is just so wonderful. I love him so much.

You're doing great on your workouts! I plan on getting serious about working out. I have been so tired lately with not getting much sleep. I am used to that 8 hours! I am only getting about 4 or 5. You all encourage and motivate me to get my butt in gear!

Have a great day!


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